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Last active July 5, 2016 14:42
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Notes for POODR - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

What belongs in a class?

Flexible code as a truth

  • T.R.U.E.
    • Transparent: Consequences of changing the code should be obvious in the code it is changing and in distant code it relies upon
    • Reasonable: The cost of changing the code should be porportional to any benefits one might gain. (Small change == Small gain, big change == big gain)
    • Usable: Existing code should be usable in new and unexpected contexts
    • Exemplary: The code itself should encourage those who change it to perpetuate those qualities

It is useful to think of classes as sentient beings. When writing new methods on a class, perform the mental exercise of asking 'Does this make sense?'.

What messages do not make sense when asked to Handybook classes?

One of these things is not like the other!

  • Hello Mr/Mrs RecurringBooking, what is your frequency?
  • Hello Mr/Mrs Booking, what is your date_start?
  • Hello Mr/Mrs QuotesController, can you infer_email_from_current_user??
  • Hello Mr/Mrs API::V3::BookingsController, can you map_booking_instruction_data?

What Handybook classes can be described in one sentence?

  • CreditAdjuster adjusts the credits a user has.
  • ProPaymentStrategy is a strategy for how to pay a pro for the bookings they perform.
  • ChargeRecurringBookingService is a service class that charges bookings on active cleaning plans and identifies bookings on cleaning plans which need charging.
    • This is an example of a class that does too much

If you need to use and / or, your classes are doing too much!

classes should be designed to fufill a single responsibility.

What is an exemplary class/module/method/pattern in Handybook?

What classes in Handybook break the SRP? How could they be refactored to better adhere to the SRP?

  • Exemplary code as a message to future developers. If we allow classes with poorly designed boundaries in our codebase, it will lead to future developers adding to the mess.

  • It is important to take into account the balance of improve it now vs improve it later. It cannot be ignored that every decision has a price.

Depend on behavior, not data

  • attr_reader, attr_writerand attr_accessor are your friends
    • Difference between instance variables and their getter/setter methods
    • Make code easier to mock/stub for testing
  • Depending on complicated data structures as a recepie for disaster
    • Complicated structures like nested arrays often obscure the data they are holding. Using objects that respond to semantically accurate messages help bring this to the surface.

SRP everywhere

  • Designing methods that have one responsibility.
  • Smaller methods promote DRY code and expose reusable components
  • Avoid the need for comments
    • Pick out commented code blocks and move them to their own method, the method name should document the behavior
    • If documentation is still needed, doc blocks can be added for individual methods.
  • Easily transportable code for easier refactoring
  • Embracing open ended questions instead of an either/or mindset.

Closing Question:

What classes/methods in handybookdemonstrate the SRP well?

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