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Created July 4, 2016 05:53
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Data needed for a Lift chart (aka Gains chart) for a predictive model created using Sklearn and Matplotlib
def calc_lift(x,y,clf,bins=10):
Takes input arrays and trained SkLearn Classifier and returns a Pandas
DataFrame with the average lift generated by the model in each bin
x: Numpy array or Pandas Dataframe with shape = [n_samples, n_features]
y: A 1-d Numpy array or Pandas Series with shape = [n_samples]
IMPORTANT: Code is only configured for binary target variable
of 1 for success and 0 for failure
clf: A trained SkLearn classifier object
bins: Number of equal sized buckets to divide observations across
Default value is 10
#Actual Value of y
y_actual = y
#Predicted Probability that y = 1
y_prob = clf.predict_proba(x)
#Predicted Value of Y
y_pred = clf.predict(x)
data = [y_actual,y_prob[:,1],y_pred]
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(cols,data)))
#Observations where y=1
total_positive_n = df['ACTUAL'].sum()
#Total Observations
total_n = df.index.size
natural_positive_prob = total_positive_n/float(total_n)
#Create Bins where First Bin has Observations with the
#Highest Predicted Probability that y = 1
df['BIN_POSITIVE'] = pd.qcut(df['PROB_POSITIVE'],bins,labels=False)
pos_group_df = df.groupby('BIN_POSITIVE')
#Percentage of Observations in each Bin where y = 1
lift_positive = pos_group_df['ACTUAL'].sum()/pos_group_df['ACTUAL'].count()
lift_index_positive = (lift_positive/natural_positive_prob)*100
#Consolidate Results into Output Dataframe
lift_df = pd.DataFrame({'LIFT_POSITIVE':lift_positive,
return lift_df
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