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Created December 10, 2018 18:57
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OCLint Scripts
rm "compile_commands.json"
rm "xcodebuild.log"
#!/usr/bin/env xcrun --sdk macosx swift
import Foundation
Represents the different modes that this script can run in.
enum Feature {
Will loop through all files one-by-one in the JSON file and output folders
containing a JSON file listing the single file that failed. This will help
you to diagnose which files are causing issues.
case findErrors
Takes 2 JSON files and compares the contents and lets you know what
is added and removed. See `originalOutputFileName`.
case diffJSONs
This is the main feature of the script used for running OCLint.
It will use the exclusions listed in `exclusionsFileName` and remove
any files that match those patterns from the JSON file.
It will also fix any weird issues in the JSON file.
- note: If you want to run OCLint only on modified files, then
specify the project directory as the first argument to the script.
case exclusion
// MARK: - Run Options
// ***** Set this to run the mode you want *****
let runMode: Feature = .exclusion
let DEBUG_ON = false
// MARK: - Constants
let exclusionsFileName = "oclint_exclusions"
let outputFileName = "compile_commands.json"
let originalOutputFileName = "compile_commands_original.json"
let oclintCommandPath = "/usr/local/bin/oclint-json-compilation-database"
// MARK: - Helpers
var currentDirectory: String {
return FileManager.default.currentDirectoryPath
func DEBUG(_ string: String) {
// MARK: - Helpers
Creates a process to run the command at the given path with the given arguments in the specified directory.
- parameter commandAbsolutePath: The absolute path to the command you wish to run
- parameter relativeLaunchPath: If not nil, it will change the current directory within the returned process
to be that of the path specified relative to the current directory. If nil, it will use the default
of the current directory for the process to launch in.
- parameter args: Any arguments you wish to pass to the command that is going to run.
- returns: An initialized instance of `Process` with the specified information that can be run using the `run` function.
func makeProcess(withCommandAbsolutePath commandAbsolutePath: String,
relativeLaunchPath: String?,
args: [String]) -> Process {
let launchURL: URL?
if let launchPath = relativeLaunchPath {
launchURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(currentDirectory)/\(launchPath)")
} else {
launchURL = nil
return makeProcess(
withCommandAbsolutePath: commandAbsolutePath,
absoluteLaunchURL: launchURL,
args: args)
Creates a process to run the command at the given path with the given arguments in the specified directory.
- parameter commandAbsolutePath: The absolute path to the command you wish to run
- parameter absoluteLaunchURL: If not nil, it will change the current directory within the returned process
to be that of the path specified absolute URL. If nil, it will use the default
of the current directory for the process to launch in.
- parameter args: Any arguments you wish to pass to the command that is going to run.
func makeProcess(withCommandAbsolutePath commandAbsolutePath: String,
absoluteLaunchURL: URL?,
args: [String]) -> Process {
let task = Process()
task.arguments = args
task.launchPath = commandAbsolutePath
if let absoluteLaunchURL = absoluteLaunchURL {
task.currentDirectoryURL = absoluteLaunchURL
return task
Runs the specified process synchronously and returns the status code.
- returns: The status code returned after process completion.
func run(_ process: Process) -> Int32 {
return process.terminationStatus
// MARK: - Exclusion Mode
This gives you the directory path without the file.
i.e. /Users/username/Documents/file1.txt will return /Users/username/Documents
- parameter file: The file path you want to get the directory from.
- returns: The directory that the file path is pointing to.
func directory(of file: String) -> String {
let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: file)
// Join all the parts of the path except for the file name
// Then remove the extra / from the beginning of the file URL
return String(fileURL.pathComponents.dropLast().joined(separator: "/").dropFirst())
Reads the exclusions listed in the file `exclusionsFileName` and creates an array
of all the strings listed. This assumes the file is in the format of just
listing each exclusion on a new line. No comments are supported.
Each exclusions should be an NSRegularExpression pattern.
- returns: An array of all the exclusion strings in the file.
func exclusions() -> [String] {
do {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(currentDirectory)/\(exclusionsFileName)")
let fileAsString = try String(contentsOf: url)
return fileAsString.split(separator: "\n").map { String($0) }
} catch {
print("Failed. Ensure you have a file named 'oclint_exclusions' in the current directory")
print("Error: \(error)")
return []
// MARK: Modified Files
This tells whether you should be checking only the modified files or not.
func shouldLintOnlyModifiedFiles() -> Bool {
// The project directory should be the one and
// only argument if you want only modified files
return CommandLine.argc == 2
Gives you an array of every modified file path in the project directory.
func modifiedFiles() -> [String] {
// Get project directory
guard shouldLintOnlyModifiedFiles() else {
fatalError("Need the project directory as first and only argument to run modified files")
let projectDir = CommandLine.arguments[1]
// Create a pipe to get the standard output build the list of modified files
let pipe = Pipe()
// Need to run in the project directory to get the correct list of files
let task = makeProcess(
withCommandAbsolutePath: "/usr/bin/git",
absoluteLaunchURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: projectDir),
args: ["ls-files", "-m"])
task.standardOutput = pipe
let taskStatus = run(task)
guard taskStatus == 0 else {
fatalError("Failed to run the git command to get modified files")
// Get the string output from standard out
let handle = pipe.fileHandleForReading
let data = handle.readDataToEndOfFile()
let taskOutput = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!
return taskOutput.split(separator: "\n").map { String($0) }
Uses the exclusions passed in to exclude any files that match them from the data.
Then, it returns the data with these modifications made. This method will also
fixup any errors in the JSON that would cause problems for OCLint.
- parameter exclusions: The array of exclusion strings to exclude from the given JSON.
- parameter jsonData: The JSON data coming from a `compile_commands.json` file.
- returns: Modified `jsonData` with the exclusions taken out and any random issues fixed.
func excludingFiles(matching exclusions: [String], in jsonData: Any) -> Any {
let modifiedRegexes: [NSRegularExpression]
if shouldLintOnlyModifiedFiles() {
DEBUG("MODIFIED FILES: \n\n\(modifiedFiles())\n\n")
let modified = modifiedFiles()
modifiedRegexes = {
do {
return try NSRegularExpression(pattern: $0)
} catch {
fatalError("Invalid NSRegularExpression for file: \($0)")
} else {
modifiedRegexes = []
guard exclusions.count > 0 else { return jsonData }
guard var modifiedJsonData = jsonData as? [[String: String]] else {
fatalError("JSON is not in expected format")
// Get all matching indexes
var matchingIndexes: [Int] = []
DEBUG("Original entries: \(modifiedJsonData.count)")
var matchingFileNames: String = ""
for (element, index) in zip(modifiedJsonData, modifiedJsonData.indices) {
guard let fileName = element["file"] else {
fatalError("JSON doesn't have 'file' key")
let fileNameRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: fileName.count)
func fixExclusions(for fileName: String) {
let regexes: [NSRegularExpression] = {
do {
return try NSRegularExpression(pattern: $0)
} catch {
fatalError("Invalid NSRegularExpression in oclint_exclusions file: \($0)")
let matches = regexes
.map { $0.numberOfMatches(in: fileName, range: fileNameRange) }
.reduce(0, +)
if matches > 0 {
matchingFileNames += "\n"
matchingFileNames += fileName
// Check if it is a modified file if that mode is on
if shouldLintOnlyModifiedFiles() {
let matches = modifiedRegexes
.map { $0.numberOfMatches(in: fileName, range: fileNameRange) }
.reduce(0, +)
if matches == 0 {
} else {
fixExclusions(for: fileName)
} else {
fixExclusions(for: fileName)
// For some reason, sometimes the directory value is empty, which causes OCLint to
// fail. The directory is essentially just the beginning of the file path.
// Therefore, we just grab the directory up until the path,
// and set that if it's empty.
let directoryValue = element["directory"]
if directoryValue?.isEmpty ?? true {
DEBUG("********\(fileName) has empty directory before modification")
modifiedJsonData[index]["directory"] = directory(of: fileName)
DEBUG("# of matching fileNames: \(matchingIndexes.count)")
DEBUG("matchingIndexes: \(matchingIndexes)")
DEBUG("Matching fileNames: \(matchingFileNames)")
// Remove all of the matching indexes in reversed order so we don't change the indexes.
matchingIndexes.sorted().reversed().forEach { modifiedJsonData.remove(at: $0) }
return modifiedJsonData as Any
Writes JSON to a file. It also will convert any escaped '/' characters to not be escaped.
For some reason Apple's frameworks do this and it messes things up.
- parameter jsonData: The JSON object to be written to file.
- parameter output: The URL to write the file to.
- throws: This can throw from the `NSString.write` method.
func writeToFile(jsonData: Any, at output: URL) throws {
DEBUG("JSON entries: \((jsonData as! [Any]).count)")
let data = try jsonData, options: [.prettyPrinted])
// Convert to string and remove \'s
let jsonString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)! as NSString
let finalString = jsonString.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\/", with: "/")
try finalString.write(to: output, atomically: false, encoding: .utf8)
The main function to run the exclusion flow.
func exclusionMain() {
let jsonFileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(currentDirectory)/\(outputFileName)")
let jsonFile = try! Data(contentsOf: jsonFileURL)
do {
let data = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonFile)
let exclusionStrings = exclusions()
let newJSON = excludingFiles(matching: exclusionStrings, in: data)
do {
try writeToFile(jsonData: newJSON, at: jsonFileURL)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to wite to file. Error: \(error)")
} catch {
fatalError("Deserialization failed with error: \(error)")
// MARK: - Find Errors Mode
Runs through ever file listed in the `jsonData` and runs the `oclint` command on just that file.
If it fails, it will save a directory with a `compile_commands.json` file in it will be created with
that file. If it succeeds, this will automatically delete that directory.
- parameter jsonData: The JSON data from the full `compile_commands.json`.
func checkEachLine(of jsonData: Any) {
// Cast to the array we expect
guard let jsonData = jsonData as? [Any] else {
fatalError("JSON is not in expected format")
var failureCount = 0
for element in jsonData {
// Create working directory
let tempDirectory = "failedFile\(failureCount)"
try! FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: tempDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: false)
// Create JSON for this element
do {
let data = try [element], options: [.prettyPrinted])
// Write JSON to file
let pathToWrite = currentDirectory
try data.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(pathToWrite)/\(tempDirectory)/\(outputFileName)"))
} catch {
print("Failed to serialize & write array of element: \(element) with error: \(error)")
let process = makeProcess(
withCommandAbsolutePath: oclintCommandPath,
relativeLaunchPath: tempDirectory,
args: [])
let status = run(process)
// 0 = success, 5 = lint errors beyond threshold
// Look here for more info:
if status != 0 && status != 5 {
failureCount += 1
} else {
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: tempDirectory)
} catch {
print("Failed to remove directory: \(tempDirectory)")
print("Finished with \(failureCount) errors")
Runs the find errors feature to figure out which files are causing errors in the `oclint` command.
- note: This may not be working correctly because the `run` function may not be working properly.
func findErrorsMain() {
let jsonFileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(currentDirectory)/\(outputFileName)")
let jsonFile = try! Data(contentsOf: jsonFileURL)
do {
let data = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonFile)
checkEachLine(of: data)
} catch {
fatalError("Deserialization failed with error: \(error)")
// MARK: - Diff Mode
#if swift(>=4.2)
A small struct to hold the added and removed set of dictionaries (JSON objects).
struct DiffResponse {
private let added: Set<[String: String]>
private let removed: Set<[String: String]>
init(added: Set<[String: String]>, removed: Set<[String: String]>) {
self.added = added
self.removed = removed
New line separated.
private func fileNames(from collection: Set<[String: String]>) -> String {
return collection.reduce("") { prev, curr in
return prev + curr["file"]! + "\n"
var addedFileNames: String {
return fileNames(from: added)
var removedFileNames: String {
return fileNames(from: removed)
Method that will take 2 JSON arrays and return the diff of them.
- parameter original: The original JSON array to diff against.
- parameter new: The new JSON to diff against the `original`.
- returns: The `DiffResponse` that contains a set of all of the added and removed dictionaries.
func diffJSONs(original: [[String: String]], new: [[String: String]]) -> DiffResponse {
let originalSet = Set<[String: String]>(original)
let newSet = Set<[String: String]>(new)
return DiffResponse(added: newSet.subtracting(originalSet), removed: originalSet.subtracting(newSet))
The main file that executes the diff JSON mode.
func diffJSONMain() {
let jsonFileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(currentDirectory)/\(outputFileName)")
let oldJSONFileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(currentDirectory)/\(originalOutputFileName)")
let jsonFile = try! Data(contentsOf: jsonFileURL)
let oldJSONFile = try! Data(contentsOf: oldJSONFileURL)
do {
guard let newData = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonFile) as? [[String: String]],
let oldData = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: oldJSONFile) as? [[String: String]] else {
fatalError("Files didn't have correct JSON format")
let diffResponse = diffJSONs(original: oldData, new: newData)
print("\n\nAdded: \(diffResponse.addedFileNames)")
print("\n\nRemoved: \(diffResponse.removedFileNames)")
} catch {
fatalError("Deserialization failed with error: \(error)")
switch runMode {
case .findErrors:
case .diffJSONs:
#if swift(>=4.2)
print("Diff JSON requires Swift 4.2 or later")
case .exclusion:
#set -x ## Uncomment this for debug mode
usage() {
echo ""
echo "You must provide the --buildDir parameter. The rest are optional."
echo ""
echo -e "\t-h --help Show this usage information."
echo -e "\t-b --buildDir The path to the BUILD_DIR of the Xcode project."
echo -e "\t\tSee for details."
##### Sort through parameters #####
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
PARAM=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $1}'`
VALUE=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $2}'`
case $PARAM in
-h | --help)
-b | --buildDir)
echo "ERROR: unknown parameter \"$PARAM\""
exit 1
##### Check for required parameters #####
if [ "$buildDir" == "" ]
exit 1
##### Find the latest modified .xcactivitylog file #####
listFilesInModificationOrder="ls -t1"
while [ ! -d $pathToLogs ]
if [[ $wait_seconds = $timeout ]]
echo "Timed out after $timeout seconds. No log directory found"
exit 1
sleep 1
echo "Waited $wait_seconds seconds and found directory for logs."
## Go through the files and find the first one with the correct file extension ##
sortedFilenames="`ls -t1 $pathToLogs`"
for line in $sortedFilenames
if [[ $line = *$fileExtension ]]
##### Copy File to working directory as gzip #####
cp $pathToLogs/$logFileName ./$tmpFileName.gz
# Unzip
gunzip $tmpFileName.gz
##### Change line endings from old Mac to Unix #####
tr '\r' '\n' < $tmpFileName > $finalFileName
rm $tmpFileName
##### Run oclint-xcodebuild to create the JSON file #####
##### Remove troublesome lines from JSON file #####
## This error will happen if you don't do this: oclint: error: one compiler command contains multiple jobs: ##
## From googling this issue I found this: ##
## It mentions setting COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE to NO, which works. ##
## However, that setting is useful, especially for Swift. ##
## So, I compared the file that works with that flag off and the one without that flag and the difference ##
## that causes it to fail is that the following line exists when the flag is set to default: ##
## -index-store-path /Users/ksherman/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PIXLoggingKit-esrwixzxskkrglgdwsqofsosmrtz/Index/DataStore ##
## So, if I remove all occurrences of that, it works. That is what this code does. ##
sed s/-index-store-path.*DataStore//g $jsonFileName > $tmpJsonFileName
rm $jsonFileName
mv $tmpJsonFileName $jsonFileName
#set -x ## Uncomment this for debug mode
usage() {
echo ""
echo "You must provide the --buildDir parameter. The rest are optional."
echo ""
echo -e "\t-h --help Show this usage information."
echo -e "\t-b --buildDir The path to the BUILD_DIR of the Xcode project."
echo -e "\t\tSee for details."
echo -e "\t-e --exclusionsFile=<fileExclusionsRegex> Specify an absolute path to a file with"
echo -e "\t\tfile path exclusions for OCLint."
echo -e "\t\tThe exclusions should be listed using NSRegularExpression regex syntax with one on each line"
echo -e "\t\tseparated by new lines. If this parameter is not specified, it will look for a file"
echo -e "\t\tin the current directory named \"$defaultExclusionFileName\""
echo -e "\t-p --projectDir=<projectDirectory> Specify the project directory (${PROJECT_DIR})"
echo -e "\t\tif you want to use the modified files only mode."
echo -e "\t-r --reportDir The path for where you want the report to be saved."
echo -e "\t\tIf you don't specify one, the current directory will be used."
##### Sort through parameters #####
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
PARAM=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $1}'`
VALUE=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $2}'`
case $PARAM in
-h | --help)
-b | --buildDir)
-e | --exclusionsFile)
-p | --projectDir)
-r | --reportDir)
echo "ERROR: unknown parameter \"$PARAM\""
exit 1
##### Check for required parameters #####
if [ "$buildDir" == "" ]
exit 1
##### Copy the exclusion file to the current directory with expected name #####
cp $exclusionsFile ./$defaultExclusionFileName
# Remove old report
rm -f $reportDir/oclint_report.txt
./ -b=$buildDir
./oclintExcluder.swift $projectDir
oclint-json-compilation-database -- -report-type text > oclint_report.txt
mv oclint_report.txt $reportDir/oclint_report.txt
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