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Last active January 17, 2024 17:48
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A script to display echarts charts in jupyter notebook, both in notebook and in vscode!
# -- consts --
ECHARTS_REQUIREJS_CONF = f"requirejs.config({{paths: {{echarts: '{ECHARTS_CDN}',}}}});"
<div id="{{ID}}" style="width: {{WIDTH}};height:{{HEIGHT}};"></div>
<script type="module">
requirejs(["echarts"], (echarts) => {{
let myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('{{ID}}'));
def _multi_replace(string: str, replacements: dict):
for k, v in replacements.items():
string = string.replace(k, v)
return string
def echarts(option: dict, width="800px", height="500px", id='chart'):
import json
from IPython.display import HTML
option = json.dumps(option)
h = _multi_replace(
ECHARTS_TEMPLATE, {"{WIDTH}": width, "{HEIGHT}": height, "{OPTION}": option, "{ID}": id}
return HTML(h)
def main() -> None:
from IPython.display import display
option = {
"xAxis": {
"type": "category",
"data": ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"],
"yAxis": {"type": "value"},
"series": [{"data": [150, 230, 224, 218, 135, 147, 260], "type": "line"}],
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The 'main' function demonstrates how to use this in jupyter

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