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Created April 29, 2014 22:24
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Regression technique with correlated errors, based on Cochrane-Orcutt (
## Regression with correlated errors
tolley.shuffle <- function(model,k=1e-5){
stop("Object 'model' must be of class 'lm'.")
uncorrelate <- function(model) {
r <- residuals(model)
n <- length(r)
y <- model$model[,1]
z <- model$model[,2:ncol(model$model)]
## Determine p and q in the ARMA(p,q)
ACF <- acf(r)$acf[1:10]
PACF <- pacf(r)$acf[1:10]
critical <- 2/sqrt(n)
a <- sum(ACF > critical)
p <- sum(PACF > critical)
if (a >= 4 & p <= 2)
order <- c(p,0,0)
else if (a <= 2 & p >= 4)
order <- c(0,0,a)
else order <- c(1,0,1)
## Fit the ARMA model and extract AR and MA components
mod.r <- arima(r,order=order)
phi <- mod.r$coef[substr(names(mod.r$coef),1,1)=='a']
theta <- mod.r$coef[substr(names(mod.r$coef),1,1)=='m']
## Transform functions
transform <- function(x,param) {
if (sum(param) > 0) {
x.t <- matrix(0,length(param),length(x))
for(i in 1:length(param)) {
x.t[i,] <- lag(ts(x),-i)*param[i]
x.t <- colSums(x.t)
} else x.t <- x
y.phi <- transform(y,phi)
y.theta <- transform(y,theta)
z.phi <- transform(z,phi)
z.theta <- transform(z,theta)
if (all(y.phi==y))
new.y <- y.theta
else if (all(y.theta==y))
new.y <- y.phi
else new.y <- y.phi/y.theta
if (all(z.phi==z))
new.z <- z.theta
else if (all(z.theta==z))
new.z <- z.phi
else new.z <- z.phi/z.theta
new.mod <- lm(new.y~new.z)
## Sets everything up for iterations until convergence
mod <- model
par.sums <- NULL
difference <- j <- 1
while(difference > k) {
j <- j+1
mod <- uncorrelate(mod)
par.sums <- c(par.sums,sum(mod$coef))
difference <- par.sums[j]-par.sums[j-1]
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