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Last active August 26, 2024 20:41
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Hopper 5 script to support Objective-C relative method list (iOS 14/macOS 11+)
#objective-c xrefs hopper script
#rewrite the IDAPython script
#author: Kai Lu(@k3vinlusec)
#editor: Zhuoli Li(@dreampiggy)
def getRefPtr(doc,classMethodsVA,objcSelRefs, objcMsgRefs, objcConst):
ret = (None, None)
namePtr = doc.readUInt64LE(classMethodsVA) #get name field in struct __objc_method, it's selector
ctn = 0
for x in xrefsto(doc,namePtr):
#print('xreffrom: ' + hex(x) ,'xrefto: ' + hex(namePtr))
if objcSelRefs and x >= objcSelRefs[0] and x < objcSelRefs[1]:
ret =(False, x)
elif objcMsgRefs and x >=objcMsgRefs[0] and x < objcMsgRefs[1]:
ret = (True, x)
elif objcConst and x >= objcConst[0] and x < objcConst[1]:
ctn += 1
if ctn > 1:
ret =(None, None)
return ret
def xrefsto(doc,addr):
xrefslist = []
for i in range(doc.getSegmentCount()):
seg = doc.getSegment(i)
eachxrefs = seg.getReferencesOfAddress(addr)
for x in eachxrefs:
return xrefslist
def run():
objcData = None
objcSelRefs = None
objcMsgRefs = None
objcConst = None
objc2ClassSize = 0x28
objc2ClassInfoOffs = 0x20
objc2ClassMethSize = 0x18 # 3 x 8 bits
objc2ClassRelativeMethSize = 0xC # 3 x 4 bits
objc2ClassBaseMethOffs = 0x20
objc2ClassMethImpOffs = 0x10 # 2 x 8 bits
objc2ClassRelativeMethImpOffs = 0x8 # 2 * 4 bits
doc = Document.getCurrentDocument()
for i in range(doc.getSegmentCount()):
seg = doc.getSegment(i)
#print('[*]'+ seg.getName())
for sect in seg.getSectionsList():
sectName = sect.getName()
if sectName == '__objc_data':
objcData = (sect.getStartingAddress(),sect.getStartingAddress()+sect.getLength())
elif sectName == '__objc_selrefs':
objcSelRefs = (sect.getStartingAddress(),sect.getStartingAddress()+sect.getLength())
elif sectName == '__objc_msgrefs':
objcMsgRefs = (sect.getStartingAddress(),sect.getStartingAddress()+sect.getLength())
elif sectName == '__objc_const':
objcConst = (sect.getStartingAddress(),sect.getStartingAddress()+sect.getLength())
#print(' +++' + sectName, (hex(sect.getStartingAddress()),hex(sect.getStartingAddress()+sect.getLength())))
if((objcSelRefs != None or objcMsgRefs != None) and (objcData != None and objcConst != None)) == False:
doc.log("could not find necessary Objective-C sections...\n")
#walk through classes
for va in range(objcData[0],objcData[1],objc2ClassSize):
classRoVA = doc.readUInt64LE(va + objc2ClassInfoOffs)
if classRoVA == BADADDR or classRoVA == 0:
classMethodsVA = doc.readUInt64LE(classRoVA + objc2ClassBaseMethOffs)
if classMethodsVA == BADADDR or classMethodsVA == 0:
flags = doc.readUInt32LE(classMethodsVA)
count = doc.readUInt32LE(classMethodsVA + 4)
classMethodsVA += 4*2
#support __objc_relative_method
# see:
# source code:
#static const uint32_t smallMethodListFlag = 0x80000000;
isRelativeMethodList = False
if (flags & 0x80000000):
isRelativeMethodList = True
#print("Objc isRelativeMethodList %d" % (isRelativeMethodList))
#walk through methods
if isRelativeMethodList:
for va1 in range(classMethodsVA,classMethodsVA + objc2ClassRelativeMethSize * count, objc2ClassRelativeMethSize):
# name = base + *(base + 0 * 4 bits)
nameVA = va1 + doc.readUInt32LE(va1)
isMsgRef, selRefVA = getRefPtr(doc, nameVA, objcSelRefs, objcMsgRefs, objcConst)
if selRefVA == None:
impOffs = doc.readUInt32LE(va1 + objc2ClassRelativeMethImpOffs)
funcVA = va1 + impOffs - 0xFFFFFFF8
if isMsgRef:
selRefVA -= 8
#print('selref VA: %08x - function VA: %08x\n' %(selRefVA, funcVA))
for x in xrefsto(doc, selRefVA):
doc.getSegmentAtAddress(x).addReference(x, funcVA)
for va1 in range(classMethodsVA,classMethodsVA + objc2ClassMethSize * count, objc2ClassMethSize):
nameVA = va1
isMsgRef, selRefVA = getRefPtr(doc, nameVA, objcSelRefs, objcMsgRefs, objcConst)
if selRefVA == None:
funcVA = doc.readUInt64LE(va1 + objc2ClassMethImpOffs)
if isMsgRef:
selRefVA -= 8
#print('selref VA: %08x - function VA: %08x\n' %(selRefVA, funcVA))
for x in xrefsto(doc, selRefVA):
doc.getSegmentAtAddress(x).addReference(x, funcVA)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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