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Last active October 4, 2021 17:40
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//// Based on:
//// Credits:
// @serrj-sv, @wollo, @basveeling
//// Usage:
// zzonesmart_tvg01zg.js in the root of your zigbee2mqtt data folder (as stated in data_path, e.g. /config/zigbee2mqtt_data)
// In your zigbee2mqtt hassio addon configuration, add the following two lines:
// ...
// external_converters:
// - zzonesmart_tvg01zg.js
// ...
const fz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee');
const tz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/toZigbee');
const tuya = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/tuya');
const exposes = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/exposes');
const reporting = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/reporting');
const e = exposes.presets;
const ea = exposes.access;
const tuyaLocal = {
dataPoints: {
zsHeatingSetpoint: 16,
zsFrostDetection: 10,
zsWindowDetection: 8,
zsChildLock: 40,
zsTempCalibration: 27,
zsLocalTemp: 24,
zsBattery: 35,
zsHeatingBoostCountdown: 101,
zsComfortTemp: 104,
zsEcoTemp: 105,
zsAwayTemp: 32,
zsErrorStatus: 45,
zsMode: 2,
zsHeatingStop: 107,
const fzLocal = {
zs_thermostat: {
cluster: 'manuSpecificTuya',
type: ['commandGetData', 'commandSetDataResponse'],
convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => {
const dp =;
const value = tuya.getDataValue(,;
// if (dp >= 101 && dp <=107) return; // handled by tuya_thermostat_weekly_schedule
switch (dp) {
case tuya.dataPoints.state: // on/off
return !value ? {system_mode: 'off'} : {};
case tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsChildLock:
return {child_lock: value ? 'LOCK' : 'UNLOCK'};
case tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsHeatingSetpoint:
return {current_heating_setpoint: (value / 10).toFixed(1)};
case tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsLocalTemp:
return {local_temperature: (value / 10).toFixed(1)};
case tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsBattery:
return {battery: value};
case tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsTempCalibration:
return {local_temperature_calibration: value > 55 ?
((value - 0x100000000)/10).toFixed(1): (value/ 10).toFixed(1)};
case tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsHeatingBoostCountdown:
return {heating_boost_countdown: value};
case tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsWindowDetection:
return {window_detection: value ? 'ON' : 'OFF'};
case tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsComfortTemp:
return {comfort_temperature: (value / 10).toFixed(1)};
case tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsEcoTemp:
return {eco_temperature: (value / 10).toFixed(1)};
case tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsAwayTemp:
return {away_preset_temperature: (value / 10).toFixed(1)};
case tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsMode:
switch (value) {
case 1: // manual
return {system_mode: 'heat', away_mode: 'OFF', preset: 'manual'};
case 3: // away
return {system_mode: 'heat', away_mode: 'ON', preset: 'vacation'};
case 0: // auto
return {system_mode: 'auto', away_mode: 'OFF', preset: 'schedule'};
meta.logger.warn('zigbee-herdsman-converters:zsThermostat: ' +
`preset ${value} is not recognized.`);
case tuya.dataPoints.runningState:
return {running_state: value ? 'heat' : 'idle'};
meta.logger.warn(`zigbee-herdsman-converters:zsThermostat: Unrecognized DP #${
dp} with data ${JSON.stringify(}`);
const tzLocal = {
zs_thermostat_child_lock: {
key: ['child_lock'],
convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
await tuya.sendDataPointBool(entity, tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsChildLock, value === 'LOCK');
zs_thermostat_window_detection: {
key: ['window_detection'],
convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
await tuya.sendDataPointBool(entity, tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsWindowDetection, value === 'ON');
zs_thermostat_current_heating_setpoint: {
key: ['current_heating_setpoint'],
convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
const temp = Math.round(value * 10);
await tuya.sendDataPointValue(entity, tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsHeatingSetpoint, temp);
zs_thermostat_comfort_temp: {
key: ['comfort_temp_preset'],
convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
const temp = Math.round(value * 10);
await tuya.sendDataPointValue(entity, tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsComfortTemp, temp);
zs_thermostat_away_temp: {
key: ['away_preset_temperature'],
convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
const temp = Math.round(value * 10);
await tuya.sendDataPointValue(entity, tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsAwayTemp, temp);
zs_thermostat_eco_temp: {
key: ['eco_temp_preset'],
convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
const temp = Math.round(value * 10);
await tuya.sendDataPointValue(entity, tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsEcoTemp, temp);
zs_thermostat_system_mode_preset: {
key: ['preset'],
convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
const lookup = {'schedule': 0, 'manual': 1, 'holiday': 3};
await tuya.sendDataPointEnum(entity, tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsMode, lookup[value]);
zs_thermostat_local_temperature_calibration: {
key: ['local_temperature_calibration'],
convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
if (value > 0) value = value*10;
if (value < 0) value = value*10 + 0x100000000;
await tuya.sendDataPointValue(entity, tuyaLocal.dataPoints.zsTempCalibration, value);
const device = {
// Moes Tuya Alt Thermostat
zigbeeModel: ['TS601'],
fingerprint: [{modelID: 'TS0601', manufacturerName: '_TZE200_e9ba97vf'}],
model: 'TV01-ZG',
vendor: 'ZONNSMART',
description: 'Radiator valve with thermostat',
fromZigbee: [
fz.ignore_tuya_set_time, // handled in onEvent
// fz.tuya_data_point_dump,
toZigbee: [
onEvent: tuya.onEventSetLocalTime,
meta: {
configureKey: 1,
configure: async (device, coordinatorEndpoint, logger) => {
const endpoint = device.getEndpoint(1);
await reporting.bind(endpoint, coordinatorEndpoint, ['genBasic']);
exposes: [
e.battery(), e.window_detection(), e.child_lock(), e.comfort_temperature(), e.eco_temperature(), e.away_preset_temperature(),
exposes.climate().withSetpoint('current_heating_setpoint', 0.5, 29.5, 0.5)
.withSystemMode(['off', 'heat', 'auto'], ea.STATE_SET) //system mode only: off, heat, auto
.withPreset(['schedule', 'manual', 'holiday']),
exposes.numeric('heating_boost_countdown', ea.STATE)
module.exports = device;
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