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Created August 15, 2024 00:11
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Render text in a font as SVG
#!/usr/bin/env node
const { program } = require('commander');
const opentype = require('opentype.js');
const fs = require('fs');
.usage("'text' [options]")
'Renders the given text using a specified font and outputs it as an SVG, which can be used as an image on the web.'
.argument('<text>', 'the text to render')
.requiredOption('-f, --font <path>', 'path to the font to use for rendering')
.option('-s, --size <number>', 'font size to render at', 72)
const [TEXT_TO_RENDER] = program.args;
const { font: FONT_PATH, size: SIZE } = program.opts();
// Sometimes the edges get clipped for an unknown reason, so add 1 unit of padding on all sides
const PADDING = 1;
const file = fs.readFileSync(FONT_PATH);
const font = opentype.parse(file.buffer);
const pathObject = font.getPath(TEXT_TO_RENDER, 0, 0, SIZE);
const pathData = pathObject.toPathData({ flipY: true });
const boundingBox = pathObject.getBoundingBox();
const left = boundingBox.x1 - PADDING;
const top = boundingBox.y1 - PADDING;
const width = boundingBox.x2 - boundingBox.x1 + 2 * PADDING;
const height = boundingBox.y2 - boundingBox.y1 + 2 * PADDING;
const viewBoxString = `${left} ${top} ${width} ${height}`;
const svgText = `<svg height="100%" viewBox="${viewBoxString}" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="${pathData}" fill="currentColor"/></svg>`;
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