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Created December 11, 2015 10:17
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  • Save draconiansolo/68df332f7efb63de40db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save draconiansolo/68df332f7efb63de40db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Nuke environment map reflections.
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 9.0 v3
push $cut_paste_input
Camera2 {
name Camera1
selected true
xpos -11
ypos -294
set Ncba4b20 [stack 0]
CheckerBoard2 {
inputs 0
name CheckerBoard1
selected true
xpos -244
ypos -489
push 0
Environment {
inputs 2
mirror true
uniform_scale 100
name Environment1
selected true
xpos -234
ypos -116
Specular {
inputs 0
white 1
min_shininess 1
max_shininess 1
name Specular1
selected true
xpos 264
ypos -34
push $Ncba4b20
ColorWheel {
inputs 0
gamma 0.45
name ColorWheel1
selected true
xpos 70
ypos -489
Shuffle {
alpha white
name Shuffle1
label "\[value in]"
selected true
xpos 70
ypos -417
Sphere {
translate {0.15800001 0 -9.63999987}
name Sphere1
selected true
xpos 70
ypos -353
push 0
add_layer {pos pos.alpha}
add_layer {norm norm.alpha}
ScanlineRender {
inputs 3
conservative_shader_sampling false
motion_vectors_type distance
output_shader_vectors true
P_channel pos
N_channel norm
name ScanlineRender1
selected true
xpos 70
ypos -178
PositionToPoints2 {
display textured
render_mode textured
P_channel pos
N_channel norm
detail 1
pointSize 0.5
name PositionToPoints1
selected true
xpos 70
ypos -106
ApplyMaterial {
inputs 2
name ApplyMaterial1
selected true
xpos 70
ypos -34
Scene {
inputs 2
name Scene1
selected true
xpos 80
ypos 42
push 0
ScanlineRender {
inputs 3
conservative_shader_sampling false
motion_vectors_type distance
name ScanlineRender2
selected true
xpos -21
ypos 171
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