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dracken / Fallout 4 All Console Commands.txt
Created January 4, 2020 05:03 — forked from reg2k/Fallout 4 All Console Commands.txt
Dump of all Fallout 4 console commands (with description)
ID Full Name Short Name Description
256: Show TST Show global scripts and variables.
257: ShowVars SV Show variables on object. You can optionally specified a papyrus variable or script to filter with [player->sv]
258: ShowGlobalVars SGLV Show all global variables.
259: ShowQuestVars SQV Show quest variables. You can optionally specified a papyrus variable or script to filter with [svq QuestID]
260: ShowQuests SQ List quests.
261: ShowQuestAliases Show quest aliases. [ShowQuestAliases QuestID]
dracken /
Created April 18, 2019 16:54 — forked from subfuzion/
curl POST examples

Common Options

-#, --progress-bar Make curl display a simple progress bar instead of the more informational standard meter.

-b, --cookie <name=data> Supply cookie with request. If no =, then specifies the cookie file to use (see -c).

-c, --cookie-jar <file name> File to save response cookies to.

dracken /
Created January 14, 2019 18:41 — forked from miku/
git --track vs --set-upstream vs --set-upstream-to


Short excursion into git --track, --set-upstream and --set-upstream-to.

All examples use the aliases co for checkout and br for branch.


$ git clone

dracken / .bashrc
Created October 29, 2018 20:19 — forked from trusktr/.bashrc
Bash configuration with custom prompt, aliases, and some other goodies.
# vim: set ft=sh:
# /etc/bash.bashrc.custom
# Add local ruby gems to our PATH. How to add system-wide gems?
export PATH=$PATH:~/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bin
# proper encoding for the linux terminal (ttys)
dracken / split-string-into-rows.sql
Created August 24, 2018 13:18 — forked from duanehutchins/split-string-into-rows.sql
MySQL split comma-separated string into rows
-- split-string-into-rows.sql
-- Duane Hutchins
-- Split a string into a mysql resultset of rows
-- This is designed to work with a comma-separated string (csv, SET, array)
-- Function SET_EXTRACT
-- Essentially does the reverse of MySQL's built-in function FIND_IN_SET(str,strlist) = index INT
-- Splits a comma-separated string (AKA "SET"), $strlist, and returns the element (aka substring) matching the provided index, $i.
-- If index $i is zero or positive, the elements are counted from the left, starting at zero.
dracken /
Created August 24, 2018 12:59 — forked from andreyvit/
tmux cheatsheet

tmux cheat sheet

(C-x means ctrl+x, M-x means alt+x)

Prefix key

The default prefix is C-b. If you (or your muscle memory) prefer C-a, you need to add this to ~/.tmux.conf:

remap prefix to Control + a

dracken / Connecting PHP 5.6 to
Created June 19, 2018 18:23 — forked from joecampo/Connecting PHP 5.6 to
Connecting PHP 5.6 to MSSQL - Ubuntu (Debian) w/ Apache
dracken / cerToPem.php
Created August 5, 2016 23:11 — forked from brankoajzele/cerToPem.php
Converting .cer to .pem via pure PHP, (no system, backticks, shell_exec, exec, etc.) to get the same result as with "openssl x509 -inform der -in cert.cer -out cert.pem". Note, I am not expert on certificates, etc. This specific certificate conversion simply worked for me.
$certificateCAcer = '/certificate.cer';
$certificateCAcerContent = file_get_contents($certificateCAcer);
/* Convert .cer to .pem, cURL uses .pem */
$certificateCApemContent = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'.PHP_EOL
.chunk_split(base64_encode($certificateCAcerContent), 64, PHP_EOL)
dracken / ajax-form.js
Created April 26, 2016 13:12 — forked from havvg/ajax-form.js
jQuery AJAX form submit with Twitter Bootstrap modal
jQuery(function($) {
$('form[data-async]').live('submit', function(event) {
var $form = $(this);
var $target = $($form.attr('data-target'));
type: $form.attr('method'),
url: $form.attr('action'),
data: $form.serialize(),