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Created April 6, 2017 06:06
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Active Route + Flow Router Helpers for
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { _ } from 'meteor/underscore';
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-extra';
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { check, Match } from 'meteor/check';
import { ReactiveDict } from 'meteor/reactive-dict';
// Active Route
// zimme:active-route
// Lib
const errorMessages = {
noSupportedRouter: 'No supported router installed. Please install flow-router.',
invalidRouteNameArgument: 'Invalid argument, must be String or RegExp.',
invalidRouteParamsArgument: 'Invalid argument, must be Object.'
const checkRouteOrPath = (arg) => {
try {
return check(arg, Match.OneOf(RegExp, String));
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(errorMessages.invalidRouteNameArgument);
const checkParams = (arg) => {
try {
return check(arg, Object);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(errorMessages.invalidRouteParamsArgument);
const checkRouterPackages = () => {
if (!(Package['ostrio:flow-router-extra'] || Package['kadira:flow-router'] || Package['meteorhacks:flow-router'] || Package['kadira:flow-router-ssr'])) {
throw new Error(errorMessages.noSupportedRouter);
const config = new ReactiveDict('activeRouteConfig');
activeClass: 'active',
caseSensitive: true,
disabledClass: 'disabled'
const test = (value, pattern) => {
let result;
if (!value) {
return false;
if (Match.test(pattern, RegExp)) {
result =;
result = result > -1;
} else if (Match.test(pattern, String)) {
if (config.equals('caseSensitive', false)) {
value = value.toLowerCase();
pattern = pattern.toLowerCase();
result = (value === pattern);
return (result != null) ? result : false;
const ActiveRoute = {
config() {
return this.configure.apply(this, arguments);
configure(options) {
if (!Meteor.isServer) {
name(routeName, routeParams = {}) {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
return void 0;
let currentPath, currentRouteName, path;
if (!_.isEmpty(routeParams) && Match.test(routeName, String)) {
currentPath = FlowRouter.current().path;
path = FlowRouter.path(routeName, routeParams);
} else {
currentRouteName = FlowRouter.getRouteName();
return test(currentPath || currentRouteName, path || routeName);
path(path) {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
return void 0;
return test(FlowRouter.current().path, path);
Meteor.startup(() => {
// Client
const isActive = (type, inverse = false) => {
let helperName;
helperName = 'is';
if (inverse) {
helperName += 'Not';
helperName += 'Active' + type;
return (options = {}, attributes = {}) => {
options = (_.isObject(options)) ? (options.hash || options) : options;
attributes = (_.isObject(attributes)) ? (attributes.hash || attributes) : attributes;
if (Match.test(options, String)) {
if (config.equals('regex', true)) {
options = {
regex: options
} else if (type === 'Path') {
options = {
path: options
} else {
options = {
name: options
options = _.defaults(attributes, options);
const pattern = Match.ObjectIncluding({
class: Match.Optional(String),
className: Match.Optional(String),
regex: Match.Optional(Match.OneOf(RegExp, String)),
name: Match.Optional(String),
path: Match.Optional(String)
check(options, pattern);
let regex = options.regex;
let name =;
let path = options.path;
let className = options.class ? options.class : options.className;
if (type === 'Path') {
name = null;
} else {
path = null;
if (!(regex || name || path)) {
const t = (type === 'Route' ? 'name' : type).toLowerCase();
console.error(('Invalid argument, ' + helperName + ' takes "' + t + '", ') + (t + '="' + t + '" or regex="regex"'));
return false;
if (Match.test(regex, String)) {
if (config.equals('caseSensitive', false)) {
regex = new RegExp(regex, 'i');
} else {
regex = new RegExp(regex);
if (regex == null) {
regex = name || path;
if (inverse) {
if (className == null) {
className = config.get('disabledClass');
} else {
if (className == null) {
className = config.get('activeClass');
let isPath, result;
if (type === 'Path') {
isPath = true;
if (isPath) {
result = ActiveRoute.path(regex);
} else {
options = _.defaults(attributes,;
result =, _.omit(options, ['class', 'className', 'data', 'regex', 'name', 'path']));
if (inverse) {
result = !result;
if (result) {
return className;
return false;
const arHelpers = {
isActiveRoute: isActive('Route'),
isActivePath: isActive('Path'),
isNotActiveRoute: isActive('Route', true),
isNotActivePath: isActive('Path', true)
for (let name in arHelpers) {
Template.registerHelper(name, arHelpers[name]);
// FlowRouter Helpers
// arillo:flow-router-helpers
const subsReady = (...subs) => {
subs = subs.slice(0, -1);
if (subs.length === 1) {
return FlowRouter.subsReady();
return _.reduce(subs, (memo, sub) => {
if (_.isString(sub)) {
return memo && FlowRouter.subsReady(sub);
}, true);
const pathFor = (path, view = {hash: {}}) => {
if (!path) {
throw new Error('no path defined');
if (!view.hash) {
view = {
hash: view
if (path.hash && path.hash.route != null) {
view = path;
path = view.hash.route;
delete view.hash.route;
const query = view.hash.query ? FlowRouter._qs.parse(view.hash.query) : {};
const hashBang = view.hash.hash ? view.hash.hash : '';
return FlowRouter.path(path, view.hash, query) + (hashBang ? '#' + hashBang : '');
const urlFor = (path, view) => {
return Meteor.absoluteUrl(pathFor(path, view).substr(1));
const param = (name) => {
return FlowRouter.getParam(name);
const queryParam = (key) => {
return FlowRouter.getQueryParam(key);
const currentRouteName = () => {
return FlowRouter.getRouteName();
const currentRouteOption = (optionName) => {
return FlowRouter.current().route.options[optionName];
const isSubReady = (sub) => {
if (sub) {
return FlowRouter.subsReady(sub);
return FlowRouter.subsReady();
const frHelpers = {
subsReady: subsReady,
pathFor: pathFor,
urlFor: urlFor,
param: param,
queryParam: queryParam,
currentRouteName: currentRouteName,
isSubReady: isSubReady,
currentRouteOption: currentRouteOption
let FlowRouterHelpers;
if (Meteor.isServer) {
FlowRouterHelpers = {
pathFor: pathFor,
urlFor: urlFor
} else {
for (let name in frHelpers) {
Template.registerHelper(name, frHelpers[name]);
export { ActiveRoute, FlowRouterHelpers };
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