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Created June 11, 2015 05:53
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z80 example
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Prelude hiding (print, and, or)
import Data.Bits hiding (xor, bit)
import Data.Word
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Z80
import ZXSpectrum
import ZXSpectrum.Rom48
main = defaultMain "lambdaman" "lambdaprog" . org 0x6000 $ mdo
-- Set up colours
setBorderColour BLACK
setAttrs AttrDefault False True BLACK WHITE
call CL_ALL
-- Load UDGs
ldVia HL [0x5c7b] udgs -- 0x5c7b specifies the UDG location
-- Initialise coordinates.
ldVia HL [plx] $ coords 21 15 -- load hl pair with starting coords.
withLabel $ \mloop -> do
-- Delete the player
call basexy
call wspace
-- Now we've deleted the player we can move him before redisplaying him
-- at his new coordinates.
ld BC 0xf7fe -- keyboard row 1-5/joystick port 2.
in_ A [C] -- see what keys are pressed.
rra -- outermost bit = key 1.
push AF -- remember the value.
call NC mpl -- it's being pressed, move left.
pop AF -- restore accumulator.
rra -- next bit along (value 2) = key 2.
push AF -- remember the value.
call NC mpr -- being pressed, so move right.
pop AF -- restore accumulator.
rra -- next bit (value 4) = key 3.
push AF -- remember the value.
call NC mpd -- being pressed, so move down.
pop AF -- restore accumulator.
rra -- next bit (value 8) reads key 4.
call NC mpu -- it's being pressed, move up.
-- Now he's moved we can redisplay the player.
call basexy -- set the x and y positions of the player.
call splayr -- show player.
halt -- delay.
-- Jump back to beginning of main loop.
jp mloop
-- Move player left.
mpl <- labelled $ do
ld HL ply -- remember, y is the horizontal coord!
ld A [HL] -- what's the current value?
and A -- is it zero?
ret Z -- yes - we can't go any further left.
dec [HL] -- subtract 1 from y coordinate.
-- Move player right.
mpr <- labelled $ do
ld HL ply -- remember, y is the horizontal coord!
ld A [HL] -- what's the current value?
cp 31 -- is it at the right edge (31)?
ret Z -- yes - we can't go any further left.
inc [HL] -- add 1 to y coordinate.
-- Move player up.
mpu <- labelled $ do
ld HL plx -- remember, x is the vertical coord!
ld A [HL] -- what's the current value?
cp 4 -- is it at upper limit (4)?
ret Z -- yes - we can go no further then.
dec [HL] -- subtract 1 from x coordinate.
-- Move player down.
mpd <- labelled $ do
ld HL plx -- remember, x is the vertical coord!
ld A [HL] -- what's the current value?
cp 21 -- is it already at the bottom (21)?
ret Z -- yes - we can't go down any more.
inc [HL] -- add 1 to x coordinate.
-- Set up the x and y coordinates for the player's gunbase position,
-- this routine is called prior to display and deletion of gunbase.
basexy <- labelled $ do
print AT
print [plx] -- player vertical coord.
print [ply] -- player's horizontal position.
-- Show player at current print position.
splayr <- labelled $ do
setAttrs AttrTemp False True BLACK CYAN
print 0x90 -- ASCII code for User Defined Graphic 'A'.
wspace <- labelled $ do
setAttrs AttrTemp False True BLACK WHITE
print $ chr ' '
plx <- labelled . db $ pack [0] -- player's x coordinate.
ply <- labelled . db $ pack [0] -- player's y coordinate.
udgs <- labelled $ do
udg [ " "
, " ## "
, " # "
, " # "
, " ## "
, " # # "
, " # # "
, " # # " ]
-- Helpers/utilities
-- I will probably want to move some of these out into the zxspectrum package eventually,
-- but just defining them here for convenience as I come across them.
pattern INK = 0x10 :: Word8
pattern PAPER = 0x11 :: Word8
pattern AT = 0x16 :: Word8
-- Colours
pattern BLACK = 0x0 :: Word8
pattern BLUE = 0x1 :: Word8
pattern RED = 0x2 :: Word8
pattern MAGENTA = 0x3 :: Word8
pattern GREEN = 0x4 :: Word8
pattern CYAN = 0x5 :: Word8
pattern YELLOW = 0x6 :: Word8
pattern WHITE = 0x7 :: Word8
-- Extra ROM refs
-- skips the initial check that input values are in range
pattern BORDERFAST = 0x229b :: Location
-- Utils
chr :: Char -> Word8
chr = fromIntegral . fromEnum
print :: Load A c => c -> Z80ASM
print c = ld A c >> rst 16
coords :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16
coords x y = x+y*256
-- ldVia (load via) lets you load a value that you couldn't usually load directly
-- by using an intermediate register/memory location.
ldVia :: (Load a c, Load b a) => a -> b -> c -> Z80ASM
ldVia x y z = ld x z >> ld y x
udg :: [String] -> Z80ASM
udg = db . pack . map parseLine where
parseChar ' ' = 0
parseChar _ = 1
parseLine l
| length l /= 8 = error "Each line in a UDG must be 8 characters"
| otherwise = foldr (.|.) 0 $ zipWith shiftL (map parseChar l) [7,6..0]
data AttributeType = AttrDefault | AttrTemp
pattern ATTR_DEFAULT = 0x5c8d :: Location
pattern ATTR_TEMP = 0x5c8f :: Location
setAttrs :: AttributeType
-> Bool -- ^ FLASH mode
-> Bool -- ^ BRIGHT mode
-> Word8 -- ^ Paper colour
-> Word8 -- ^ Ink colour
-> Z80ASM
setAttrs attr flash bright paper ink = do
ld A $ flash' .|. bright' .|. paper .<. 3 .|. ink
ld [addr attr] A
where flash' = if flash then 0x80 else 0
bright' = if bright then 0x40 else 0
addr AttrDefault = ATTR_DEFAULT
addr AttrTemp = ATTR_TEMP
setBorderColour :: Word8 -> Z80ASM
setBorderColour border = do
ld A border
-- Copied from Z80.Operations. Should probably be exposed/something?
(.<.) :: Bits a => a -> Int -> a
(.<.) = shiftL
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