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Last active February 2, 2016 19:31
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MATLAB script for formatting data from a matlab_rosbag ros.Bag object as a struct
function [data, meta] = bag2struct(bag, varargin)
%BAG2STRUCT Formats data from topics in a rosbag file into a struct
% DATA = BAG2STRUCT(BAG) returns a struct containing data for each of the
% topics in BAG, where BAG is an object of class 'ros.Bag'.
% [DATA,META] = BAG2STRUCT(BAG) additionally returns a struct containing
% the metadata for each topic in the bag.
% Example
% bag = ros.Bag.load('rosbag.bag');
% [data, meta] = bag2struct(bag);
% Creates a ros.Bag object from the file rosbag.bag, then uses
% BAG2STRUCT to format the data and metadata as structs.
% assert(exist('ros.Bag', 'class') == 8, 'Please ensure matlab_rosbag is in
% the search path') % shouldn't be necessary? (as long as the object is of
% the right class, we have access to the functions. But do need to check
% that ros.msgs2mat is a function, so we need some check of this kind)
%TODO pass in file name instead?
%TODO add option to make first message received correspond to time=0 (use bag.time_begin)
%TODO add option to specify which topics to extract (use bag.resetView)
%TODO add option to blacklist specific topics and/or message types
%TODO add option to specify time range (use bag.resetView)
%TODO add option to exclude images, pointclouds, etc.
%TODO add option to choose what character replaces the / in topic names
%TODO add option to convert quaternion to euler angles whenever one is encountered (use something like ros.pose2xyt?
%TODO add option to only convert numeric data
%TODO add option to put everything in columns instead of rows
%TODO convert all numeric types to doubles?
nonnumeric = true;
% parse inputs
p = inputParser;
p.FunctionName = 'bag2struct';
p.addRequired('bag', @(x) isa(x, 'ros.Bag'))
p.addParameter('Flatten', true, @islogical)
p.addParameter('Topics', {}, @(x) iscell(x) || ischar(x))
p.addParameter('SkipTopics', {}, @(x) iscell(x) || ischar(x))
p.addParameter('IncludeTime', true, @islogical)
p.addParameter('ZeroTime', true, @islogical)
p.addParameter('TrimStart', [], @isnumeric)
p.addParameter('TrimEnd', [], @isnumeric)
p.parse(bag, varargin{:})
% topic filters
if isempty(p.Results.Topics)
topics = bag.topics;
topics = p.Results.Topics;
if ischar(topics)
topics = {topics}; % force topics to be a cell array
topics = setdiff(topics, p.Results.SkipTopics);
if isempty(topics)
error('No topics are to be converted')
% time options
include_time = p.Results.IncludeTime;
zero_time = p.Results.ZeroTime;
start_time = [];
end_time = [];
if ~isempty(p.Results.TrimStart)
start_time = bag.time_begin + p.Results.TrimStart;
if ~isempty(p.Results.TrimEnd)
end_time = bag.time_end - p.Results.TrimEnd;
bag.resetView(topics, start_time, end_time);
% parse bag file
for topic = topics
[msgs, metas] = bag.readAll(topic{1}, p.Results.Flatten);
field_name = strrep(topic{1}(2:end), '/', '_');
if ~isempty(msgs)
% extract data
data.(field_name) = recurse_struct(msgs, @(x) x, nonnumeric);
% add time field
if include_time
if isfield(data.(field_name), 'time')
warning('topic ''%s'' already has a field named ''time''')
time = cellfun(@(x) x.time.time, metas);
if zero_time
time = time - bag.time_begin;
if isstruct(data.(field_name))
data.(field_name).time = time;
else % need to shift the data down into a struct field
temp = data.(field_name);
data = rmfield(data, field_name);
data.(field_name) = struct( ...
'data', temp, ...
'time', time);
% extract metadata
if nargout == 2
meta.(field_name) = recurse_struct(metas, @(x) x, true);
function s = recurse_struct(msgs, accessor, nonnumeric)
%RECURSE_STRUCT Recursively extract data from nested structs
if isstruct(accessor(msgs{1}))
for field = fieldnames(accessor(msgs{1}))'
field_accessor = @(x) struct(accessor(x)).(field{1});
s.(field{1}) = recurse_struct(msgs, field_accessor, nonnumeric);
elseif isnumeric(accessor(msgs{1}))
s = ros.msgs2mat(msgs, accessor);
elseif nonnumeric && islogical(accessor(msgs{1}))
s = cell2mat(cellfun(accessor, msgs, 'UniformOutput', false));
elseif nonnumeric
s = cellfun(accessor, msgs, 'UniformOutput', false);
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