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Last active August 26, 2018 10:47
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Invert infinite upper triangular matrix
> scale :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a]
> scale a bs = map (a *) bs
Invert an infinite upper triangular matrix with 1 on diagonal
[1, b₀₁, b₀₂, b₀₃, …],
[1, b₁₂, b₁₃, …],
[1, b₂₃, …],
giving upper triangular matrix in same format.
> invertUT1 :: Num a => [[a]] -> [[a]]
> invertUT1 ((b00 : b01) :
> b11) = (1 : staggered_sum (zipWith scale (map negate b01) a11)) :
> a11
The bottom right, `b11` of matrix is inverted recursively in `a11` and this becomes
the bottom right of result. But it's also used to subtract elements from top row
of result.
There is of course no "base case" and yet the recursion works. We also use
some of `a11` to compute the top row.
> where a11 = invertUT1 b11
> staggered_sum ((c00 : c01) :
> c11) = c00 : zipWith (+) c01 (staggered_sum c11)
Invert an infinite upper triangular matrix
[b₀₀, b₀₁, b₀₂, b₀₃, …],
[b₁₁, b₁₂, b₁₃, …],
[b₂₂, b₂₃, …],
Prescales rows by bᵢᵢ⁻¹, applies `invertUT1`, and then postscales columns by bᵢᵢ.
> invertUT :: Fractional a => [[a]] -> [[a]]
> invertUT b = postscale rdiags $ invertUT1 $ zipWith scale rdiags b
> where rdiags = map (recip . head) b
> postscale s@(_ : ss) (b : bs) = zipWith (*) s b : postscale ss bs
"Signed" Stirling numbers of first kind
> stirling1 0 0 = 1
> stirling1 _ 0 = 0
> stirling1 0 _ = 0
> stirling1 n k = -(n-1)*stirling1 (n-1) k+stirling1 (n-1) (k-1)
Stirling numbers of second kind
> stirling2 0 0 = 1
> stirling2 _ 0 = 0
> stirling2 0 _ = 0
> stirling2 n k = k*stirling2 (n-1) k+stirling2 (n-1) (k-1)
> m = [[stirling1 n k | n <- [k..]] | k <- [0..]]
> m' = [[stirling2 n k | n <- [k..]] | k <- [0..]]
> top_left :: Int -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
> top_left n b = map (take n) (take n b)
The two matrices of Stirling numbers are mutual inverses
> main = do
> print $ top_left 6 m
> print $ top_left 6 m'
> print $ top_left 6 $ invertUT1 m
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