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Last active August 10, 2017 21:31
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CodeMirror Flow libdef (Partial)
declare module 'codemirror' {
declare export default typeof CodeMirror
declare type Position = { line: number, ch: number }
declare class TextMarker {
changed(): void;
clear(): void;
find(): { from: Position, to: Position };
declare type TextMarkerOptions = {
atomic?: boolean,
className?: string,
css?: string,
readOnly?: boolean,
declare class Doc {
size: number; // undocumented (number of lines)
clearHistory(): void;
eachLine(f: (l: LineHandle) => void): void;
getCursor(start?: 'anchor' | 'from' | 'to' | 'head'): Position;
markClean(): void;
isClean(generation?: number): boolean;
setValue(string): void;
markText(from: Position, to: Position, options?: TextMarkerOptions): TextMarker;
declare export type CodeMirrorOptions = {
cursorBlinkRate?: number,
disableScrollWheel?: boolean,
firstLineNumber?: number,
gutters?: Array<string>,
lineWrapping?: boolean,
lineNumbers?: boolean,
lineNumberFormatter?: (line: number) => string,
mode?: ?string,
readOnly?: boolean,
scrollbarStyle?: 'native' | null,
theme?: string,
undoDepth?: number,
extraKeys?: { [key: string]: (cm: CodeMirror) => void },
declare class Cursor {
pos: { from: Position, to: Position }; // undocumented
find(): { from: Position, to: Position } | false; // undocumented
findNext(): boolean;
findPrevious(): boolean;
from(): Position;
to(): Position;
replace(text: string, origin?: string): void;
declare class LineHandle {
gutterMarkers: { [gutterId: string]: string };
height: number;
text: string;
widgets: Array<Widget>;
// other obviously private properties
declare class Widget {
line: LineHandle;
changed(): void;
clear(): void;
declare type Events = {
change: (cm: CodeMirror, changeObj: {
from: Position,
to: Position,
text: string,
removed: string,
origin: string,
}) => void,
cursorActivity: (cm: CodeMirror) => void,
focus: (cm: CodeMirror, event: SyntheticEvent) => void,
gutterClick: (cm: CodeMirror, line: number, gutter: string, clickEvent: SyntheticMouseEvent) => void,
declare class CodeMirror {
static fromTextArea(textArea: HTMLElement, config?: CodeMirrorOptions): CodeMirror;
addLineClass(line: number | LineHandle, where: string, className: string): LineHandle;
removeLineClass(line: number | LineHandle, where: string, className?: string): LineHandle;
addLineWidget(line: number | LineHandle, node: HTMLElement, options?: {
coverGutter?: boolean,
noHScroll?: boolean,
above?: boolean,
handleMouseEvents?: boolean,
insertAt?: boolean
}): Widget;
charCoords(pos: Position, mode?: string): { left: number, right: number, top: number, bottom: number };
clearGutter(gutterId: string): void;
defaultTextHeight(): number,
findMarks(from: Position, to: Position): Array<TextMarker>;
focus(): void;
getDoc(): Doc;
getSearchCursor(query: string, start: ?Position, options: ?{ caseFold?: boolean, multiline?: boolean }): Cursor;
getScrollerElement(): HTMLElement,
getScrollInfo(): { top: number, left: number, width: number, height: number, clientWidth: number, clientHeight: number };
getValue(separator?: string): string;
setValue(string): void;
getWrapperElement(): HTMLElement,
lastLine(): number;
lineAtHeight(height: number, mode?: 'window' | 'page' | 'local'): number;
lineInfo(n: number): {
textClass: string,
on<K: $Keys<Events>>(type: K, value: $ElementType<Events, K>): void;
off<K: $Keys<Events>>(type: K, value: $ElementType<Events, K>): void;
refresh(): void;
scrollTo(left: ?number, top: ?number): void;
setGutterMarker(line: number | LineHandle, gutterId: string, value: HTMLElement): LineHandle;
setOption<K: $Keys<CodeMirrorOptions>>(option: K, value: $ElementType<CodeMirrorOptions, K>): void;
setSelection(anchor: Position, head?: Position, options?: {
scroll?: boolean,
origin?: string,
bias?: -1 | 1,
}): void;
setSize(width: number | string | null, height: number | string | null): void;
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