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Created January 18, 2018 12:32
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private int[,] grid;
public static int DEAD_CELL = 0;
public static int LIVING_CELL = 1;
private int rowCount;
private int columnCount;
public GameOfLife(int rowCount, int columnCount)
grid = new int[rowCount, columnCount];
this.rowCount = grid.GetLength(0);
this.columnCount = grid.GetLength(1);
public void InitializeGridWithDeadCells()
for (int i = 0; i < grid.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < grid.GetLength(1); j++)
grid[i, j] = DEAD_CELL;
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t", grid[i, j]));
public void SetLivingCell(int row, int column)
grid[row, column] = LIVING_CELL;
public int countlivingNeighbours(int row, int column)
int[,] cellsToCheck = {
{row - 1, column - 1},
{row - 1, column},
{row - 1, column + 1},
{row, column + 1},
{row + 1, column + 1},
{row + 1, column},
{row + 1, column - 1},
{row, column - 1},
int livingNeighbours = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cellsToCheck.GetLength(0); i++)
int rowToCheck = cellsToCheck[i,0];
int colTocheck = cellsToCheck[i,1];
if (isInTheGrid(rowToCheck, colTocheck) && isAlive(rowToCheck, colTocheck))
return livingNeighbours;
private Boolean isInTheGrid(int row, int col)
return row >= 0 && col >= 0 && row < rowCount && col < columnCount;
public Boolean isAlive(int row, int column)
return grid[row, column] == LIVING_CELL;
public Boolean isDead(int row, int column)
return grid[row, column] == DEAD_CELL;
public void computeNextGeneration()
int[,] nextGenerationGrid = new int[rowCount, columnCount];
for (int y = 0; y < rowCount; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < columnCount; x++)
if (thisCellIsAliveAndHasLessThanTwoLivingNeighbours(y, x))
nextGenerationGrid[y, x] = DEAD_CELL;
else if (thisCellIsAliveAndHasTwoOrThreeLivingNeighbours(y, x))
nextGenerationGrid[y, x] = LIVING_CELL;
else if (thisCellIsAliveAndHasMoreThanThreeLivingNeighbours(y, x))
nextGenerationGrid[y, x] = DEAD_CELL;
else if (thisCellIsDeadAndHasThreeLivingNeighbours(y, x))
nextGenerationGrid[y, x] = LIVING_CELL;
nextGenerationGrid[y, x] = grid[y, x];
grid = nextGenerationGrid.Clone();
private Boolean thisCellIsDeadAndHasThreeLivingNeighbours(int row, int column)
int livingNeighbours = countlivingNeighbours(row, column);
return isDead(row, column) && livingNeighbours == 3;
private Boolean thisCellIsAliveAndHasMoreThanThreeLivingNeighbours(int row, int column)
int livingNeighbours = countlivingNeighbours(row, column);
return isAlive(row, column) && livingNeighbours > 3;
private Boolean thisCellIsAliveAndHasTwoOrThreeLivingNeighbours(int row, int column)
int livingNeighbours = countlivingNeighbours(row, column);
return isAlive(row, column) && (livingNeighbours == 2 || livingNeighbours == 3);
private Boolean thisCellIsAliveAndHasLessThanTwoLivingNeighbours(int row, int column)
int neighboursCount = countlivingNeighbours(row, column);
return isAlive(row, column) && neighboursCount < 2;
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