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Created August 12, 2024 22:50
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Macro Manager with UI(Auto Hotkey v2) similar to Keyboard Maestro on Mac (Ctrl+Alt+T to launch macro search)
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
MacroFilePath := A_ScriptDir . "\macros.txt"
global MacroTypeMap := Map()
MacroTypeMap["1"] := "Send"
MacroTypeMap["2"] := "Run"
LoadMacros() {
macros := []
if FileExist(MacroFilePath) {
try {
fileContent := FileRead(MacroFilePath, "UTF-8")
lines := StrSplit(fileContent, "`n", "`r")
currentMacro := Map()
for index, line in lines {
if (line = "") {
if (currentMacro.Has("name") && currentMacro.Has("type") && currentMacro.Has("command")) {
macros.Push({name: currentMacro["name"], type: currentMacro["type"], command: currentMacro["command"]})
currentMacro := Map()
} else {
parts := StrSplit(line, "=", , 2)
if (parts.Length = 2) {
currentMacro[parts[1]] := parts[2]
if (currentMacro.Has("name") && currentMacro.Has("type") && currentMacro.Has("command")) {
macros.Push({name: currentMacro["name"], type: currentMacro["type"], command: currentMacro["command"]})
} catch as err {
MsgBox("Error loading macros: " . err.Message . "`nFile path: " . MacroFilePath)
return macros
SaveMacros(macros) {
fileContent := ""
for macro in macros {
fileContent .= "name=" . . "`n"
fileContent .= "type=" . macro.type . "`n"
fileContent .= "command=" . macro.command . "`n`n"
try {
FileDelete(MacroFilePath) ; Delete existing file before saving new content
FileAppend(fileContent, MacroFilePath, "UTF-8-RAW")
} catch as err {
MsgBox("Error saving macros: " . err.Message)
Macros := LoadMacros()
ShowMacroSearch() {
macroGui := Gui("+AlwaysOnTop", "Macro Search")
searchBox := macroGui.Add("Edit", "w400 vSearchBox")
macroList := macroGui.Add("ListView", "w400 r10", ["Name", "Type", "Command"])
addButton := macroGui.Add("Button", "w100", "Add Macro")
editButton := macroGui.Add("Button", "w100 x+10", "Edit Macro")
deleteButton := macroGui.Add("Button", "w100 x+10", "Delete Macro") ; Add delete button
macroList.ModifyCol(1, 200)
macroList.ModifyCol(2, 80)
macroList.ModifyCol(3, 120)
searchBox.OnEvent("Change", (*) => UpdateList(macroList, searchBox))
macroList.OnEvent("DoubleClick", (*) => ExecuteMacro(macroList))
addButton.OnEvent("Click", (*) => AddEditMacro(macroList))
editButton.OnEvent("Click", (*) => EditSelectedMacro(macroList))
deleteButton.OnEvent("Click", (*) => DeleteSelectedMacro(macroList)) ; Attach delete event
macroGui.OnEvent("Close", (*) => macroGui.Destroy())
macroGui.OnEvent("Escape", (*) => macroGui.Destroy())
enterHotkey := HotIfWinactive("ahk_id " macroGui.Hwnd)
Hotkey("Enter", (*) => ExecuteFirstVisibleMacro(macroList), enterHotkey)
RefreshMacroList(macroList) {
for macro in Macros {
typeText := MacroTypeMap[macro.type] ; Convert type number to text
macroList.Add(,, typeText, macro.command)
if (macroList.GetCount() > 0) {
macroList.Modify(1, "+Select +Focus")
UpdateList(macroList, searchBox) {
searchText := Trim(StrLower(searchBox.Value))
searchWords := StrSplit(searchText, A_Space)
if (searchText != "") {
for macro in Macros {
matchFound := false
macroNameLower := StrLower(
macroCommandLower := StrLower(macro.command)
for word in searchWords {
if (word != "" && (InStr(macroNameLower, word) || InStr(macroCommandLower, word))) {
matchFound := true
if (matchFound) {
typeText := MacroTypeMap[macro.type] ; Convert type number to text
macroList.Add(,, typeText, macro.command)
} else {
if (macroList.GetCount() > 0) {
macroList.Modify(1, "+Select +Focus")
ExecuteFirstVisibleMacro(macroList) {
itemCount := macroList.GetCount()
if (itemCount > 0) {
macroName := macroList.GetText(1, 1)
macroType := macroList.GetText(1, 2) ; This is already the text like "Send" or "Run"
macroCommand := macroList.GetText(1, 3)
; No need to map again because macroType is already the descriptive text
if (macroType == "Send") {
} else if (macroType == "Run") {
ExecuteMacro(macroList) {
if (selectedRow := macroList.GetNext(0, "F")) {
macroName := macroList.GetText(selectedRow, 1)
macroType := macroList.GetText(selectedRow, 2) ; This is already the text like "Send" or "Run"
macroCommand := macroList.GetText(selectedRow, 3)
if (macroType == "Send") {
} else if (macroType == "Run") {
AddEditMacro(macroList, editIndex := 0) {
editGui := Gui("+AlwaysOnTop", (editIndex ? "Edit" : "Add") . " Macro")
editGui.Add("Text", "x10 y10", "Name:")
nameEdit := editGui.Add("Edit", "x10 y30 w280 vName")
editGui.Add("Text", "x10 y60", "Type:")
typeDropDown := editGui.Add("DropDownList", "x10 y80 w280 vType Choose1", ["Send", "Run"])
editGui.Add("Text", "x10 y110", "Command:")
commandEdit := editGui.Add("Edit", "x10 y130 w280 vCommand")
saveButton := editGui.Add("Button", "x10 y170 w100", "Save")
cancelButton := editGui.Add("Button", "x120 y170 w100", "Cancel")
if (editIndex) {
macro := Macros[editIndex]
nameEdit.Value :=
typeDropDown.Value := MacroTypeMap[macro.type] ; Set dropdown to text value
commandEdit.Value := macro.command
saveButton.OnEvent("Click", (*) => SaveMacro(editGui, macroList, editIndex))
cancelButton.OnEvent("Click", (*) => editGui.Destroy())
SaveMacro(editGui, macroList, editIndex) {
; Convert the type back to the key for saving
typeKey := MacroTypeMap[editGui["Type"].Value]
newMacro := {name: editGui["Name"].Value, type: typeKey, command: editGui["Command"].Value}
if (editIndex) {
Macros[editIndex] := newMacro
} else {
EditSelectedMacro(macroList) {
if (selectedRow := macroList.GetNext(0, "F")) {
AddEditMacro(macroList, selectedRow)
DeleteSelectedMacro(macroList) {
if (selectedRow := macroList.GetNext(0, "F")) {
Macros.RemoveAt(selectedRow) ; Remove the selected macro from the list
SaveMacros(Macros) ; Save the updated list to the file
RefreshMacroList(macroList) ; Refresh the list view
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