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Created September 21, 2023 00:59
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Decode String
- There is always guaranteed an integer right in front of an opening bracket
stack = 5, 4, [, a, b, 6, [, c, d
5, 4, [, a, b, 6
We pop any integer after what we've popped which is 6 --> 6 * cd
5, 4, [, a, b, 6*cd
54, ab, 6*cd
Take everything we pop and multiply by int before what we've popped --> 54 and add to the stack
Return the stack after everything
TC - O(maxK ^ countK * n) where maxK is the maximum value of K and countK is the count of nested k values and n is the maximum length of encoded string. For example:
s = 20[a10[bc]], maxK = 20, countK = 2 as there are two nested K values (20 and 10). n = 2 as there are 2 encoded strings (a and bc).
SC - O(sum(maxK ^ countK * n))) where maxK is the maximum value of K, countK is the count of nested K values and n is the maximum length of encoded string
max stack size = sum of all decoded strings in the form -> maxK[nmaxK[n]]
class Solution:
def decodeString(self, s: str) -> str:
stack = []
for char in s:
if char != "]":
substr = ""
# we want to keep popping until we encounter an open square bracket
while stack[-1] != "[":
substr = stack.pop() + substr
# pop the open square bracket
k = ""
# we need to check if we have something in the stack so we don't go out of range. We didn't have this for the substr because k will always be the last character left in the stack
while stack and stack[-1].isdigit():
k = stack.pop() + k
stack.append(int(k) * substr)
return "".join(stack)
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