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Last active August 20, 2024 15:12
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Regarding how to better use DAE in OpenWRT, use ` -> /etc/init.d/dae` and `config.dae -> /etc/dae/config.dae`. For DAE version 0.5.1 or higher, you need to install kmod-veth additionally.
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2023 Tianling Shen <>
start_service() {
config_load "$CONF"
local enabled
config_get_bool enabled "config" "enabled" "0"
[ "$enabled" -eq "1" ] || return 1
local config_file
config_get config_file "config" "config_file" "/etc/dae/config.dae"
"$PROG" validate -c "$config_file" || return 1
local log_maxbackups log_maxsize
config_get log_maxbackups "config" "log_maxbackups" "1"
config_get log_maxsize "config" "log_maxsize" "1"
procd_open_instance "$CONF"
procd_set_param command "$PROG" run
procd_append_param command --config "$config_file"
procd_append_param command --disable-timestamp
procd_append_param command --logfile "$LOG_DIR/dae.log"
procd_append_param command --logfile-maxbackups "$log_maxbackups"
procd_append_param command --logfile-maxsize "$log_maxsize"
procd_set_param limits core="unlimited"
procd_set_param limits nofile="1000000 1000000"
procd_set_param respawn
# procd_set_param stdout 1
procd_set_param stderr 1
# see
uci -q del dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].server
uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].server='' # set dnsmasq dns
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].rebind_protection='0' # disable rebind_protection
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].noresolv='1' # disable dnsmasq hijack
uci del dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].dns_redirect # disable dns redirect
uci -q del dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain # prevent the random appending of '.lan' to the DAE DNS _qname
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].cachesize='0' # disable dnsmasq cache
uci commit dhcp
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
stop_service() {
uci -q del dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].server
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].noresolv='0' # enable dnsmasq hijack
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].dns_redirect='1' # enable dns redirect
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].cachesize='8000' # recovery dnsmasq cache
uci commit dhcp
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
rm -rf "$LOG_DIR"
service_triggers() {
procd_add_reload_trigger "$CONF"
reload_service() {
"$PROG" reload "$(cat /var/run/"
global {
##### Software options.
# tproxy port to listen on. It is NOT a HTTP/SOCKS port, and is just used by eBPF program.
# In normal case, you do not need to use it.
tproxy_port: 12345
# Set it true to protect tproxy port from unsolicited traffic. Set it false to allow users to use self-managed
# iptables tproxy rules.
tproxy_port_protect: true
# If not zero, traffic sent from dae will be set SO_MARK. It is useful to avoid traffic loop with iptables tproxy
# rules.
so_mark_from_dae: 0
# Log level: error, warn, info, debug, trace.
log_level: info
# Disable waiting for network before pulling subscriptions.
disable_waiting_network: false
##### Interface and kernel options.
# The LAN interface to bind. Use it if you want to proxy LAN.
# Multiple interfaces split by ",".
lan_interface: br-lan
# The WAN interface to bind. Use it if you want to proxy localhost.
# Multiple interfaces split by ",". Use "auto" to auto detect.
wan_interface: auto
# Automatically configure Linux kernel parameters like ip_forward and send_redirects. Check out
# to see what will dae do.
auto_config_kernel_parameter: true
# Automatically configure firewall rules like firewalld and fw4.
# firewalld: nft 'insert rule inet firewalld filter_INPUT mark 0x08000000 accept'
# fw4: nft 'insert rule inet fw4 input mark 0x08000000 accept'
auto_config_firewall_rule: true
##### Node connectivity check.
# Host of URL should have both IPv4 and IPv6 if you have double stack in local.
# First is URL, others are IP addresses if given.
# Considering traffic consumption, it is recommended to choose a site with anycast IP and less response.
#tcp_check_url: ''
tcp_check_url: ',,2606:4700:4700::1111'
# The HTTP request method to `tcp_check_url`. Use 'HEAD' by default because some server implementations bypass
# accounting for this kind of traffic.
tcp_check_http_method: HEAD
# This DNS will be used to check UDP connectivity of nodes. And if dns_upstream below contains tcp, it also be used to check
# TCP DNS connectivity of nodes.
# First is URL, others are IP addresses if given.
# This DNS should have both IPv4 and IPv6 if you have double stack in local.
#udp_check_dns: ''
udp_check_dns: ',,2001:4860:4860::8888'
check_interval: 30s
# Group will switch node only when new_latency <= old_latency - tolerance.
check_tolerance: 50ms
##### Connecting options.
# Optional values of dial_mode are:
# 1. "ip". Dial proxy using the IP from DNS directly. This allows your ipv4, ipv6 to choose the optimal path
# respectively, and makes the IP version requested by the application meet expectations. For example, if you
# use curl -4, you will request IPv4 via proxy and get a IPv4 echo. And curl -6 will request IPv6.
# This may solve some wierd full-cone problem if your are be your node support that. Sniffing will be disabled
# in this mode.
# 2. "domain". Dial proxy using the domain from sniffing. This will relieve DNS pollution problem to a great extent
# if have impure DNS environment. Generally, this mode brings faster proxy response time because proxy will
# re-resolve the domain in remote, thus get better IP result to connect. This policy does not impact routing.
# That is to say, domain rewrite will be after traffic split of routing and dae will not re-route it.
# 3. "domain+". Based on domain mode but do not check the reality of sniffed domain. It is useful for users whose
# DNS requests do not go through dae but want faster proxy response time. Notice that, if DNS requests do not
# go through dae, dae cannot split traffic by domain.
# 4. "domain++". Based on domain+ mode but force to re-route traffic using sniffed domain to partially recover
# domain based traffic split ability. It doesn't work for direct traffic and consumes more CPU resources.
dial_mode: domain
# Allow insecure TLS certificates. It is not recommended to turn it on unless you have to.
allow_insecure: false
# Timeout to waiting for first data sending for sniffing. It is always 0 if dial_mode is ip. Set it higher is useful
# in high latency LAN network.
sniffing_timeout: 100ms
# TLS implementation. tls is to use Go's crypto/tls. utls is to use uTLS, which can imitate browser's Client Hello.
tls_implementation: tls
# The Client Hello ID for uTLS to imitate. This takes effect only if tls_implementation is utls.
# See more:
utls_imitate: chrome_auto
# Subscriptions defined here will be resolved as nodes and merged as a part of the global node pool.
# Support to give the subscription a tag, and filter nodes from a given subscription in the group section.
subscription {
# Add your subscription links here.
# Nodes defined here will be merged as a part of the global node pool.
node {
# Add your node links here.
# Support socks5, http, https, ss, ssr, vmess, vless, trojan, tuic, juicity, etc.
# Full support list:
# See for full examples.
dns {
# For example, if ipversion_prefer is 4 and the domain name has both type A and type AAAA records, the dae will only
# respond to type A queries and response empty answer to type AAAA queries.
#ipversion_prefer: 4
# Give a fixed ttl for domains. Zero means that dae will request to upstream every time and not cache DNS results
# for these domains.
#fixed_domain_ttl {
# 10
# 3600
upstream {
# Value can be scheme://host:port, where the scheme can be tcp/udp/tcp+udp.
# If host is a domain and has both IPv4 and IPv6 record, dae will automatically choose
# IPv4 or IPv6 to use according to group policy (such as min latency policy).
# Please make sure DNS traffic will go through and be forwarded by dae, which is REQUIRED for domain routing.
# If dial_mode is "ip", the upstream DNS answer SHOULD NOT be polluted, so domestic public DNS is not recommended.
alidns: 'udp://'
googledns: 'tcp+udp://'
routing {
# According to the request of dns query, decide to use which DNS upstream.
# Match rules from top to bottom.
request {
qname(suffix: -> reject
qname(geosite:category-ads-all) -> reject
qname(geosite:cn) -> alidns
qname(geosite:microsoft@cn) -> alidns
# fallback is also called default.
fallback: googledns
# According to the response of dns query, decide to accept or re-lookup using another DNS upstream.
# Match rules from top to bottom.
#response {
# # Trusted upstream. Always accept its result.
# upstream(googledns) -> accept
# # Possibly polluted, re-lookup using googledns.
# ip(geoip:private) && !qname(geosite:cn) -> googledns
# # fallback is also called default.
# fallback: accept
# Node group (outbound).
group {
kr {
filter: name(keyword: 'kr')
policy: fixed(0)
sg {
filter: subtag(bigme) && name(keyword: '新加坡')
policy: min_moving_avg
us {
filter: subtag(bigme) && name(keyword: '美国')
policy: min_moving_avg
# See for full examples.
routing {
### Preset rules.
# Put it in the front to prevent broadcast, multicast and other packets that should be sent to the LAN from being
# forwarded by the proxy.
# "dip" means destination IP.
dip(, 'ff00::/8') -> direct
# This line allows you to access private addresses directly instead of via your proxy. If you really want to access
# private addresses in your proxy host network, modify the below line.
dip(geoip:private) -> direct
### Write your rules below.
!mac('your mac address') -> direct(must)
# skip BT
!dport(22, 53, 80, 143, 443, 465, 853, 993, 995, 8080, 8443, 9418) -> direct
dscp(0x4) -> direct
domain( -> us
# Disable h3 because it usually consumes too much cpu/mem resources.
l4proto(udp) && dport(443) -> block
dip(geoip:cn) -> direct
domain(geosite:cn) -> direct
domain(geosite:microsoft@cn) -> direct
fallback: sg
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