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Last active December 21, 2015 04:18
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# Simple manifest
# by vkhomenko
# We want to create VM, and run bash command on it.
# We need 2 steps: provision (ask amazon to launch instance) and run-command.
# To define order for our steps, we use "phase - precedingPhases". precedingPhases means we shall wait until phases listed there finished.
# Also, after starting node, we need a way to access it. Adding roleName, we adds our node to pool, named "computes-pool".
# Parameter "roles", passed to execrun, tells where to execute command. Right now it's just one node.
- ip:
description: IP
- provision-vm: # Name of step
action: compute.grow # Predefined action that adds compute node
ip: "{$.ip}"
roleName: computes-pool # Name of pool we create.
phase: init # Phase name, for ordering.
output: # After running, action "compute.grow" will return some variables, "ips" is one of them.
vm-ips: ips # We declare that our step should return it to step caller, so it can be accessible for other steps.
- run-command: # Name of step
action: execrun # Predefined action that executes shell command
roles: [computes-pool] # Where to run command. We've created one vm on privious step. What square braces means???
precedingPhases: [init] # We declare that step must be executed after "init" phase finished.
command: # Parameter for execrun, passes command to execute
- 'echo "Hello from execrun!"'
output: # What this step should return
cmd-out: stdout # Action "execrun" returns console output in "stdout" variable, we name it cmd-out, to use later
return: # Here we declare what our application should return
vm-host: # Name of variable
value: '{$.vm-ips}' #? Value we can from local variables of manifest ???
description: Newly created VM address # Just description, to be shown in UI instead of "vm-host"
value: '{$.cmd-out}'
destroy: # Mandatory paramenter
- destroy-vm:
action: compute.shrink-all # Predefined action, destroys all created VM's
# Running this manifest will result in:
# console-output { : Hello from execrun!}
# Newly created VM address
# That means we created virtual machine and executed echo there
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