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Created June 20, 2012 22:15
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(almost) transparent maps serialization
import com.novus.salat._
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.novus.salat.annotations._
case class KeyValuePair[K, V](key: K, value: V)
object DaoMap {
implicit def toDaoMap[K, V](map: Map[K, V]): Seq[KeyValuePair[K, V]] = {
//TODO handle nested maps => {
val v = x._2 match {
case m: Map[_, _] => toDaoMap(m)
case other => other
new KeyValuePair(x._1, v.asInstanceOf[V])
//Because of type erasure reverse conversion becomes hard if not impossible.
//Generic KeyValuePair is converted to List[Any] containing values of its two fields.
object Main extends scala.App {
import DaoMap._
val test = Test("someId", Map("a.b" -> "c"))
val serialized = grater[Test].asDBObject(test).toString
val deserialized = grater[Test].fromJSON(serialized)
val originalMap = deserialized._map
print(serialized.toString + "\n")
print(deserialized.toString + "\n")
print(originalMap.toString() + "\n")
trait MapRestore {
def restoreMap(seq: Seq[Any]): Map[Any, Any] = { => {
val list = x.asInstanceOf[Seq[Any]]
//TODO handle nested maps,
//Is there a way to recognize a nested map?
// Map(a-> Map(b->c, d->e))
// will be turned into [[a, [[b,c],[d,e]]]]
//I guess any array of arrays of length 2 can be treated as a map.
(list(0), list(1))
case class Test(
id: String,
map: Seq[KeyValuePair[String, String]]) extends MapRestore {
lazy val _map = restoreMap(map)
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