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Created September 24, 2017 14:25
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Using react apollo with redux-form
import { createMemoryHistory, History } from 'history';
import * as Joi from 'joi';
import * as React from 'react';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { MemoryRouter, Router } from 'react-router';
import { ComponentEnhancer, withProps } from 'recompose';
import { combineReducers, createStore } from 'redux';
import { InjectedFormProps, reducer as formReducer } from 'redux-form';
import { mountWithMuiContext } from '../../test';
import { Omit } from '../../ww-commons/ts';
import Loading from '../Loading';
import { formContainer, FormContainerOptions } from './formContainer';
import { validateInput } from './validateInput';
import { flushPromises } from '../../test/flushPromises';
jest.mock('./validateInput', () => ({
validateInput: jest.fn(),
interface QueryResult {
entity: {
data: { foo: string },
loading: boolean,
interface MutationResult {
upsertEntity: {
foo: string;
interface FormInput {
foo: string;
const ValidationSchema = Joi.object().keys({ foo: Joi.string() });
type Opts = FormContainerOptions<QueryResult, MutationResult, FormInput>;
const serializeForm = jest.fn((o: any) => ({ foo: 'bar_s' }));
const deserializeForm = jest.fn((o: any) => ({ foo: 'bar_d' }));
const mutateError = jest.fn((data: any) => Promise.reject({ message: 'Some mutation error' }));
const mutateSuccess = jest.fn((data: any) => Promise.resolve(data));
const options: Omit<Opts, 'queryContainer' | 'mutationContainer'> = {
formName: 'entity',
propName: 'entity',
backPath: '/entities',
validationSchema: ValidationSchema,
const detailsContainer = (loading: boolean) => withProps({
entity: {
data: { foo: 'bar' },
}) as ComponentEnhancer<QueryResult, any>;
const mutationContainer = (error: boolean) => withProps({
mutate: error ? mutateError : mutateSuccess,
}) as ComponentEnhancer<MutationResult, any>;
class Receiver extends React.PureComponent<InjectedFormProps<any>> {
render() {
return (
<form onSubmit={this.props.handleSubmit} />
const mountThings = (detailsLoading: boolean, mutationError: boolean, history?: History) => {
const wrapper = formContainer({
queryContainer: detailsContainer(detailsLoading),
mutationContainer: mutationContainer(mutationError),
const store = createStore(combineReducers({ form: formReducer }));
const Wrapped: React.ComponentType<any> = wrapper(Receiver);
const router = !!history ?
(<Router history={history}><Wrapped /></Router>) :
(<MemoryRouter><Wrapped /></MemoryRouter>);
return mountWithMuiContext((
<Provider store={store}>
beforeEach(() => {
it('should render loading when query is loading', () => {
const wrapped = mountThings(true, false);
expect(wrapped.containsMatchingElement(<Loading />)).toBe(true);
it('should deserialize query to form initialValues', () => {
const wrapped = mountThings(false, false);
const receivers = wrapped.find(Receiver);
const receiver =;
expect(receiver.prop('initialValues')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar_d' });
it('should use validation schema', () => {
mountThings(false, false);
it('should send serialized values', () => {
const wrapped = mountThings(false, false);
const receiver = wrapped.find(Receiver).at(0) as any;
expect(serializeForm).toBeCalledWith({ foo: 'bar_d' });
it('should call mutate on submit', () => {
const wrapped = mountThings(false, false);
const receiver = wrapped.find(Receiver).at(0) as any;
it('should render loading while submitting', () => {
const wrapped = mountThings(false, false);
const receiver = wrapped.find(Receiver).at(0) as any;
expect(wrapped.containsMatchingElement(<Loading />)).toBe(true);
it('should navigate on successful mutation', async () => {
const history = createMemoryHistory();
history.replace = jest.fn();
const wrapped = mountThings(false, false, history);
const receiver = wrapped.find(Receiver).at(0) as any;
await receiver.find('form').simulate('submit');
it('should pass form error on mutation error', async () => {
const wrapped = mountThings(false, true);
const receiver = wrapped.find(Receiver).at(0);
await receiver.find('form').simulate('submit');
await flushPromises();
const receiver2 = wrapped.find(Receiver).at(0);
expect(receiver2.prop('error')).toBe('Some mutation error');
import { Schema } from 'joi';
import { ApolloError, ChildProps } from 'react-apollo';
import { RouteComponentProps, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import { ComponentEnhancer, compose, mapProps } from 'recompose';
import { ConfigProps, InjectedFormProps, reduxForm, SubmissionError } from 'redux-form';
import { withLoading } from '../withLoading';
import { validateInput } from './validateInput';
export interface FormContainerOptions<QueryResult, MutationResult, FormInput> {
* Graphql query enhancer
queryContainer: ComponentEnhancer<QueryResult, any>;
* Graphql mutation enhancer
mutationContainer: ComponentEnhancer<MutationResult, any>;
* redux-form form name
formName: string;
* Name of the prop where queryContainer puts the result
propName: string;
* react-router will navigate to this path on successful form submission
backPath: string;
* Convert graphql query result into something that can be feed to form (i.e. markdown -> draft.js)
deserializeForm: (data: any) => FormInput;
* Convert form data into graphql mutation input (i.e. draft.js -> markdown string)
serializeForm: (input: FormInput) => any;
* redux-form validation schema, works with form data (i.e. draft.js EditorState)
validationSchema: Schema;
export const formContainer = <QueryResult, MutationResult, FormInput>(
options: FormContainerOptions<QueryResult, MutationResult, FormInput>,
) => {
const {
} = options;
type FormProps = Partial<ConfigProps<FormInput>>;
type MappedProps = ChildProps<QueryResult, MutationResult> & RouteComponentProps<any>;
return compose(
mapProps<FormProps, MappedProps>(({ [propName]: details, history, mutate }) => ({
[propName]: details,
initialValues: deserializeForm(!),
onSubmit: (input: FormInput) => {
// Make it clear that we return promise
return mutate!({ variables: { [propName]: serializeForm(input) } })
.then(() => history.replace(backPath))
.catch((e: ApolloError) => {
throw new SubmissionError({ _error: e.message });
withLoading<QueryResult>(({ [propName]: details }) => details.loading),
form: formName,
validate: validateInput(validationSchema),
withLoading<InjectedFormProps>(props => props.submitting),
import { graphql } from 'react-apollo';
import { RouteComponentProps, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import { compose, lifecycle, mapProps, withState } from 'recompose';
import { formContainer } from '../../../components/forms';
import { withRegion } from '../../../ww-clients/features/regions';
import { RegionFormSchema } from '../../../ww-commons';
import deserializeForm from './deserializeForm';
import serializeForm from './serializeForm';
import UPSERT_REGION from './upsertRegion.mutation';
const regionForm = formContainer({
formName: 'region',
propName: 'region',
backPath: '/regions',
queryContainer: withRegion({ errorOnMissingId: false }),
mutationContainer: graphql(UPSERT_REGION, { alias: 'withUpsertRegion' }),
validationSchema: RegionFormSchema,
export default regionForm;
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