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Created June 1, 2017 19:43
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Deleted photos
[/* 1 */
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"description" : "The first canyon. Rider: Mike Krutyansky. Screenshot: Ivan Kozlachkov",
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/* 2 */
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/* 3 */
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"description" : "One of the rapids in the gorge"
/* 4 */
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"url" : "",
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"description" : "The last drop. Photo by Ivan Kozlachkov. Rider Mike Krutyansy"
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/* 6 */
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"description" : "The rapid before the road bridge, around 65 cimecs. Rider: Ivan Kozlachkov. Photo: Mike Krutyansky",
"copyright" : null
/* 7 */
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"type" : "photo",
"description" : "The second rapid in the canyon, around 65 cumecs. Rider: Ivan Kozlachkov. Photo: Mike Krutyansky",
"copyright" : null
/* 8 */
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"description" : "Photo: Mike Krutyanskiy"
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"description" : "another rapid"
/* 10 */
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"url" : "",
"type" : "photo",
"description" : "The first drop. Rider: Vladimir Kazanskiy. Photo: Kirill Kosogorov"
/* 11 */
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"url" : "",
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"description" : "The bedrock part. Rider: Mike Krutyansky. Screenshot: Ivan Kozlachkov",
"copyright" : null
/* 12 */
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"url" : "",
"type" : "photo",
"description" : "A nice slide"
/* 13 */
"_id" : "WP2Jjc6M5ynWWxBBJ",
"url" : "",
"type" : "photo",
"description" : "The last drop of the gorge. Rider: Sergey Ilin. Photo: Mike Krutyansky"
/* 14 */
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"url" : "",
"type" : "photo",
"description" : "The last drop at the take out, around 65 cumecs. Rider: Ivan Kozlachkov. Photo: Mike Krutyansky",
"copyright" : null
/* 15 */
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"url" : "",
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"description" : "The crux part"
/* 16 */
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"url" : "",
"type" : "photo",
"description" : "The last drop of the portage. Rider: Mike Krutyansky. Photo: Ivan Kozlachkov",
"copyright" : null
/* 17 */
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"url" : "",
"type" : "photo",
"description" : "The highest and the trickiest weir"
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/* 19 */
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"type" : "photo",
"description" : "The wide valley at the put in",
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/* 20 */
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"url" : "",
"type" : "photo",
"description" : "The entrance to the second rapid in the gorge. 82 cumecs. Rider: Mike Krutyansky. Photo: Ivan Kozlachkov",
"copyright" : null
/* 21 */
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"url" : "",
"type" : "photo",
"description" : "The weir at the take out"
/* 22 */
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"description" : "\"The steps\". One of the last rapids. Low water, 3.4 at the gauge at the put-in.",
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/* 23 */
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"description" : "\"The staircase\". Low water, 3.4 at the gauge at the put-in. If you go left at low and medium water better wear elbow protections, gloves and a fullface!",
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"url" : "undefined"
/* 24 */
"_id" : "9JDcew7crR9iTQuiR",
"description" : "\"The Drop\". Low water, 3.4 at the gauge at the put-in. It's a dangerous rapids. There were accidents there. Rider: Mike Krutyansky",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined"
/* 25 */
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"description" : "Rider: Kirill Kosogorov. Photo: Mike Krutyansky",
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"url" : "undefined"
/* 26 */
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"description" : "The portage",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined"
/* 27 */
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"description" : "Not-so-clean drop. Rider: Mike Krutyansky. Photo: Kirill Kosogorov",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined"
/* 28 */
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"description" : "Rider: Mike Krutyansky",
"copyright" : "Kristof Stursa (",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined"
/* 29 */
"_id" : "mJvz5wScPGLq4epkm",
"description" : "The must run after the portage. Rider: Alex Lukin.",
"copyright" : "Kristof Stursa (",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined"
/* 30 */
"_id" : "Xzcu5H5JQP4enoGC6",
"description" : "Put in bridge. High water level. The description is based on this water level",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined"
/* 31 */
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"description" : "The second portage. High water level, around 4.3 at the gauge",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined",
"copyright" : null
/* 32 */
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"description" : "The first big slide. High water level, around 4.3 at the gauge",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined",
"copyright" : null
/* 33 */
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"copyright" : "The second big slide. High water level, around 4.3 at the gauge",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined",
"description" : null
/* 34 */
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"description" : "Rider: Janosch Plathner. High water. 4.5 on the gauge",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined"
/* 35 */
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"description" : "Rider: Alex Lukin. High water. 4.5 on the gauge",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined"
/* 36 */
"_id" : "Lkdd8RS4sK9gR4Yt6",
"description" : "The veiw from the bridge in Barbosa. 4.3 on the Gauge. High water",
"type" : "uploaded_image",
"url" : "undefined"
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