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Last active May 6, 2021 19:33
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Process editors extracted from a custom reffy run
const {JSDOM} = require("jsdom");
const {Parser} = require("json2csv");
const fs = require("fs");
const specData = require(process.argv[2]);
const affiliations = {};
const sortKeys = (o) =>
Object (o) !== o || Array .isArray (o)
? o
: Object .keys (o) .sort () .reduce ((a, k) => ({...a, [k]: sortKeys (o [k])}), {});
const domainToAffiliation = {
"": "Adobe",
"": "Adobe",
"": "Google",
"": "Mozilla",
"": "Mozilla",
"": "Mozilla",
"": "Mozilla",
"": "Apple",
"": "W3C",
"": "Microsoft",
"": "Google",
"": "Disruptive Innovations",
"": "Compuware",
"": "undetermined"
specData.filter(s => s.editors).forEach(s => {
s.editors.forEach(e => {
let affiliation, name, m;
const edNode = JSDOM.fragment(e.markup);
if (edNode.querySelector(".org")) {
affiliation = edNode.querySelector(".org").textContent;
name = edNode.querySelector(".p-name").textContent;
} else if (m = edNode.querySelector('a[href^="mailto:"]')) {
const domain = m.href.split('@')[1];
affiliation = domainToAffiliation[domain];
if (!affiliation) {
affiliation = "undetermined";
if (!m.textContent.match(/@/)) {
name = m.textContent;
} else {
name = edNode.textContent.split(',')[0];
if (!affiliation || affiliation === "undetermined") {
if (m = e.text.match(/^([^\(]*) \(([^\)]*)\)/)) {
affiliation = m[2];
name = m[1];
} else if (m = e.text.match(/^([^,]*), ([a-zA-Z ]*)/)) {
affiliation = m[2];
name = m[1];
} else {
affiliation = "undetermined";
name = e.text;
affiliation = affiliation.trim().replace(/ Systems/, '').replace(/ LLC/, '').replace(/ inc\.?/i, '').replace(/ Corp.*/, '').replace(/ \[[^\]]*\]/, '').replace(/ \([^\)]*\)/, '').replace(/,.*/, '').replace(/ Foundation/, '').replace(/ ASA/, '').replace("W3C Invited Expert", "Invited Expert").toLowerCase();
if (affiliation.match(/^until /) || affiliation.match(/former /)) return;
name = name.replace(//, "'");
if (!name || name.match(/see contributors/i)) return;
if (!affiliations[affiliation]) {
affiliations[affiliation] = {};
if (!affiliations[affiliation][name]) {
affiliations[affiliation][name] = [];
affiliations[affiliation][name].push({url: s.nightly.url, title: s.title});
fs.writeFileSync("editors-affiliations.json", JSON.stringify(sortKeys(affiliations), null, 2));
const json2csv = new Parser();
const flat = Object.keys(affiliations).sort().map(aff => Object.keys(affiliations[aff]).sort().map(ed => affiliations[aff][ed].map(spec => { spec.editor = ed; spec.affiliation = aff; return spec ;}))).flat().flat();
const csv = json2csv.parse(flat);
fs.writeFileSync("editors-affiliations.csv", csv);
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