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Last active December 2, 2023 04:22
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Formalising categories with setoids à la Hu & Carrette
module Category
%default total
public export
-- Heterogenous binary relations
REL : Type -> Type -> Type
REL a b = a -> b -> Type
-- Homogenous binary relations
public export
Rel : Type -> Type
Rel a = REL a a
-- relation p implies relation q
public export
: {a, b : Type} -> REL a b -> REL a b -> Type
p `→` q = {x, y : _} -> p x y -> q x y
-- A relation is reflexive if all objects can relate
-- with themselves.
public export
Reflexive : {a : Type} -> Rel a -> Type
Reflexive r = {x : a} -> x `r` x
-- A relation is symmetric if the relation still holds
-- if we swap the order.
public export
Sym : {a, b : Type} -> REL a b -> REL b a -> Type
Sym p q = p `→` flip q
-- symmetry of homogenous relations
public export
Symmetric : {a : Type} -> Rel a -> Type
Symmetric r = Sym r r
-- transitivity of hetrogeneous relations
public export
Trans : {a, b, c : Type}
-> (p : REL a b) -> (q : REL b c) -> REL a c -> Type
Trans p q r = {i, j, k : _} -> p i j -> q j k -> r i k
-- transitivity of homogenous relations
public export
Transitive : {a : Type} -> Rel a -> Type
Transitive r = Trans r r r
public export
interface IsEquivalence (r : Rel a) where
refl : Reflexive r
sym : Symmetric r
trans : Transitive r
public export
sym' : (a = b) -> (b = a)
sym' Refl = Refl
public export
trans' : (a = b) -> (b = c) -> (a = c)
trans' Refl Refl = Refl
public export
implementation [equiv] IsEquivalence Equal where
refl = Refl
sym = sym'
trans = trans'
public export
interface Category (obj : Type) where
-- behaviour
morphism : (x, y : obj) -> Type
compose : {a, b, c : obj}
-> morphism b c
-> morphism a b
-> morphism a c
eq : {a, b : obj}
-> morphism a b
-> morphism a b
-> Type
id : {a : obj} -> morphism a a
-- properties
PROP_leftid : {a,b : obj}
-> {f : morphism a b}
-> eq {a,b} (compose {a,b,c=b} (id {a=b}) f) f
PROP_rightid : {a,b : obj}
-> {f : morphism a b}
-> eq {a,b} (compose {a,b=a,c=b} f (id {a})) f
PROP_equiv : {a,b : obj} -> IsEquivalence (eq {a, b})
PROP_CompRespEq : {a,b,c : obj}
-> {g,i : morphism b c}
-> {f,h : morphism a b}
-> eq {a,b} f h -> eq {a=b, b=c} g i
-> eq {a,b=c} (compose {a,b,c} g f)
(compose {a,b,c} i h)
PROP_CompAssoc : {a, b, c, d : obj}
-> {f : morphism a b}
-> {g : morphism b c}
-> {h : morphism c d}
-> eq {a, b=d}
(compose {a, b=c, c=d} h
(compose {a, b, c} g f))
(compose {a, b, c=d}
(compose {a=b, b=c, c=d} h g) f)
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The {a = b} syntax is for specifying the values of implicit arguments for when Idris gets stuck on inferring them automatically.

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