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03 - Annotating
//we create an object called _
var _ = {
//the first property is called map it's a method that takes two arguments
//the first argument is list, the second is a call back function
map: function(list, cbFn) {
//this funciton creates a new array
var newArray = [];
//it uses a forEach loop to go through list returning the element i'm not sure what index is doing?
list.forEach(function(elem, index) {
//im not sure why it's setting the cbFn as a variable here instead
//of just putting the cbfn into the new Array
var newElem = cbFn(elem, index);
//here it pushes the neweEleme variable into the new Array
//here it returns the new Array
return newArray;
//the method is invoked passing in the array 1,2,3 and a new function that multiplies the 1,2,3 by 3
//reading the underscore.js documentationo, i get that it is "transforming" the array passed in, but I'm failing to see how this is helpful right now...
//it looks like it's an array passin into an array.
//in my defense i put my thumb up sideways as far as how I felt on this!![1, 2, 3], function(num){ return num * 3; });
// => [3, 6, 9]
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donoage commented Apr 29, 2017

  • When creating gist files, make sure you put the correct extension to see the code syntax highlighting. Not gistfile1.txt, but gistfile1.js
  • Create a secret gist not public. This is up to you.

Now onto your comments,

  • Technically, index here isn't really needed because your callback function that's been passed to takes only 1 argument anyway.

  • cbFn here is a function that you passed in initially when you called and in this line, we're using invoking that cbFn with elem as a parameter.
  • Then your cbFn function will convert each item in the array you originally passed in ([1,2,3]) and assign the resulting value back to newElem varible. Finally, the value of newElem variable gets pushed into newArray variable, which is an array.

  • This example is jam packed with fundamental JS concepts, IMO.
    • variable scope
    • creating an object and its properties
    • function references as callbacks
  • This example is great in a sense that it forces you to think about how function references and callback functions work.
  • This also highlights the fact that it's important to know what parameters (data types especially) should be passed to a function.
  • We will be using this concept of passing in a function reference a lot in Feedr app. Also more so in your final project.


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