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Last active September 12, 2022 01:55
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Considerations for EDA grads

Technical interviews


  • Passion speaks volumes!
  • Tell me about your current side-project.
  • Skill of the interviewer - have empathy - this is a partnership
  • Whiteboarding. Try to use your PC.
    • Use Yeoman generators for quickly creating a test harness.
  • Scope the problem!!!!! (by asking questions)

Technical tests

  • Types
    • Timed and untimed
    • Onsite and at home
  • Guidance
    • Be very diligent about your naming!
    • Lint the shit out of it!
    • Be consistent
    • Get the MVP working first ... soon
    • Add unit tests (you'll get huge props)
    • Do it again another way (different success metric)

General technical questions about JavaScript

  • Variable scoping
  • object context (this)
  • call(), apply() and bind()
  • Prototypal inheritance (the prototype chain)
  • HackReactor course on Udacity
  • Be able to create a simple fullstack app. Looking up references should be intentional, minimal and targetted. This will require practicing it.

What sets us apart technically?

  • Your ability to write unit/integration tests
    • It would be good if you could describe the difference (different kinds of tests)
    • Answer: what is the difference between TDD and unit testing?
  • Pair programming exprience: advantages/disadvantages/caveats/noticings
  • Working on teams: partitioning work, roles, agile practices (retros, sprint planning, etc.)
  • Full stack: writing client AND server code
  • Debugging: DevTools (breakpoints, step into, step over, callstack, etc.)
  • Actual projects.

How does Don check tech tests?

  • How loops are done
  • Prefer minimal nesting (use functions when need nesting)
  • Diligent naming (variables, functions, modules, etc)?'
  • Unit tests

What is Don looking for in a tech interview?

  • Passion for the technology, the team and the industry.
  • How likely is this person to write code when they aren't getting paid for it?
  • How tenatious are they when they run into a difficult challenge? How are they emotionally? Excited? Defeated?

What should I take with me to the interview?

  • Pad of paper and pen
  • Questions (in the pad)
  • At least 3 paper copies of your CV
  • Laptop (prepared to show projects and code)

What questions should I ask the interviewer?

  • Do you do unit or integration testing?
  • How are your teams structured?
  • Do you do pair programming? When? How?
  • How do you perform requirements analysis?
  • How do you engage the end user/customer?
  • Do you use agile practices? Which ones? How?
  • Do you contribute to open source initiatives?
  • How has your technology choices evolved over time?
  • How does ________ give back to the community? Society?
  • Do you match charitable donations? Do you support charitable orgs?
  • What processes do you use to encourage continous improvement?
  • What practices do you have in place to grow people?

Preparation: What do to next (with our time)?

  • Pick 6 repos on GitHub and pin them
  • Make sure the READMEs are up to date and cover setup (clone, install, knex ...)
  • Add backlog items to the repo (GitHub Issues) and prioritise them
  • Write code daily! Push commits daily!
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