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Created February 17, 2020 12:49
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from numpy import matrix
from numpy import zeros
from numpy import ones
from numpy import sqrt
import numpy
import logging as log
class DimensionError(numpy.linalg.LinAlgError):
class BLUE:
"""A simple implementation of the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator, based on
"How to combine correlated estimates of a single physical quantity"
in NIM A, 270, pp 110-117"""
def __init__(self):
# List to store uncertainty sources and there cov matrices
self._vlist = []
def add_measurement(self, m_list):
"""Method to add the measured values. m_list has to give proper
len() and must be convertible to numpy.matrix objects. The length
of m_list defines the dimensionality of the average. Everything
else has to match this!"""
self._n_meas = len(m_list)
self._values = matrix(m_list)
# Now that we know the dimensions, initialise utility and storage
self._unit = matrix(ones(len(m_list))).T
self._ematrix = matrix(zeros((len(m_list), len(m_list))))
def add_source(self, v_matrix, name=''):
"""Add a source of uncertainty represented by the covariance
matrix of the measurements for this source. If name is specified,
the contributions of the uncertainty on the overall uncertainty
can be accessed."""
# matrix.n_dim returns a tuple of the dimensions, check that each
# is identical to the number of measurements
uncmatrix = matrix(v_matrix)
if False in [self._n_meas == x for x in uncmatrix.shape]:
raise DimensionError(
'Wrong shape. Expected {0}x{0}, got {1}x{2}'.format(
self._n_meas, *uncmatrix.shape))
if name:
self._vlist.append((name, uncmatrix))
self._ematrix += uncmatrix
def do(self):
log.debug('Total covariance matrix: \n {}'.format(self._ematrix))
self.weights = self._ematrix.I * self._unit
self.weights /= self._unit.T * self._ematrix.I * self._unit
log.debug('Weights: {}'.format(self.weights.T))
self.mean = (self._values*self.weights).max()
log.debug('Mean: {}'.format(self.mean))
self.error = sqrt(self.weights.T*self._ematrix*self.weights).max()
log.debug('Total uncertainty: {}'.format(self.error))
log.debug('Splitting errors based on input:')
for name, mat in self._vlist:
tmp_error = sqrt((self.weights.T*mat*self.weights).max())
setattr(self, name, tmp_error)
log.debug('{} : {}'.format(name, tmp_error))
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