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Last active October 24, 2019 13:17
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# You can view me at
# You can run me at
TEST_N = 1000
TEST_MAX = 5000 # TEST_MIN will be -TEST_MAX
import numpy as np
import time
def efficient_iterative(a):
running_max1 = -float("inf")
running_max2 = -float("inf")
running_min1 = float("inf")
running_min2 = float("inf")
for elem in a:
if elem > running_max1:
running_max2 = running_max1
running_max1 = elem
elif elem > running_max2:
running_max2 = elem
for elem in a:
if elem < running_min1:
running_min2 = running_min1
running_min1 = elem
elif elem < running_min2:
running_min2 = elem
return max(running_max1 * running_max2, running_min1 * running_min2)
def efficient_recursive(a):
(max1, max2) = greatestTwoInArray(a)
(min1, min2) = leastTwoInArray(a)
return max(max1 * max2, min1 * min2)
def greatestTwoInArray(a, max1=-float("inf"), max2=-float("inf")):
if len(a) == 0:
return (max1, max2)
if a[0] > max1:
max2 = max1
max1 = a[0]
elif a[0] > max2:
max2 = a[0]
return greatestTwoInArray(a[1:], max1, max2)
def leastTwoInArray(a, min1=float("inf"), min2=float("inf")):
if len(a) == 0:
return (min1, min2)
if a[0] < min1:
min2 = min1
min1 = a[0]
elif a[0] < min2:
min2 = a[0]
return leastTwoInArray(a[1:], min1, min2)
def simple(a):
running_max = -1
for i, elemI in enumerate(a):
for j, elemJ in enumerate(a):
if i < j:
running_max = max(running_max, elemI * elemJ)
return running_max
def test(a):
simpleStart = time.perf_counter()
simpleAns = simple(a)
simpleEnd = time.perf_counter()
simpleTime = simpleEnd - simpleStart
efficientStart = time.perf_counter()
efficientAns = efficient_iterative(a)
efficientEnd = time.perf_counter()
efficientTime = efficientEnd - efficientStart
if (simpleAns == efficientAns):
print("A[i] * A[j] =", efficientAns)
print("efficient method was", int(simpleTime/efficientTime), "times faster than simple method\n")
print("Got different answers!")
print("A = ", a)
print("[simpleAns] =", simpleAns)
print("[efficientAns] =", efficientAns)
raise AssertionError
print("Running", TEST_RUNS, "test runs, with n =", TEST_N, "and", -TEST_MAX, "<= a[i] <=", TEST_MAX, end="\n\n")
for i in range(0, TEST_RUNS):
a = (np.random.random_sample(TEST_N) * TEST_MAX * 2) - TEST_MAX
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