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Last active April 8, 2022 02:08
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Replicate Vim's expandtab and softtabstop behavior in kakoune
# Replicate expandtab from vim.
declare-option -docstring "Expand <tab> to spaces based on tabstop." bool expandtab yes
# Replicate softtabstop from vim.
declare-option -docstring "Make tabstop number of spaces feel like a <tab> when pressing <tab> or <backspace> in insert mode." int softtabstop 4
# Helper function for inserting a <tab>
def softtabstop-insert-tab -hidden %{
evaluate-commands -no-hooks -draft -itersel %{
try %sh{
if [ $tabstop -lt 0 ]; then
# Determine if this is an append operation (end column > start column). If so, prefix with ';'
prefix=$(echo $kak_selections_display_column_desc | awk -F '[.,]' '{if($4 > $2) {print ";"}}')
if [ $tabstop -eq 0 ]; then
# if tabstop is 0 that means we are just inserting tabs
printf "execute-keys '${prefix}i<tab><esc>'\n"
# expand tabs to spaces if needed
[ $kak_opt_expandtab = "true" ] && printf "%s\n" 'execute-keys h<ret>@'
# compute the number of spaces needed to reach the next softtabstop
display_column=$((kak_cursor_display_column - 1)) # adjust for 1-based indexing
end_column=$((display_column % tabstop))
space_count=$((tabstop - end_column))
# insert enough spaces to reach the next softtabstop
printf "execute-keys '${prefix}i%${space_count}s<esc>'\n"
# if not expanding tabs, convert *all* preceding whitespace to a mix of spaces and
# tabs, not just the spaces that were inserted (this is how vim behaves)
[ $kak_opt_expandtab = "false" ] && printf "execute-keys '<a-?>\h+<ret><a-:>H<a-@>'"
# Helper function for deleting whitespace a <tab>
def softtabstop-insert-backspace -hidden %{
evaluate-commands -no-hooks -draft -itersel -save-regs ^ %{
# save off the current selection in case the try block fails
try %sh{
if [ $tabstop -lt 0 ]; then
if [ $tabstop -gt 0 ]; then
# compute the end display column based on tabstop and the number of
# number spaces needed to reach it
display_column=$((kak_cursor_display_column - 1)) # adjust for 1-based indexing
num_spaces=$((display_column % tabstop))
[ $num_spaces -eq 0 ] && num_spaces=$tabstop
end_display_column=$((display_column - num_spaces))
# extract any preceding whitespace
echo "evaluate-commands -draft %{
execute-keys '<a-?>\h+<ret><a-;>H'
echo -to-file $kak_response_fifo %val{selection}
}" > $kak_command_fifo
whitespace="$(cat $kak_response_fifo)"
# count the number of mixed tabs and spaces needed to reach the end display column
tab=$(printf "\t")
while [ -z "$non_ws" ] \
&& [ -n "$whitespace" ] \
&& [ $display_column -gt $end_display_column ];
# iterate over the whitespace right-to-left, early out after reaching the
# first non whitespace
case "$ws" in
$tab) display_column=$((display_column - $kak_opt_tabstop));
# the first whitespace encountered is a tab. when '@' is pressed, the
# cursor moves (or extends) one char to the right. account for this here
[ $num_whitespaces -eq 0 ] && adjust_cursor="${adjust_cursor}h";;
" ") display_column=$((display_column - 1));;
*) non_ws="true";;
if [ -z "$non_ws" ]; then
num_whitespaces=$((num_whitespaces + 1));
if [ $num_whitespaces -gt 0 ]; then
# * select the number of mixed tabs and spaces computed above
# * convert to spaces and adjust the cursor position
# * select the number of spaces to reach the end column and delete them
echo "execute-keys '<a-:>;h<a-?>\h{$((num_whitespaces - 1))}<ret>@${adjust_cursor}<a-?> {,$((num_spaces - 1))}<ret>d'"
echo "fail"
echo "fail"
} catch %{
# in normal mode, delete previous character
execute-keys 'hd'
# Use a hook to enable/disable key mappings such that '\' properly allows disabling specialized <tab> behavior
hook global ModeChange 'push:.+:insert' %{
map buffer insert <tab> '<a-;>:softtabstop-insert-tab<ret>'
map buffer insert <backspace> '<a-;>:softtabstop-insert-backspace<ret>'
hook global ModeChange 'pop:insert:normal' %{
unmap buffer insert <tab> '<a-;>:softtabstop-insert-tab<ret>'
unmap buffer insert <backspace> '<a-;>:softtabstop-insert-backspace<ret>'
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