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Last active August 13, 2018 14:46
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Perf regression
use v6;
my Int @cache is default(0);
my $sum89 = 0;
for (1..567) -> $i {
@cache[$i] = calc-chain($i);
for (1..400_000) -> $i {
$sum89++ if @cache[get-sq-sum($i)] == 89;
#say $sum89;
say now - INIT now;
sub calc-chain($n) {
my $sq-sum = get-sq-sum($n);
$sq-sum != 1|89 ?? calc-chain($sq-sum) !! $sq-sum;
sub get-sq-sum(int $i is copy) {
my $sum = 0;
while $i > 0 {
$sum += ($i % 10) ** 2;
$i = $i div 10;
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