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Last active July 23, 2021 13:43
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Things I do every time Im deving MUO
set -e
# Set replicas to 0
oc -n ${NAMESPACE} scale deployment ${OPERATOR} --replicas=0
# Patch config to query OCM every minute
oc -n ${NAMESPACE} patch cm ${OPERATOR}-config -p '"data": {"config.yaml": "configManager:\n source: OCM\n ocmBaseUrl:\n watchInterval: 1\nmaintenance:\n controlPlaneTime: 90\n ignoredAlerts:\n controlPlaneCriticals:\n # ClusterOperatorDown - OSD-6330\n - ClusterOperatorDown\n # ClusterOperatorDegraded - OSD-6330\n - ClusterOperatorDegraded\n # CloudCredentialOperatorDown - BZ 1889540\n - CloudCredentialOperatorDown\nscale:\n timeOut: 30\nupgradeWindow:\n delayTrigger: 30\n timeOut: 120\nnodeDrain:\n timeOut: 45\n expectedNodeDrainTime: 8\nhealthCheck:\n ignoredCriticals:\n - DNSErrors05MinSRE\n - MetricsClientSendFailingSRE\n - UpgradeNodeScalingFailedSRE\n - UpgradeClusterCheckFailedSRE\n - PrometheusRuleFailures\n - CannotRetrieveUpdates\nextDependencyAvailabilityChecks:\n http:\n timeout: 10\n urls:\n -\n -\nverification:\n ignoredNamespaces:\n - openshift-logging\n namespacePrefixesToCheck:\n - openshift\n - kube\n - default\n"}'
# Get MUO token
OPERATOR_TOKEN=$(oc serviceaccounts get-token ${OPERATOR} -n ${NAMESPACE})
echo "OPTIONAL: Log into API with ${OPERATOR} token"
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