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Created February 25, 2022 21:25
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Estimate Earth impulse response to changes in energy forcing.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Derive Earth system response from atmospheric composition and
temperature record using Fourier Ttansform to perform a deconvolution.
Created on Thu Feb 24 18:42:31 2022
@author: dan
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datastore as ds # private data support
import tools as tls # private misc tools
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
#%precision 2
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.2f}'.format # change print format
yn, mn, dn, en, nn, sn = ['Year', 'Month', 'Data',
'Error', 'Normalized', 'Smooth']
emn, epn = ['Err-', 'Err+'] # difference from mean/median
dst = ds.dst # Data store object for getting data.
def qplot(name='quick'):
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, num=name, clear=True, sharex=True,
figsize=(6.75, 9))
return axs
def work(remove_mei=True):
# relative strengths for best fit, from previous work.
rc = np.array([0.79008, # forcing
0.50020, # so2
0.78961, # vol
-0.15628]) # offset
suffix = '' # for file names
tsuffix = '' # for titles
frc = dst.forcing().loc[1860:]
frc.fillna(value=0.0, inplace=True)
frc['so2'] *= rc[1]/rc[0]
frc['vol'] *= rc[2]/rc[0]
f = frc.sum(axis=1)
t =[1860:, dn]
pie = list(range(1860, 1900)) # pre-industrial era
t -= t.loc[pie].mean() # remove PIE average
n = len(t)//2
if remove_mei:
m = dst.mei()
mei = pd.Series(index=t.index, data=0)
mei[m.index] = m[dn]
st = tls.loess(t, 12)[sn] # smoothed temperatue
# the optimal window value above (12) was found by iteration
dt = t - st # residual
A = np.vstack([mei.values.T, np.ones(len(mei))]).T
c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, dt.values, rcond=None)[0] # get best fit
mei = pd.Series(index=mei.index, data=A @ c, name='MEI')
vt = dt.std()
t -= mei
suffix = '-mei'
tsuffix = ' (MEI removed)'
# plot comparison of mei vs temperature residual
fig, mx = plt.subplots(num='MEI', clear=True, figsize=(12, 6.75))
mx.plot(dt, label='Temperature Index', alpha=.25)
mx.plot(mei, label='MEI', alpha=.25)
mx.plot(dt-mei, color='r', label='Difference')
scale = 1. - (dt-mei).std()/vt
text = f'Standard Deviation improved by {scale*100:.1f}%'
mx.text(.02, .98, text, transform=mx.transAxes, va='top')
# Now take FFTs of t and f to put in frequency domain.
ff = np.fft.fft(f)
tf = np.fft.fft(t)
kf = tf/ff
labels = 'Temperature,Forcing,Impulse Response (T/F)'.split(',')
#plot ff, tf, and kf (frequency domains)
fx, tx, kx = qplot('FFT'+suffix)
for ax, y, lbl in zip([tx, fx, kx], [tf, ff, kf], labels):
ax.plot(np.abs(y[:n+1]), label=lbl)
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
fx.set_title('Fourier Transforms'+tsuffix, loc='left',
size='xx-large', weight='bold')
k = np.fft.ifft(kf)
x = t.index
# plot f, t, and k
fx, tx, kx = qplot('IFFT'+suffix)
for ax, y, lbl in zip([tx, fx, kx], [t, f, k.real], labels):
ax.plot(x, y, label=lbl)
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
fx.set_title('Global Values'+tsuffix, loc='left',
size='xx-large', weight='bold')
# plot (F*K) against T
fig, ax = plt.subplots(num='Modeled'+suffix, clear=True,
figsize=(12., 6.75))
n = len(k)
# make kernel with past and future influence, but future zeroed
kernel = np.zeros(2*n-1, dtype=np.complex128)
kernel[-n:] = k
fk = np.convolve(f, kernel, mode='valid')
fk = fk.real
# fk = np.abs(fk)
ax.plot(t, label='Temperature')
ax.plot(x, fk, label='Impulse Model')
# Get correlations
R2 = tls.R2(fk, t)
P, p = pearsonr(fk, t)
text = f'R²: {R2:0.3f}\nPearson: {P:0.3f}, p={p:0.5f}'
ax.text(0.1, 0.8, text, transform=ax.transAxes, size='large')
ax.set_title('Impulse Model'+tsuffix, loc='left',
size='xx-large', weight='bold')
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
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