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Last active March 25, 2019 12:54
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dailyprogrammer #279 solution attempt in haskell
import Data.List
import Data.List.Utils -- cabal install missingH
-- solution.hs
-- reflow and justify input text to 40-char width.
-- redir the output to a formatting function, so
-- results can actually be seen. e.g.:
-- putStrLn(prettify "sample text")
-- curryfying function
prettify :: [Char] -> [Char]
prettify [] = []
prettify a = concat(justify(reflow(words a)))
-- reflow word list function
reflow:: [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
reflow a@(_:[]) = a
reflow a@(x:y:_)
| length(x ++ " " ++ y) <= 40 = reflow((x ++ " " ++ y):tail(tail a))
| otherwise = (x ++ "\n"):[] ++ reflow(tail a)
-- justify line list function
justify :: [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
justify a@(_:[]) = a
justify a@(x:_)
| (length(findIndices(== ' ') x) + (length x) <= 40)
= justify((replace " " " " x):(tail a))
| otherwise = x:[] ++ justify(tail a)
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