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dndrks / w-i2c-rec-seq.lua
Last active July 27, 2024 04:40
W/Tape: i2c recording sequencer
-- W/Tape: i2c recording sequencer
-- as shown in
-- requires crow
-- patch crow output 1 to an oscillator's v/8
-- patch crow output 2 to an envelope generator
-- execute 'auto_rec()' to start recording loops at different speeds
-- execute 'auto_play()' to play through each of the loops
dndrks / w-clocked-looping.lua
Last active July 27, 2024 04:39
W/Tape: clocked looping
-- W/Tape: clocked looping
-- as shown in
-- requires crow
-- patch crow output 1 to an oscillator's v/8
-- patch crow output 2 to an envelope generator
-- set THIS & THAT to 'loop'
-- tap 'play' to get things rolling
-- tap 'record' to arm recording
dndrks / 240218.scd
Created February 18, 2024 18:34
// Quarks.install("Ease")
dndrks / user_script.lua
Created May 14, 2022 01:12
cheat codes user script boilerplate
-- required container, do not change this:
local user_script = {}
-- this function is called whenever a loaded collection
-- has a 'user_script.lua' file in the collection:
function user_script.init()
print("hello from the user script")
-- this function is called whenever the transport starts:
dndrks / user_script.lua
Last active May 14, 2022 01:46
cheat codes user script: pad sequencer example
-- cheat codes user script: pad sequencer example
-- required container, do not change this:
local user_script = {}
my_pads = {} -- use unique variables to reduce conflicts with the rest of cheat codes
-- this function is called whenever a loaded collection has a 'user_script.lua' file in the collection:
function user_script.init()
dndrks / user_script.lua
Last active May 14, 2022 01:46
cheat codes user script: delay sequencer example
-- cheat codes user script: delay sequencer example
-- required container, do not change this:
local user_script = {}
my_delays = {} -- use unique variables to reduce conflicts with the rest of cheat codes
-- this function is called whenever a loaded collection has a 'user_script.lua' file in the collection:
function user_script.init()
dndrks /
Last active November 17, 2021 21:45
a simple drum synth
Engine_BloopDrum : CroneEngine {
var pg; // pg is a "parallel group", see the alloc ~20 lines down
*new { arg context, doneCallback;
^, doneCallback);
alloc {
pg = ParGroup.tail(context.xg);
dndrks / usb-tape-copy.lua
Last active November 26, 2021 14:24
norns USB TAPE copy
-- USB tape copy
-- * attach a USB drive
-- * choose a TAPE, press K3:
-- * copy
-- * copy+delete
-- * delete
-- if you see "NO USB DETECTED",
-- reconnect and wait a minute
dndrks / midimatrix.lua
Last active November 3, 2020 08:33
example midi matrix
box = {} -- a table of boxes
msg =
["cc"] = {"cc","val","ch"}
, ["note_on"] = {"note","vel","ch"}
, ["note_off"] = {"note","vel","ch"}
, ["key_pressure"] = {"note","val","ch"}
, ["pitchbend"] = {"val","ch",nil}
, ["channel_pressure"] = {"val","ch",nil}
dndrks / cranes-200823.lua
Last active August 24, 2020 21:39
-- cranes
-- dual looper / delay
-- (grid optional)
-- v2.14 @dan_derks
-- ---------------------
-- to start:
-- press key 2 to rec.
-- sounds are written to
-- two buffers.