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Created October 19, 2016 12:46
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LSTM train
require 'nn'
require 'torch'
require 'rnn'
require 'gnuplot'
require 'optim'
--debugger = require('fb.debugger')
no_param = 1 -- number of parameters in one element. In case of x->sin(x) this is 1.
seq_length = 50 -- length of the sequence (number of Tensors in the table fed to nn.Sequencer())
batch_size = 10 -- size of the batches
max_epochs = 500 -- maximum epochs
lstm = nn.Sequencer(
:add(nn.FastLSTM(no_param, 100))
:add(nn.FastLSTM(100, 100))
criterion = nn.SequencerCriterion(nn.MSECriterion())
-- the input data is: x[i]=i (i=1..1000) (0.017....17.4707) rad
data = torch.Tensor(1001):range(1,1001):apply(math.rad):apply(math.sin)
input = data[{{1,1000}}]
target = data[{{2,1001}}]
-- setting up training mode
params, gradParams = lstm:getParameters()
feval = function(params_new)
-- reset gradients (gradients are always accumulated, to accommodate batch methods)
-- evaluate the loss function and its derivative with respect to x, given a mini batch
local prediction = lstm:forward(inputs)
local loss_x = criterion:forward(prediction, targets)
local dl_doutput = criterion:backward(prediction, targets)
lstm:backward(inputs, dl_doutput)
return loss_x / (seq_length*batch_size), gradParams
optim_config = {
learningRate = 1e-2,
--learningRateDecay = 1e-4,
--weightDecay = 0,
momentum = 0.9
for epoch = 1,max_epochs do
errsum = 0
-- Shuffling for better generalized training
shuffle = torch.randperm(input:size(1)-seq_length)
-- learning rate decay
if epoch % 15 == 0 then
local old_lr = optim_config.learningRate
optim_config = {learningRate = old_lr * 0.5}
for i = 1,5 do
num_samples = 5
inputs = torch.Tensor(seq_length, num_samples, 1)
targets = torch.Tensor(seq_length, num_samples, 1)
-- Fill the batch with sequences of length seq_length with random offsets
for k = 1, num_samples do
inputs[{{}, {k}}] = input[{{shuffle[k], shuffle[k]+seq_length-1}}]
targets[{{}, {k}}] = target[{{shuffle[k], shuffle[k]+seq_length-1}}]
_, fs = optim.adam(feval, params, optim_config)
errsum = errsum + fs[1]
print("Epoch: " .. epoch ..", error: " ..errsum)
end'rnn_sine.t7', lstm)
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