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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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<h2>Deploying OpenShift on OpenStack</h2>
<h3>Using Heat, Docker and Kubernetes to Simplify Your Life and Accelerate Development</h3>
Presented by<br />
<a href="">Diane Mueller, Red Hat OpenShift</a> / <a href="">@pythondj</a><br />
<a href="">Daneyon Hansen, Cisco</a> / <a href="">@daneyonhansen</a>
<h2>Today's Agenda'</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<li>Why IaaS is not on Enough</li>
<li>What is PaaS</li>
<li><a href="#/intro-paas">Deploying OpenShift on OpenStack today</a></li>
<li><a href="#/intro-V2Heat">OpenShift V2 with Heat</a></li>
<li>Witty One-Liners</li>
<li><a href="#/intro-V3Heat">Deploying OpenShift V3</a></li>
<li><a href="#/intro-kubernetes">Intro to Kubernetes</a></li>
<li><a href="#/intro-docker">Intro to Docker</a></li>
<li><a href="#/intro-openshift-3">Intro to OpenShift 3</a></li>
<li>Links to all the Cool Stuff on GitHub and Docker Hub</li>
<h2>Important Stuff</h2>
<li class="fragment">Who We Are</li>
<li class="fragment">Why We Love OpenStack</li>
<li class="fragment">Where all the Cool Stuff is on GitHub</li>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<p>You are OpenStack Saavy, so..</p>
<li>You know a little about Heat</li>
<li>You are either devs or ops or both</li>
<li>You know what GitHub is</li>
<li>You've heard of Docker ;0)'</li>
<p>Optional Skillz:</p>
<section id="intro-paas">
<h2>Part 1: PaaS On OpenStack?</h2>
<h2>Cloud Services</h2>
<img src="" height="500" width="607" />
<h2>Why Put a PaaS on OpenStack?</h2>
<li>Improve IT's productivity</li>
<li>Build and Deploy Applications Faster</li>
<li>Maintain Flexibility</li>
<li>Drive Down Cost of IT</li>
<li>Meet Developer Expections</li>
<img src="" style="height: 151px; width: 593px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;" />
<p>&nbsp;<br /><em>Automation, Automation, Automation</em></p>
<h2>Infrastructure-as-a-Service</br>is Not Enough</h2>
<li>Servers in the Cloud</li>
<li>You build and manage everything<br />(OS, app servers, DB, application, etc.)</li>
<img src="" height="216" width="314" />
<li>Someone else's app, hosted in the cloud</li>
<li>You are restricted to the features of the application&mdash;<br />You get what they give you.</li>
<img src="" height="220" width="506" />
<p>&nbsp;<br /><em>, Google Apps, iCloud</em></p>
<li>Quickly build (or try out) the applications that you need.</li>
<li>Code applications that can live on a hybrid cloud.</li>
<li>Leverage the <em>ease</em>, <em>scale</em> and <em>power</em> of the Cloud.<br />&nbsp;</li>
<img src="" style="height: 151px; width: 593px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;" />
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 593px">
<td style="font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; text-align: center; width: 20%;">Code</td>
<td style="font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; text-align: center; width: 15%;">&nbsp;</td>
<td style="font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; text-align: center; width: 30%;">Deploy</td>
<td style="font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; text-align: center; width: 15%;">&nbsp;</td>
<td style="font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; text-align: center; width: 20%;">Enjoy</td>
<aside class="notes">
PaaS is the ideal level for interfacing the platform with source code as the input. IaaS
still requires weeks of setup time to get everything running. Something like an MBaaS is
too intrusive (with all its code generation and such). PaaS is really the sweet spot for
developers and those tasked with deploying applications.
<h2>What can you do with OpenShift?</h2>
<img style="height: 500px; border: 0px;" src="" />
<h2>How Does It Work?</h2>
<img style="border: 0px;" src="" />
<p>It starts with multi-tenancy via linux containers...</p>
<h2>How Does It Work?</h2>
<img style="border: 0px;" src="" />
<p>...and adds central management with easily scaled deployments</p>
<h2>Deploying with OpenShift CLI</h2>
<p>&nbsp;<br />Create a new PHP app from the command line:</p>
<pre><code>rhc app create newphp -t php-5.4</code></pre>
<p>&nbsp;<br />Enter the new local git repo and modify a file:</p>
<pre><code>cd newphp
vim index.php</code></pre>
<p>&nbsp;<br />Commit the change, push it to the app:</p>
<pre><code>git commit -am "Comment"
git push</code></pre>
<aside class="notes">
There are two ways to build apps with OpenShift. You can start them either from the web UI
or from the command line. In this example we'll use the command line, but everything we do
here is available from the web interface as well.
<h2>Putting the PaaS in OpenStack</br> with Heat</h2>
<h3>Cross Community Collaboration<h3>
<img style="border: 0px;" src="" />
<h2>Heat Overview</h2>
<li>Entered OpenStack integrated status in November 2013</li>
<li>Active code base</li>
<li>Cross project functionality with OpenStack projects Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Cinder, Ceilometer, Swift, Glance, Horizon, TripleO, and Tempest</li>
<li>OpenStack Heat provides application auto scaling today with a stable workflow model</li>
<li>OpenShift on OpenStack</li>
<li>OpenShift Enterprise templates for RHEL ready</li>
<li> OpenShift Origin templates for CentOS</li>
<h2>Heat's Mission</h2>
<ul><li>To explicitly model the relationships between OpenStack resources of all kinds;</li>
<li>and to harness those models, expressed in forms accessible to both humans and machines,</li>
<li>to manage infrastructure resources throughout the life-cycle of applications.</li>
<h2>Heat Overview</h2>
<li>Provides AWS Cloudformation and native ReST API</li>
<li>Abstract configuration of services to single-template</li>
<li>HA/auto scaling/monitoring features</li>
<li>OpenStack integrated project</li>
<img style="border: 0px;" src="" />
<h2>OpenShift Heat Templates on Github</h2>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<img style="border: 0px;" src="" />
<h2>Watch it at your leisure here on YouTube</h2>
<img style="border: 0px;" src="" />
<p><a href="">OpenShift V2 on OpenStack on YouTube</a></p>
<h2>Part 2: OpenShift, Docker, and Kubernetes on OpenStack</h2>
<h2>So Why a <em>New</em> PaaS?</h2>
<li>Three years in, we've learned a <em>lot</em> about PaaS</li>
<li>As more people focus on PaaS, more tools are becoming available</li>
<li>We want to combine the best user experience in PaaS with the best underlying technologies</li>
<aside class="notes">
What Red Hat does is build on and foster the best open source technologies. When OpenShift
began those technologies were RHEL, selinux, cgroups, etc. Three years later we have a lot
of additional choices and we are again going to pick the best ones available.
<section id="intro-docker">
<h2>Intro to Docker</h2>
<img style="height: 500px; background-color: #FFF;" src="" alt=" Logo" />
<aside class="notes">
Ten minute break and then we'll start talking about Docker, which is the first piece of the new OpenShift architecture.
<h2>What is a Container?</h2>
<td><img style="height: 300px;" src="" alt="Diagram of a multi-layered docker container" /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<li>In Docker parlance, a <em>container</em> is a running instance of an <em>image</em></li>
<li>Based on linux containers (namepaces, control groups)</li>
<li>Combines file system <em>layers</em> into a "Union File System"</li>
<li>Includes all of the components necessary to run a process, store persistent data, or both</li>
<h2>Containers vs. VMs</h2>
<img style="height: 500px;" src="" alt="Docker and VM comparison diagram" />
<h2>Containers vs. VMs</h2>
<img style="height: 500px;" src="" alt="Docker and VM comparison diagram" />
<aside class="notes">
Article source: <a href=""></a>
<h2>Layers and UFS</h2>
<img style="height: 500px;" src="" alt="Diagram of a multi-layered docker container" />
<h2>Layers and UFS</h2>
<li>One or more read-only file systems and one read/write file system</li>
<li>All presented as a single file system via <a href="">aufs</a></li>
<li>Behavior is similar to using a LiveCD</li>
<p>&nbsp;<br />"Data Volume Container": A Docker container with only a read/write file system, either stricly within the container or linked to real storage on the host</p>
<h2>Images: More like <code>git</code> than <code>tar</code></h2>
<li>Images can be pulled <em>from</em> and pushed <em>to</em> a remote registry.</li>
<li>Images can be versioned and tagged.</li>
<li>Cartridges can be <code>diff</code>ed to show how they differ from their base images.</li>
<section data-markdown>
<script type="text/template">
## Pulling and Pushing Images
Download docker images with the `pull` command:
$ docker pull centos
Pulling repository centos
b1bd49907d55: Downloading [=================>] 73.89 MB/74.1 MB 33s
b157b77b1a65: Pulling dependent layers
511136ea3c5a: Download complete
34e94e67e63a: Download complete
Publish images with the `push` command:
$ docker push nhripps/centos
The push refers to a repository [nhripps/centos] (len: 1)
Sending image list
Pushing repository nhripps/centos (1 tags)
511136ea3c5a: Image already pushed, skipping
34e94e67e63a: Image already pushed, skipping
b1bd49907d55: Image already pushed, skipping
589b2f903ada: Image successfully pushed
Pushing tag for rev [589b2f903ada] on {}
<h2>Versioning / Tagging</h2>
<p>Find the image ID:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker images
nhripps/nodesrv v1 fe809d275af3 18 hours ago 864.9 MB
node latest 32b8e915efd9 3 weeks ago 864.9 MB
centos centos6 b1bd49907d55 5 weeks ago 212.5 MB
centos centos7 b157b77b1a65 5 weeks ago 243.7 MB
centos latest b157b77b1a65 5 weeks ago 243.7 MB</code></pre>
<p>Create the tag:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker tag fe809d275af3 nhripps/nodesrv:latest</code></pre>
<pre><code>$ docker images nhripps/nodesrv
nhripps/nodesrv v1 fe809d275af3 18 hours ago 864.9 MB
nhripps/nodesrv latest fe809d275af3 18 hours ago 864.9 MB</code></pre>
<h2>Container Operations</h2>
<p>Instantiate a Docker container with <code>docker run</code>:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker run -i -t nhripps/centos /bin/bash
bash-4.1# exit
<p>&nbsp;<br />List running and exited docker processes with <code>docker ps</code>:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker ps -l
7c4ef3596fa5 nhripps/centos:latest "/bin/bash" 49 seconds ago Exited (0) grave_newton</code></pre>
<p>&nbsp;<br />Rejoin containers with <code>docker attach</code>:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker start grave_newton
$ docker attach grave_newton
bash-4.1# exit
<h2>"Diffing" a Container</h2>
<p>Run a Docker image and perform some actions:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker run -i -t --name="add_wget" nhripps/centos /bin/bash
bash-4.1# yum install -y wget
bash-4.1# exit</code></pre>
<p>Run a diff on the container after it has run:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker diff add_wget
C /.bash_history
C /etc
A /etc/wgetrc
C /tmp
C /usr
C /usr/bin
A /usr/bin/wget
C /usr/share
C /usr/share/doc
A /usr/share/doc/wget-1.12
<h2>Docker Containers as Daemons</h2>
<img style="height: 400px;" src="" alt="Docker Containers Just Keep Going..." />
<p>A docker container runs until:</p>
<li>The process inside it exits <em>or</em></li>
<li>You stop it with <code>docker stop &lt;container_name&gt;</code></li>
<h2>Docker Containers as Daemons</h2>
<p>&nbsp;<br />Start a container as a detached process with <code>docker run -d</code>:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker run -d nhripps/nginx:base
$ docker ps
1aa9f0bd1418 nhripps/nginx:base "/bin/sh -c '/usr/sb 80/tcp elegant_bell</code></pre>
<p>&nbsp;<br />Use the <code>-P</code> flag to automatically map container ports to the Docker host:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker run -d -P nhripps/nginx:base
$ docker ps
1c2e06d8f85e nhripps/nginx:base "/bin/sh -c '/usr/sb>80/tcp loving_mclean</code></pre>
<h2>Linking Containers</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<td><img style="background-color: #FFF;" src="" alt="Docker links diagram" /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<li>Containers on the same host can be linked together</li>
<li>Links between containers are not accessible outside the host</li>
<li>Links are shared via ENV and /etc/hosts</li>
<h2>Linking Containers</h2>
<p>&nbsp;<br />Start a daemon container as normal, but without mapping any ports:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker run -d --name db training/postgres
<p>&nbsp;<br />Now use the <code>--link</code> argument with a new container:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker run -d -P --name web --link db:db training/webapp python
<p>&nbsp;<br />See how the first container has been mapped to the second:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker ps
18eeef892d63 training/webapp:latest "python">5000/tcp web
b4309b7dbbe1 training/postgres:latest "su postgres -c '/us 5432/tcp db,web/db</code></pre>
<h2>Docker: Pros and Cons</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<li>Extreme application portability</li>
<li>Very easy to create and work with derivative images</li>
<li>Fast boot on containers</li>
<li>Host-centric solution; not aware of anything else</li>
<li>No higher-level provisioning</li>
<li>No usage tracking / reporting</li>
<section id="intro-kubernetes">
<h2>Intro to Kubernetes</h2>
<img src="" alt=" Logo" />
<p>(Logo concept #1: See, it's like a ship that carries other ships...)</p>
<aside class="notes">
What is Kubernetes? When I made this slide I had only a vague concept of what
Google's Kubernetes project was about, but I knew it was doing something at
a higher level than Docker. As of yet there are no cool logos for Kubernetes,
so I am going to make some proposals as we go through.
<p>"Greek for 'pilot' or 'helmsman'."<br />&nbsp;</p>
<p class="fragment"><strong><span style="color: #F00;">Φ</span>ιλοσοφία <span style="color: #F00;">Β</span>ιοῦ <span style="color: #F00;">Κ</span>υβερνήτης</strong><br />Philosophia Biou Kubernetes: "Love of wisdom, the guide of life"</p>
<p class="fragment">&nbsp;<br /><a href="">"Declarative cluster management for Docker."</a></p>
<div class="fragment">
<img style="border: 0px;" src="" alt="I have no idea what that means." />
<aside class="notes">
<p>So I Googled "Kubernetes", figuring that would be helpful here. First,
I learned that Kubernetes is a Greek word meaning 'pilot' or 'helmsman'.
Okay, I sort of see where you're going...</p>
<p>Next stop was an article that sounded really official and it claimed
that Kubernetes was all about declarative cluster management. Oh! Well
why didn't you say so before? That explains everything! Um, or not?
I'm not even sure anymore...</p>
<p>So, since we've all just gotten our hands dirty with Docker, I'm going to
start explaining Kubernetes in terms of things that Docker <em>doesn't</em>
<h2>Docker Don'ts</h2>
<li class="fragment">Docker doesn't see beyond a single host</li>
<li class="fragment">Docker can't provision related containers as a unit</li>
<li class="fragment">Docker doesn't have any capacity for handling mass configuration &amp; deployment.</li>
<div class="fragment">
<img src="" alt="Kubernetes logo concept #2" />
<p><small>(Logo concept #2)</small></p>
<aside class="notes">
<p>The entire docker lab could be done with a single host instance. That's a
by-product of Docker's chief limitation as a host-centric technology. This wasn't
an <em>oversight</em> as much as a scope boundary.</p>
<p>Even within the single-host scope, Docker doesn't provide for managing related containers as a group. If you want
to run a web server container alongside a database container, you have to do them one at a time.</p>
<p>Another problem related to the host-level focus is that Docker itself doesn't have
any sort of mass provisioning for containers. This includes configuration, deployment, and ongoing management.</p>
<p>To Docker's credit, they have specifically determined that this stuff is out of scope for their project. However,
it left a big opening for technologies to come along and solve. Solution? Kubernetes.</p>
<h2>Kuberenetes Terminology</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<td><img style="border: 0px;" src="" alt="Kubernetes minion diagram" /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<dd>A Docker host running the <em>kubelet</em> and the <em>proxy</em> service.<br />&nbsp;</dd>
<dd>One or more inter-related (linked) Docker containers.<br />&nbsp;</dd>
<dd>A collection of one or more Minions.</dd>
<aside class="notes">
<p>Now we can start to get in to what Kubernetes does for Docker deployments. Let's begin with
some terminology...</p>
<p>Notice also the services that are running on this minion. Docker is the obvious one but the other three are new.
<li>Highly available key/value data store</li>
<li>Built-in clustering support</li>
<li>RAFT consensus-based algorithm for updates</li>
<img src="" alt="Visualization of raft consensus" />
<aside class="notes">
<p>First, etcd. This is a highly available key/value store that provides the de-facto messaging layer
between each minion and a central controller. Strictly speaking, etcd doesn't <em>need</em> to live on
each minion, or on any minion. As long as there are one or more reachable instances of etcd that a
minion can communicate with, Kubernetes continues working.</p>
<p>etcd instances handle their own clustering. If you really want to get into the weeds, they
use the RAFT consensus algorithm to decide on the true current value for a given key. It makes
for a cool graphic, but we don't need to get deeper than this to use etc with Kubernetes.</p>
<h2>Minion Daemon:<br /><code>kubernetes-kubelet</code></h2>
<img style="border: 0px;" src="" alt="Kubelet works between etcd and docker." />
<li>Primary responsilibity: pod management</li>
<li>Maintain a record of pod state</li>
<li>Take instructions from the cluster <em>master</em></li>
<aside class="notes">
<p>Now, the other minion-based process is called kubelet. Its main job is pod management,
which really means that its main job is talking to docker. The kubelete daemon interprets
pod definitions in docker terms and makes the right commands to get the desired behavior.
All docker functionality is available through kubelet and pods.</p>
<p>In addition to managing docker, the kubelet has another job, which is to keep track of
pod running states. The kubelet is periodically polled by cluster management processes
to know how the cluster is doing.</p>
<p>Finally, another feature of the kubelet that is in the works is the ability for the
kubelet to register its minion with the cluster. Right now minions have to be introduced
manually, but when this feature is in place, a kubelet with the right credentials can join
a cluster automatically.</p>
<h2>Minion Daemon:<br /><code>kubernetes-proxy</code></h2>
<img style="border: 0px; height: 200px;" src="" alt="The proxy maps a single port on the minion to all relevant pods" />
<li>The proxy service maps a common port <em>on every minion</em> to relevant pods <em>across the entire cluster</em><br />&nbsp;</li>
<li>Relevant pods are chosen by comparing a <em>label</em> on the proxy definition to labels on the running pods<br />&nbsp;</li>
<li>This mapping of a minion host port to a pod label is called a <strong>service</strong></li>
<aside class="notes">
<p>The interesting thing about the service proxy is that every minion gets all of the
service proxy rules, regardless of which pods are actually running on the them. The
job of the proxy starts with the question: "does this minion have any pods that match
each of the service labels that I know about?"</p>
<p>In this diagram, the proxy knows about three services. But looking over the pods that
are running, the proxy sees that it can't handle requests for the mongo service. On the
other hand, it's got two running pods that match the 'nginx' label, so it will handle the
routing and traffic management to those pods.</p>
<p>The proxy service is <em>not</em> responsible for managing pods. All it does is indicates
whether or not the minion can handle a given service request, and if there's more than one
pod that can satisfy the request, it does the traffic management.</p>
<h2>More on Labels</h2>
<img style="height: 350px; background-color: #FFF;" src="" alt="A lot of labels" />
<li>A label or consists of a key and a value (also called a <em>selector</em>)</li>
<li>A pod can have any number of labels; each label must have a unique <em>key</em></li>
<li>Examples: <code>service=nginx</code>, <code>environment=prod</code>, <code>tier=frontend</code></li>
<aside class="notes">
<p>At this point we should probably talk a little more about labels. This is a concept that is
central to the Kubernetes design, but it somewhat hidden by the implementation.</p>
<h2>Cluster Management</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<td><img style="border: 0px;" src="" alt="Kubernetes cluster master diagram" /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<dt>Kubernetes API</dt>
<dd>RESTful web API for Kubernetes, running on nginx<br />&nbsp;</dd>
<dd>One job: choose minions for pods<br />&nbsp;</dd>
<dt>Controller Manager</dt>
<dd>Monitoring service for deployed pods<br />&nbsp;</dd>
<dd>CLI for working with a Kubernetes cluster</dd>
<aside class="notes">
<p>A cluster master is a host that acts as both a front end and health monitor for a Kubernetes cluster. The
master it self does not run docker and therefore does not host pods. Instead, it provides a web API and runs
a simple monitoring service that checks for the existence of specified pod deployments.</p>
<p>Finally, the cluster master also provides a utility called kubecfg that enables users to interact with the
<h2>The Kubernetes API</h2>
<li>Minions (docker hosts)</li>
<li>Pods (docker container configurations)</li>
<li>Services (port proxy mappings)</li>
<li><em>Replication Controllers</em> (replicated, monitored pod deployments)</li>
<img src="" alt="Kubernetes logo concept #3" />
<p><small>(Logo concept #3)</small></p>
<aside class="notes">
<p>By now we've already covered most of the things that are available through the API.
However, there's one last piece to talk about, and that is something called a Replication
<p>Pods and minions are really just convenient ways of managing docker hosts and containers.
Service and Replication Controllers bring us that cluster management thinking that really
defines Kubernetes.</p>
<h2><code>controller-manager</code><br />and Replication Controllers</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<td><img src="" alt="You tell controller-manager what you need, and it does the rest." /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<li>You tell it what you need, it decides which minions to deploy on</li>
<li>Constant monitoring; starts and stops pods as necessary to match the count</li>
<li>Decoupled from service proxying</li>
<p>Set up and manage replication controllers</p>
<pre><code>kubecfg -p 8080:80 run dockerfile/nginx 2 myNginxController</code></pre>
<p>&nbsp;<br />Perform CRUD operations against the RESTful Kubernetes API</p>
<pre><code>kubecfg <-c some/body.[json|yaml]> [options] update pods/pod-abc-123</code></pre>
<p>&nbsp;<br />Requires JSON or YAML configured input for CRUD operations</p>
"id": "pulpdb",
"kind": "Pod",
"apiVersion": "v1beta1",
"labels": {
"name": "db"
"desiredState": {
"manifest": {
"version": "v1beta1",
"id": "pulp_db",
"containers": [{
"name": "pulp-db",
"image": "markllama/mongodb",
"ports": [{
"containerPort": 27017,
<h2>Kubernetes Don'ts</h2>
<li class="fragment">No concept of a complete <em>application</em>.</li>
<li class="fragment">No capacity for building and deploying Docker images from source code.</li>
<li class="fragment">No <em>lifecycle</em> (CI / staging / production).</li>
<li class="fragment">No inherent focus on a user or administrator <em>experience</em>.</li>
<div class="fragment">
<img style="height: 300px;" src="" />
<h2>Defining an Application</h2>
<img class="fragment" style="border: 0px;" src="" />
<aside class="notes">
<p>But in the context of Docker and Kubernetes, what <em>is</em> an application?</p>
<p>Think about the most basic, ridiculously simple cloud app that anyone has ever developed.</p>
<p>In the container era, even <em>this</em> is more complicated than a simple web frontend.</p>
<h2>Applications =<br />Distinct Interconnected Services</h2>
<img style="border: 0px; height: 300px;" src="" />
<li><strong style="color: #F66;">Distinct</strong>: App components must be abstracted so that they can evolve independently</li>
<li><strong style="color: #F66;">Interconnected</strong>: Every component should be easy to build, manage and deploy in concert</li>
<aside class="notes">
<p>So now we're thinking about applications differently. Pieces aren't just modular; they're actually completely distinct components
separated by network APIs.</p>
<h2>Applications in OpenShift 3</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<td style="width: 378px;"><img style="border: 0px; width: 373px; height: 241px;" src="" /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<p><code style="color: #F66;">config</code>, <em style="color: #CCC;">n.</em><br />A collection of Kubernetes <em>and</em> OpenShift 3 objects that describes any combination of pods, services, replicationControllers, environment variables and OpenShift 3 objects that we'll discuss in a few slides.<br />&nbsp;</p>
<p><code style="color: #F66;">template</code>, <em style="color: #CCC;">n.</em><br />A <em>parameterized</em> version of a config for generalized re-use.</p>
<aside class="notes">
<p>Now let's take a more concrete look at applications. Given that we are already thinking differently about them, what
do they actually look like in a Kubernetes and Docker based system?</p>
<section data-markdown>
<script type="text/template">
## The config Template</h2>
"id": "ruby-helloworld-sample-template",
"kind": "Template",
"name": "ruby-hello-world-template",
"parameters": [{
"description": "Administrator username",
"type": "string",
"expression": "admin[A-Z0-9]{3}"
"items": [{
"id": "frontend",
"kind": "Service",
"port": 5432,
"selector": { "name": "frontend" }
* **parameters**: Variables that can be set at the application level and used across Kubernetes objects
* **items**: One or more Kubernetes or OpenShift 3 object definitions that you wish to specify, **including another `config`**
<aside class="notes">Would we ever <em>want</em> to include a config template inside of another config template? I'm sure we could think of some cases. However, an OpenShift 3 system will include a set of curated templates that look a lot like the cartridges and quickstarts that we have today.</aside>
<section data-markdown>
<script type="text/template">
## Parameters
Defined (in the `template`):
"description": "Administrator username",
"type": "string",
"expression": "admin[A-Z0-9]{3}"
Applied (in the `template`):
"env": [{
"value": "${ADMIN_USERNAME}"
Post-processed (in the `config`):
"env": [{
"value": "adminS5G"
* Can be hard-coded, generated, or a mix of both.
* Can be used in any of the `item` configurations in a `config`.
<h2>Building Applications from Source</h2>
<p>Three challenges to consider:</p>
<img style="border: 0px;" src="" />
<li>Getting at the source code? <span class="fragment"><strong style="color: #F66;">GitHub (and others)</strong></span></li>
<li>Driving new builds when the source code changes? <span class="fragment"><strong style="color: #F66;">Webhooks</strong></span></li>
<li>Building new Docker images based on the source code? <span class="fragment"><strong style="color: #F66;"></strong></span></li>
<h2>Build Option #1:<br /><code>docker-builder</code></h2>
<li class="fragment">A docker image that quietly co-opts the host docker's socket</li>
<li class="fragment">Pulls down new/updated source code from a Git URL</li>
<li class="fragment">Per the app Dockerfile, pulls down base engine images (like ruby, node, golang, etc.) into the host Docker repository</li>
<li class="fragment">Uses <code>docker build</code> to load and compile the source on top of the base image</li>
<li class="fragment">Pushes the resulting image into a <em>private</em>, <em>hosted</em> Docker registry somewhere in the cluster</li>
<li class="fragment">Quietly fades away into darkness like it was never there.</li>
<aside class="notes">
When my fellow engineers on the OpenShift team explained how this worked to me, my mind basically exploded.
<img style="border: 0px; height: 600px;" src="" />
<h2>Build Option #2:<br />Source-to-Image (<code>sti</code>)</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<td><img style="border: 0px; height: 400px;" src="" /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<li>Relies on specially-built STI Docker images</li>
<li>Behavior reminiscent of OpenShift 2 cartridges</li>
<li>Invocation reminiscent of <code>kubecfg run</code>:<br /><pre><code>sti build &lt;src&gt; &lt;image&gt; &lt;tag&gt;</code></pre></li>
<li><code>src</code>: Source code URI</li>
<li><code>image</code>: The STI builder image to use</li>
<li><code>tag</code>: The tag for the resulting Docker app image</li>
<aside class="notes">
<p>The problem with docker-builder is that it depends on a Dockerfile in order to run. However, OpenShift doesn't like lock-in. When your code includes a Dockerfile, it starts to always look like a Docker image. So the alternative to explicitly using Dockerfiles is a build path called Source-to-Image.</p>
<p>The purpose-built STI docker images contain a base image along with <em>assemble</em> and <em>run</em> scripts that tell the running container how to process the source code that is passed in. This is functionally equivalent to what a Dockerfile can do, but developers don't have to think in terms of Dockerfiles to use it.</p>
<h2>Builds in OpenShift 3</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<p><code style="color: #F66;">buildConfig</code>, <em style="color: #CCC;">n.</em><br />An object containing three key pieces of information about an application that will be automatically built and rebuilt by OpenShift:</p>
<li>The source code URI</li>
<li>The build type (Docker or STI)</li>
<li>The authentication code for change notifications (webhooks)</li>
<h2>Application Lifecycle:</h2>
<h3>Integrating with CI and CD through "triggers"</h3>
<img src="" />
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<p>Make a platform that is aware of changes:<br />&nbsp;</p>
<li>In source code</li>
<li>On a CI system</li>
<li>In an image repository<br />&nbsp;</li>
<p> that the entire product lifecycle is<br /><em>repeatable</em>, <em>fault-tolerant</em> and <em>automated</em>.</p>
<aside class="notes">
When we talk about DevOps, we are talking about an environment where we continously iterate and deploy application code based on a series of gating operations.
<h3>Lifecycle in OpenShift 3:</h3>
<h2>The Deployment</h2>
<img style="border: 0px;" src="" />
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<p><code style="color: #F66;">deployment</code>, <em style="color: #CCC;">n.</em><br />The combination of:</p>
<li>A replicationController that describes a desired running state.</li>
<li>One or more <em>trigger policies</em> for driving the deployment</li>
<li>A deployment <em>strategy</em> for performing the deployment</li>
<h2>Deployment Trigger Policies</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<td style="text-align: center;" class="fragment">
<img style="border: 0px; height: 360px; width: 240px;" src="" />
<td style="text-align: center;" class="fragment">
<p>Image change</p>
<img style="border: 0px; height: 360px; width: 240px;" src="" />
<td style="text-align: center;" class="fragment">
<p><code>config</code> change</p>
<img style="border: 0px; height: 360px; width: 240px;" src="" />
<aside class="notes">
<p>Manual: you tell OpenShift to run the deployment.</p>
<p>Image change: OpenShift 3 watches the state of images in the cluster's private Docker repo. When an image is updated, redeployment is triggered.</p>
<p>config change: If I change the definition of my configu file, redeploy the pieces covered in the deployment configuration.</p>
<h2>Deployment Strategies</h2>
<li>Not <em>how</em> to handle deployments, but <em>who</em> to handle deployments</li>
<li>Currently supported: "customPod" (i.e. "hand the task off to a customPod of a specific name.")
<li class="fragment">Theoretical alternatives:</li>
<li class="fragment"><em>thirdPartyDeployment</em> - job goes to a separate system</li>
<li class="fragment"><em>controllerService</em> - job goes to a service in the deployment controller</li>
<li class="fragment"><em>conciergeService</em> - Standish be a good fellow and handle this, eh?<br /><img style="border: 0px;" src="" /></li>
<h2>New Concepts Summary</h2>
<li>Collections of Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 objects</li>
<li>Parameterized templates</li>
<li>Post-processed <code>configs</code></li>
<li>Where is the code coming from?</li>
<li>How do we turn it into a Docker image?</li>
<li>When do we deploy?</li>
<li>How do we deploy?</li>
<li>What should the deployment look like?</li>
<h2>Part 3: Deploying OpenShift 3 on OpenStack</h2>
<img style="height: 550px;" src="" />
<!--OPENSHIFT 3: How do I deploy it on OpenStack//-->
<h2>OpenShift on OpenStack Experience</h2>
<img src="" />
<aside class="notes">
<p>The last thing we want to talk about today is to Deploy OpenShift 3 on OpenStack.</p><p>This brings us full circle, and
back to the promise of being able to use Docker and Containers to simplify your life.</p>
<h2>oo-install 3.0</h2>
<li class="fragment">You pick a server.</li>
<li class="fragment"><code>oo-install</code> checks for / installs / starts:</li>
<ul class="fragment">
<li class="fragment"><code>oo-install</code> runs<br /><code style="color: #F66;">kubecfg run openshift/openshift 1 openshift</code>
<li class="fragment">There is no step 4.</li>
<p class="fragment">But really 30 seconds?<br />Well, how fast is your net connection?</p>
<aside class="notes">
A Puppet module is certainly an option here. The current puppet module is about a hundred times more
complex than the new Puppet module will need to be.
<h2>Built for Speed: Project Atomic</h2>
<p><a href=""></a><br />&nbsp;</p>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<td style="padding: 0px;">
<img style="border: 0px;" src="" alt="Project Atomic logo" />
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<li>Stripped-down base OS optimized for Docker<br />&nbsp;</li>
<li>Uses <code>ostree</code> filesystems, which are <em>immutable</em> but not <em>stateless</em><br />&nbsp;</li>
<li>Uses <code>cloud-init</code> hooks to load starting Docker images, set configuration details</li>
<aside class="notes">
<p>Project Atomic addresses the administrator experience on a different level. What if we could deploy and configure
super-stripped-down hosts that have just enough software to run Docker? And what if the entire platform-as-a-service
stack could be deployed from within Docker containers? Those are some of the questions that Project Atomic seeks to answer.</p>
<p>Atomic uses a technology called ostree to deploy a bootable filesystem as a single unit. And because it can manage filesystems
that way, you get some interesting side benefits, like the ability to perform whole filesystem rollbacks.</p>
<p>In the OpenShift context, we like that Atomic hosts can be configured with cloud-init at boot time. This opens the door for another
30-second administrator experience. On Atomic we can raise, update, and configure OpenShift controllers and minions in a single operation.</p>
<p>If you're interested in learning more, check out the website...</p>
<h2>Other Admin Considerations</h2>
<li>Users, Teams and Projects</li>
<li>A <code style="color: #F66;">project</code> controls access to a set of resources</li>
<li>Projects have hard and soft resource limits</li>
<li>Projects are based on organizational boundaries</li>
<li>Quota and Usage</li>
<li>Leverage Kubernetes to get fine-grained resource control</li>
<li>Performance policies can be specified along many dimensions</li>
<aside class="notes">
<p>Finally, within OpenShift itself, we are going to be introducing a few more features to simplify the administration process</p>
<h3>Simplify Life, Accelerate Development on OpenStack</h3>
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<img style="border: 0px; height: 562px; width: 214px;" src="" />
<aside class="notes">
<p>It seems like a long time ago now, but this morning when we started, Steve promised you that we would be simplifying your life
and accelerating development with Docker and Kubernetes on AWS.</p>
<h1>Thank You!</h1>
<p>Learn More:</p>
<li>Docker: <a href=""></a></li>
<li>Kubernetes: <a href=""></a></li>
<li>OpenShift 3: <a href=""></a></li>
Presented by<br />
<a href="">Diane Mueller, Red Hat OpenShift</a> / <a href="">@pythondj</a><br />
<a href="">Daneyon Hansen, Cisco</a> / <a href="">@daneyonhansen</a>
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