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Daniel M. Sullivan dmsul

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sinclairtarget / bernoulli.c
Created August 17, 2018 20:22
Lovelace's Note G Program in C
#include <stdio.h>
* Calculates what Ada Lovelace labeled "B7", which today we would call the 8th
* Bernoulli number.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Data
jchandra74 / PowerShell
Last active August 20, 2024 20:27
PowerShell, Cmder / ConEmu, Posh-Git, Oh-My-Posh, Powerline Customization

Pimping Up Your PowerShell & Cmder with Posh-Git, Oh-My-Posh, & Powerline Fonts

Backstory (TLDR)

I work as a full-stack developer at work. We are a Windows & Azure shop, so we are using Windows as our development platform, hence this customization.

For my console needs, I am using Cmder which is based on ConEmu with PowerShell as my shell of choice.

Yes, yes, I know nowadays you can use the Linux subsystem on Windows 10 which allow you to run Ubuntu on Windows. If you are looking for customization of the Ubuntu bash shell, check out this article by Scott Hanselman.

malkitsingh / instructions.txt
Created February 2, 2017 17:37
Step by step guide to install nominatim server
I followed these two blogs to install server
This explains ( and is the main blog which I followed) various steps
This explains how to setup swap files and install tiles if needed.
I will use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS as the platform. Just a basic install with ssh server. We will install Apache to serve http requests. Make sure you have enough disk space and RAM to hold the data and serve it efficiently. I used the Finland extract, which was about a 200 MB download. The resulting database was 26 GB after importing, indexing and adding Wikipedia data. The Wikipedia data probably actually took more disk space than the OSM data. My server has 4 GB RAM, which seems to be enough for this small data set.
1. Sofware requirements
justintv / .bashrc
Created August 17, 2009 00:53
Display git branch in bash prompt
# If you work with git, you've probably had that nagging sensation of not knowing what branch you are on. Worry no longer!
export PS1="\\w:\$(git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '^*' | colrm 1 2)\$ "
# This will change your prompt to display not only your working directory but also your current git branch, if you have one. Pretty nifty!
# ~/code/web:beta_directory$ git checkout master
# Switched to branch "master"
# ~/code/web:master$ git checkout beta_directory
# Switched to branch "beta_directory"