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SwiftUI - Snapping horizontal scrolling pomodoro picker
// PomodoroPicker.swift
// pomodoro
// Created by David Rozmajzl on 1/1/22.
import SwiftUI
struct PomodoroPicker<Content, Item: Hashable>: View where Content: View {
@State private var persistentOffset: CGFloat = 0
@State private var offset: CGFloat = 0
@Binding var selection: Item?
let options: [Item]
let itemWidth: CGFloat?
let onChange: ((Item?) -> ())?
let content: (Item) -> Content
func itemWidthOverride(_ geometry: GeometryProxy) -> CGFloat {
return itemWidth ?? geometry.size.width * 0.15
func width(_ geometry: GeometryProxy) -> CGFloat {
return geometry.size.width
init(selection: Binding<Item?>, options: [Item], width itemWidth: CGFloat? = nil, onChange: ((Item?) -> ())? = nil, _ content: @escaping (Item) -> Content) {
_selection = selection
self.options = options
self.itemWidth = itemWidth
self.onChange = onChange
self.content = content
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
.onChange(of: selection) { onChange?($0) }
extension PomodoroPicker {
private func Picker(_ geometry: GeometryProxy) -> some View {
Group {
HStack (spacing: 0) {
.frame(width: geometry.size.width / 2 - itemWidthOverride(geometry) / 2)
ForEach (options, id: \.self) { option in
GeometryReader { geo in
HStack (spacing: 0) {
let relativeX = geo.frame(in: .named("pomodoroPicker")).midX
let ratio: Double = (geometry.size.width / 2 - relativeX) / (geometry.size.width / 2)
let angle = Angle(degrees: Double(90) * -ratio)
let scale = 1 - abs(ratio) <= 0 ? 0.001: 1 - abs(ratio) / 1
Group {
if scale == 0.001 {
} else {
.position(x: geo.size.width / 2, y: geo.size.height / 2)
.rotation3DEffect(angle, axis: (x: 0, y: 1, z: 0))
.frame(width: itemWidthOverride(geometry))
.onTapGesture { onTapped(option, geometry) }
.onAppear {
if let selection = selection, let index = options.firstIndex(of: selection) {
persistentOffset = -CGFloat(index) * itemWidthOverride(geometry)
} else if let first = options.first {
selection = first
} else {
selection = nil
.frame(width: geometry.size.width / 2 - itemWidthOverride(geometry) / 2)
.offset(x: persistentOffset + offset, y: 0)
.coordinateSpace(name: "pomodoroPicker")
.onChanged{ onDragChanged($0, geometry) }
.onEnded{ onDragEnded($0, geometry) }
extension PomodoroPicker {
private func onTapped(_ option: Item, _ geometry: GeometryProxy) {
guard let index = options.firstIndex(of: option) else { return }
withAnimation (.spring()) {
self.persistentOffset = CGFloat(index) * itemWidthOverride(geometry) * -1
self.offset = 0
selection = option
private func onDragChanged(_ drag: DragGesture.Value, _ geometry: GeometryProxy) {
let totalOffset = persistentOffset + drag.translation.width
var newOffset: CGFloat!
var calculatedIndex: Int!
let length = CGFloat(options.count - 1) * itemWidthOverride(geometry)
if totalOffset > 0 {
let offsetToEdge = drag.translation.width - abs(totalOffset)
newOffset = offsetToEdge + totalOffset / 2.5
calculatedIndex = 0
} else if totalOffset < -length {
let offsetOffEdge = totalOffset + length
let offsetToEdge = drag.translation.width - offsetOffEdge
newOffset = offsetToEdge + offsetOffEdge / 2.5
calculatedIndex = options.count - 1
} else {
newOffset = drag.translation.width
calculatedIndex = Int(round(abs(totalOffset / itemWidthOverride(geometry))))
guard calculatedIndex >= 0 && calculatedIndex < options.count else {
selection = nil
withAnimation (.easeOut(duration: 0.15)) {
self.offset = newOffset
selection = options[calculatedIndex]
private func onDragEnded(_ drag: DragGesture.Value, _ geometry: GeometryProxy) {
let totalOffset = persistentOffset + drag.translation.width
var calculatedIndex: Int!
let length = CGFloat(options.count - 1) * itemWidthOverride(geometry)
if totalOffset > 0 {
calculatedIndex = 0
} else if totalOffset < -length {
calculatedIndex = options.count - 1
} else {
calculatedIndex = Int(round(abs(totalOffset / itemWidthOverride(geometry))))
guard calculatedIndex >= 0 && calculatedIndex < options.count else {
selection = nil
withAnimation (.spring()) {
self.persistentOffset = CGFloat(calculatedIndex) * itemWidthOverride(geometry) * -1
self.offset = 0
selection = options[calculatedIndex]
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Nice, thank you so much for sharing 💛

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dmr121 commented Jan 6, 2022

Example usage:

struct ExampleView: View {
  // @State private var selection? = nil    // edit
  @State private var selection: Int? = nil
  let options = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
  var body: some View {
    // You can set width manually as one of the PomodoroPicker arguments if the default width isn't right for you

      selection: $selection,
      options: options,
      onChange: { value in
        print("Valued changed to \(value)")
        HapticsManager.vibrate(withIntensity: .rigid)
      }) { option in
        // option will be of type Int because options is of type Array<Int>
        // option will be whatever type the options array is, it's generic
        // This is where each individual view goes
          .fontWeight(selection == option ? .bold: .regular)

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Thanks but since I got the source code I couldn't run it. Now you gave this example which is much appreciated but I am getting compiler time error.

@State private var selection? = nil

This line Xcode is asking to define the data type I tried to add Item? but didn't work.

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dmr121 commented Jan 7, 2022

Oh ha! I messed that up. I typed this quickly last night. It should be:

@State private var selection: Int? = nil

// Or if you want the picker to not start at the first option, set selection's initial value to something that's in the options list
// ex.
@State private var selection: Int? = 5

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Thanks, it's working now. 👍

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may i request vertical version or mode?

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I'm trying the ExampleView but it fails at HapticsManager.vibrate(withIntensity: .rigid). Where can I find that HapticsManager? Thanks

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dmr121 commented May 31, 2022

@vmorris1959 The haptics manager is used for causing a vibration whenever the value changes. It's not necessary but here's the code if you'd still like to use it:

import UIKit

class HapticsManager {
  static func vibrate(withIntensity intensity: UIImpactFeedbackGenerator.FeedbackStyle = .medium) {
    let generator = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: intensity)
  static func vibrate(withIntensity intensity: CGFloat = 0.5) {
    let generator = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator()
    generator.impactOccurred(intensity: intensity)
  static func vibrate(withFeedback feedback: UINotificationFeedbackGenerator.FeedbackType = .warning) {
    let generator = UINotificationFeedbackGenerator()

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dmr121 commented May 31, 2022

Awesome! may i request vertical version or mode?

@SangkuOh Is this still something you'd like?

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How I can scroll to the first item programmatically? I changed selection variable but nothing happened :-(

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nkanellopoulos commented Jun 30, 2022

This is very cool!
However if we put two of them in an HStack, they get confused.
You drag over the first, and the second one moves.

@dmr121 can you think of a fix?
Tried changing the CoordinateSpace name to be unique, but it did not help.

Note: I am setting the item width to X, and the picker frame width to 3X, to show exactly 3 items.

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hedgein commented Jul 8, 2022

Super awesome write up, thanks for sharing! Customized it a bit to my needs and added arrow buttons. Everything works like a charm!

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wm-alex commented Jan 12, 2024

I'm also interested in a vertical one!

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