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A non-exhaustive list of tools for JavaScript development as it has become "complicated".

JavaScript landscape: compilers, bundlers and others by the numbers

A non-exhaustive list of tools for JavaScript development as it has become "complicated".


Name: language Stars Last Commit Owner/Sponsorship
tsc: JavaScript GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Microsoft
babel: JavaScript GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
sucrase: JavaScript GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Babel Fork?
SWC: Rust GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective


Old school JS

Name: compilers Stars Last Commit Owner/Sponsorship
webpack: all compilers via loaders/plugins GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
Vite: esbuild via rollup GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
parceljs: SWC GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
rollup: all compilers via plugins GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
WMR: sucrase via rollup GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
farmfeFarm: vite in Rust rollup GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective

Not maintained anymore:

Lower Level

Name: compilers Stars Last Commit Owner/Sponsorship
swcpack: SWC GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
rspack: SWC GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit ByteDance (tiktok parent company)
esbuild: own compiler in Go GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
bun: own compiler in ZIG GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
Mako: Rust GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Ant Group

Unified tooling (combines parser, linter, formatter, transpiler, minifier, resolver...)

Name: language Stars Last Commit Owner/Sponsorship
TurboPack: Rust GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Vercel
oxc: Rust GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit ByteDance (tiktok parent company)
Biome: Rust (coming soon) GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit VC funded
rolldown: Rust (coming soon) GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Vite / Open Collective

All round tools (SPA, MPA, SSR, SSG and other fun acronyms)

Name: note Stars Last Commit Owner/Sponsorship
Next.js: React (webpack/turbopack) GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Vercel
Gatsby: React (webpack) GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Netlify
Nuxt: Next for Vue.js (webpack) GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
Astro: astro components (own compiler in Go) GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Astro
Remix: React (esbuild) GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit VC?
SvelteKit: Svelte (vite) GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
Eleventy: SSG more like Jekyll GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
VuePress: SSG Vue (vite) GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective

Package/prototyping development

Name: bundler Stars Last Commit Owner/Sponsorship
budo: browserify GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Matt
snowdev: ESM (via esinstall) GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Damien

Dev server

Name Stars Last Commit Owner/Sponsorship
@web/dev-server: ESM friendly GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
wmr: all-in-one GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Open Collective
browser-sync: old-school but working like a charm GitHub Repo stars GitHub last commit Paypal link



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