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sleepyfox /
Last active October 4, 2021 14:37
Why 3X is only half the story

Why 3X is only half the story

Many people will have read one of Kent Beck's articles on 3X or eXplore-eXpand-eXtract or The Product Development Triathlon. Many people have taken to explaining Kent's work on their own sites, sometimes helping, sometimes not, sometimes even ranking higher on search engines than the original articles!

I have an unpayable debt owed to Kent, his work started me off on a journey of discovery that forever changed how I practice my craft. I count him as one of the handful of people who in this field have had the most effect on my professional career.

But even the best of us are blind to things that our position, our background, our experience and our culture either deprioritise, hide away or even make taboo. I'm going to argue that Kent isn't wrong per se, but rather his model is only half the story - perhaps

procrastinatio /
Created October 25, 2017 06:04
Rate limiting with HAproxy


So HAProxy is primalery a load balancer an proxy for TCP and HTTP. But it may act as a traffic regulator. It may also be used as a protection against DDoS and service abuse, by maintening a wide variety of statistics (IP, URL, cookie) and when abuse is happening, action as denying, redirecting to other backend may undertaken ([haproxy ddos config], [haproxy ddos])

matsukaz /
Last active September 27, 2021 11:07
Find a geolocation of an IP address in BigQuery

This query is to find geolocation of an IP address including latitude, longitude, city and country.

Legacy SQL doesn't support range conditions such as BETWEEN when using JOIN, so we need to filter data by WHERE. This means if IP address does not match any of the data inside geolite_city_bq_b2b, records will not be able to receive.

Use Standard SQL if you want to receive records no matter you succeed to find geolocation or not.

Please refer to the following post for more detail.

ahmetb /
Last active May 10, 2024 15:17
Script to clean up Google Container Registry images pushed before a particular date
# Copyright © 2017 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
so0k /
Last active September 11, 2024 08:36
Playing with kubectl output

Kubectl output options

Let's look at some basic kubectl output options.

Our intention is to list nodes (with their AWS InstanceId) and Pods (sorted by node).

We can start with:

kubectl get no