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Forked from bsehovac/scriptable.js
Created July 2, 2021 09:49
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Upcoming Match Scriptable Widget
// Get Team ID from and add it as widget parameter
const TEAM_ID = args.widgetParameter || 133987
const DARK_MODE = true
const widgetSize = config.widgetFamily || 'medium'
const textSize = 9.5
const logoSize = 38
const logoSmallSize = 22
const spacing = { normal: 8, smaller: 6, vs: 5, widget: 10 }
const fetchData = async (url, type = 'loadJSON') => {
const request = new Request(url)
const res = await request[type]()
return res
const getTeamData = async id => {
const url = ''
const teamUrl = url + id
const data = (await fetchData(teamUrl)).teams[0]
return {
image: await fetchData(`${data.strTeamBadge}/preview`, 'loadImage'),
stadium: data.strStadium
const getTeamEvents = async () => {
const url = ''
const data = await fetchData(url + TEAM_ID)
const getUpcomingEventData = async event => {
const home = await getTeamData(event.idHomeTeam)
const away = await getTeamData(event.idAwayTeam)
return {
competition: event.strLeague,
homeLogo: home.image,
awayLogo: away.image,
homeTeam: event.strHomeTeam,
awayTeam: event.strAwayTeam,
date: event.strTimestamp,
stadium: home.stadium,
const getRestEventsData = async events => {
const output = []
for (const event of events) {
const isHomeTeam = event.idHomeTeam ==TEAM_ID
const team = await getTeamData(event[isHomeTeam ? 'idAwayTeam' : 'idHomeTeam'])
competition: event.strLeague,
logo: team.image,
team: event[isHomeTeam ? 'strAwayTeam' : 'strHomeTeam'],
date: event.strTimestamp,
stadium: 'stadium',
text: isHomeTeam ? 'vs' : 'at',
return output
const getFormattedDate = (timestamp, useToday = true) => {
const millisPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
const formats = [
"MMM d, yyyy 'at' h:mm a",
"'Tomorrow at' h:mm a",
"'Today at' h:mm a",
const date = new Date(timestamp)
const matchDay = (new Date(date)).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
const today = (new Date()).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
const diff = (matchDay - today) / millisPerDay
const format = useToday ? (diff < 1 ? 2 : diff < 2 ? 1 : 0) : 0
const dateFormatter = new DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = formats[format]
return dateFormatter.string(date)
const addText = (el, string, type) => {
const text = el.addText(string)
text.font = type === 'bold' ?
Font.boldSystemFont(textSize * 1.2) :
text.textColor = new Color(DARK_MODE ? '#ffffff' : '#000000', 1)
text.lineLimit = 1
text.textOpacity = type === 'small' ? 0.5 : 1
const addImage = (el, src, size = logoSize) => {
const image = el.addImage(src)
image.imageSize = new Size(size, size)
const addSpacer = (el, type) => {
const addStack = (el, type = 'horizontal', centered = false, size) => {
const stack = el.addStack()
if (type === 'vertical') stack.layoutVertically()
else stack.layoutHorizontally()
if (centered) stack.centerAlignContent()
if (size) stack.size = size
return stack
const addLogos = (el, homeLogo, awayLogo) => {
const s = addStack(el, 'horizontal', true)
addImage(s, homeLogo)
addSpacer(s, 'vs')
addText(s, 'vs')
addSpacer(s, 'vs')
addImage(s, awayLogo)
const initWidget = () => {
const w = new ListWidget()
w.backgroundColor = new Color(DARK_MODE ? '#1B1B1B' : '#FFFFFF', 1)
spacing.widget, spacing.widget,
spacing.widget, spacing.widget,
return w
const addCenteredText = (el, text, type) => {
const s = addStack(el, 'horizontal', true)
addText(s, text, type)
const initUpcomingEvent = (el, event) => {
addCenteredText(el, event.competition)
addSpacer(el, 'normal')
addLogos(el, event.homeLogo, event.awayLogo)
addSpacer(el, 'normal')
addCenteredText(el, event.homeTeam.toUpperCase(), 'bold')
addCenteredText(el, event.awayTeam.toUpperCase(), 'bold')
addSpacer(el, 'smaller')
addCenteredText(el, getFormattedDate(
addCenteredText(el, event.stadium)
const initRestEvents = (el, events) => {
events.forEach((data, idx) => {
const hs = addStack(el, 'horizontal', true)
addText(hs, data.text, 'small')
addSpacer(hs, 'vs')
addImage(hs, data.logo, logoSmallSize)
addSpacer(hs, 'vs')
const vs = addStack(hs, 'vertical')
addText(vs,, 'bold')
addText(vs, getFormattedDate(, false), 'small')
if (idx < 3) addSpacer(el, 'small')
const createNextMatchWidget = async () => {
const events = await getTeamEvents()
const widget = initWidget()
if (widgetSize === 'small') {
const upcomingEventData = await getUpcomingEventData(events[0])
initUpcomingEvent(widget, upcomingEventData)
} else if (widgetSize === 'medium') {
const upcomingEventData = await getUpcomingEventData(events[0])
const restEventData = await getRestEventsData(events.slice(1, 5))
const s = addStack(widget, 'horizontal', true)
initUpcomingEvent(addStack(s, 'vertical', true, new Size(130, 135)), upcomingEventData)
addSpacer(s, 'normal')
initRestEvents(addStack(s, 'vertical', true, new Size(160, 135)), restEventData)
return widget
const widget = await createNextMatchWidget()
await widget.presentMedium()
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