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Add magnet files from watch dir to transmission (with authentication, for docker image)
# Filename: grab-magnets-from-watchdir.custom-cont-init-script
# Save this file in /config/custom-cont-init.d/
# This way it will run everytime the container is created and will add the crontab entry and transmission authentication
# Save env files to get authentication
printenv | sed 's/^\(.*\)$/export \1/g' > /root/container.env
# Add entry to crontab, runs every minute
echo '* * * * * . /root/container.env; /config/' >> /etc/crontabs/root
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Filename:
# Save this file into your /config directory
tr=$(which transmission-remote) # set path for transmission-remote binary
if [ -f /watch/*.magnet ]
for t in /watch/*.magnet; do
echo "Adding "$t""
m=$(cat "$t") # get contents of magnet file
$tr -n "$USER:$PASS" --add $m && \
/bin/mv "$t" "$t".added # add to transmission and rename the magnet file
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