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Created March 28, 2022 13:03
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  • Save dmarman/ef93e6754c23cee48fa0aee5c35729da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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let config = {
host: '',
remoteUpdated: false,
form: {
disabled: false,
customSubmit: false,
validationActive: true,
loginFormOnUserIdentified: false,
forceLoginForm: false,
style: {
inline: false,
input: {
texts: {
placeholder: ''
button: {
texts: {
CTA: 'Request early access',
loading: 'Loading',
checkDashboard: 'Dashboard',
login: 'Login'
feedback: {
disabled: false,
texts: {
empty: 'Don\'t forget your email!',
invalidEmail: 'Wrong email!',
success: 'Thanks!',
unaccepted: 'We do not accept that email',
unauthorized: 'You did not subscribe with that email',
resentConfirmationEmail: 'Sent'
gdpr: {
enabled: false,
documentId: null,
texts: {
default: {
gdprTitle: '',
gdprDescription: '',
gdprLegalText: '',
marketingPermissions: []
dashboard: {
disabled: false,
hideButton: false,
objective: {
offset: 1,
max: 5
type: 'modal',
url: '',
gif: {
type: 'card',
url: ''
video: {
type: 'card',
url: ''
survey: {
type: 'typeform',
url: '',
header: 'default',
secondURL: ''
shareOn: {
facebook: true,
twitter: true,
telegram: true,
linkedin: true,
reddit: true
loadOnUserIdentified: true, // set to false if accepts as many emails as possible, it "doesn't" remember the user.
modal: {
preventShowAfterSubscribing: false,
preventShowAfterLogin: false,
disabled: false
//hideDashboardLink: false,
//hideLeaderboard: false,
//hideReferredsList: false,
//hideObjective: false,
//hideSharedOn: false,
listAnimation: true,
texts: {
taskTitle: 'Current Task',
taskParagraph: 'Invite people you know personally and go up on the waiting list.',
taskCopyButton: 'Copy',
taskCopiedButton: 'Copied!',
taskOutro: 'Or share with:',
leaderboardTitle: 'Leaderboard',
leaderboardParagraph: 'This is your position on the list',
leaderboardPosition: 'Position', // to delete
leaderboardAddress: 'Address', // to delete
referredsTitle: 'Friends invited',
referredsParagraph: '',
referredsEmpty: 'No friends', // to delete
referredsPending: 'Pending',
referredsUnit: 'Each Friend Invited',
objectiveTitle: 'Objective',
objectiveSubtitle: 'Out of your possible 10',
objectiveCompleted: 'Completed',
objectiveUncompleted: 'To be done',
units: 'Points',
surveyTitle: 'Complete the Survey',
surveyCompleted: 'Thanks for completing the survey, you got 10 extra points.',
surveyPending: 'Pending',
countdownTitle: 'Launching soon',
countdownParagraph: 'You still have this time to share with your friends',
days: 'Days',
hours: 'Hours',
minutes: 'Minutes',
seconds: 'Seconds',
shareOnTitle: 'Shared on',
shareOnParagraph: '',
shareOnPending: 'Pending'
social: {
buttons: {
twitter: true,
facebook: true,
linkedin: true,
email: true,
whatsapp: true,
reddit: true,
wechat: false,
telegram: true
texts: {
facebookQuote:'I just joined this awesome waiting list!',
twitterQuote:'I just joined this awesome waiting list!',
hashTags: 'tuemilio,PH',
whatsappQuote: 'I joined this, do it to:',
redditQuote:'I just joined this awesome waiting list!',
telegramQuote:'I just joined this awesome waiting list!',
emailBody: 'Here is my link',
emailSubject: 'I just joined this awesome waiting list!',
linkQuote: 'Share the link below'
redirectURL: '',
cookies: {
disabled: false
user: {
identified: false
googleAnalytics: {
disabled: false
confetti: {
type: 'cannons',
disabled: false,
length: 1,
colors: ['#ED0154', '#F78801', '#1872CB', '#F8CE26']
logging: false
export default config;
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