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dlzi /
Last active August 10, 2023 17:41
How to mirror a website with wget

wget --user-agent="Mozilla" --mirror --recursive --no-cookies --no-clobber --page-requisites --adjust-extension --convert-links --no-check-certificate --domains -e robots=off --no-parent --continue

For further reference use wget --help.

dlzi /
Last active November 30, 2018 08:04
How to uninstall MySQL 5.7.2x on a macOS

1. DO NOT forget to backup your data.
2. Stop the database server.

To uninstall MySQL and completely remove it (including all databases) from your Mac, do the following from the Terminal window:

rm -rf ~/Library/PreferencePanes/My*
sudo rm /usr/local/mysql
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/mysql*
sudo rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM
sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/My*

dlzi /
Last active August 25, 2024 07:44
How to uninstall Python 3.x on a macOS

1. DO NOT attempt to remove any Apple-supplied system Python which are in /System/Library and /usr/bin.
2. Multiple Python versions can coexist pacifically on macOS. So, uninstalling Python is purely optional.

To remove a different version, change 3.7 to the Python version you want to remove.

sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7
sudo rm -rf "/Applications/Python 3.7"
sudo find /usr/local/bin -lname '../../../Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/*' -delete