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Created January 6, 2014 01:37
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;; cell
[1 2]
;; world
#{ [1 0] [1 1] [1 2]}
;; compute neighbors of a cell
(defn neighbors [[x y]]
(for [dx [-1 0 1]
dy (if (zero? dx)
[-1 1]
[-1 0 1])]
[(+ x dx) (+ y dy)] ) )
(neighbors [1 1])
(def blinker #{[1 0] [1 1] [1 2]})
(map neighbors blinker)
(mapcat neighbors blinker)
(frequencies (mapcat neighbors blinker))
(defn live [n alive?]
(or (= n 3)
(and (= n 2) alive?)) )
(live 2 false)
(live 3 false)
(live 2 true)
;; putting it all together
(class blinker)
;; the blinker cell stuff
(#{[1 0]} [1 0])
(defn step [world]
(for [[cell n] (frequencies(mapcat neighbors world))
:when (live n (world cell))]
cell)) )
(step (step blinker)) 
(defn life [initial-world]
(iterate step initial-world))
(take 5 (life blinker))
(def glider #{ [0 1] [1 2] [2 0] [2 1] [2 2]})
(take 5 (life glider))
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