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Created December 2, 2011 20:12
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env.rb that greps for Frankified apps
require 'frank-cucumber'
temp_app_path= `find . -regex ".*[Ff]rankified\.app$"`.chomp
if temp_app_path.empty?
temp_app_path= `find ../build -regex ".*[Ff]rankified\.app$"`.chomp
if temp_app_path.empty?
temp_app_path= `find ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData -regex ".*[Ff]rankified\.app$"`.chomp
if temp_app_path.empty?
raise "Error - app to test not found. Searched [., ../build, ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData]. (maybe you're in the features directory?)"
APP_BUNDLE_PATH = temp_app_path
puts "App under test is #{APP_BUNDLE_PATH}"
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