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Always shipping.

Dan Loewenherz dlo

Always shipping.
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UrsaDK / Caching multi-stage builds in
Last active July 9, 2024 14:34
Speed up your multistage builds in GitHub Actions

Caching multi-stage builds in GitHub Actions

Caching Docker builds in GitHub Actions is an excellent article by @dtinth which analyses various strategies for speeding up builds in GitHub Actions. The upshot of the article is a fairly decisive conclusion that the best two ways to improve build times are:

  1. Build images via a standard docker build command, while using GitHub Packages' Docker registry as a cache = Longer initial build but fastest re-build times.

  2. Build your images via docker integrated BuildKit (DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build), while using a local registry and actions/cache to persist build caches = Fastest initial build but slightly longer re-build times.

The problem

eyepaq / HealthKitImport.swift
Created February 25, 2018 03:50
Quick and dirty import of CSV data into HealthKit .bodyMass measurements. I used this to import my Withings health data export.
Quick and dirty CSV importer, only used once by me to import my own data, sharing it here
in case anyone finds it useful.
class HealthKitCSVImporter {
let healthStore = HKHealthStore()
let bodyMassType = HKSampleType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .bodyMass)!
func authorizeHealthKit(completion: @escaping ((_ success: Bool, _ error: Error?) -> Void)) {
tanyuan /
Last active May 29, 2024 10:01
📺 iTerm2 tips & tricks

iTerm2 (The awesome terminal for Mac)

Look and feel

  • Window theme: Preferences > Appearance Tab > Theme > Light/Dark
  • Show folder icon on window title: Preferences > Appearance Tab > Window: Show proxy icon in window title bar
  • Background transparancy and blur: Preferences > Profiles Tab > Window Tab > Transparency (a third) & Blur (Checked, full)
  • Color theme: Preferences > Profiles Tab > Colors Tab > Color Presets...

Window and tab title

smileyborg / InteractiveTransitionCollectionViewDeselection.m
Last active January 15, 2023 13:03
Animate table & collection view deselection alongside interactive transition (for iOS 11 and later)
// UICollectionView Objective-C example
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
NSIndexPath *selectedIndexPath = [[self.collectionView indexPathsForSelectedItems] firstObject];
if (selectedIndexPath != nil) {
id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator> coordinator = self.transitionCoordinator;
if (coordinator != nil) {
[coordinator animateAlongsideTransition:^(id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext> context) {
62mkv /
Last active February 21, 2022 16:27
IntelliJ IDEA Receipts

Examples of Structural Search and Replace (IntelliJ IDEA 2017)

Use case 1 (Search)

Find all *DTO classes, that have a (at least one) public field that is neither @ApiModelProperty, nor a @JsonIgnore

  1. Open Edit->Find->Search structurally

  2. Paste this into Search template field:

clatwell /
Created June 20, 2017 20:45
[PHVN] Features and Maintenance


This is the primary list of things we hear about and also think would make sense for Posthaven.

  • Import from other blogs sites – primarily Wordpress a few requests for Tumblr and Medium
  • API – Primarily requested for blog post CRUD
  • Markdown support both in the online editor and when posting via email
  • Other types of payment than via credit card
dlo /
Last active November 6, 2016 14:14
For those of you who’ve run into the Xcode 8 / Swift migrator hanging issue, this script fixes it. It marks all targets in the project as migrated. For any targets that haven’t actually been migrated to Swift 2.3/3, the script outputs a one-liner that you can cut-and-paste to undo individual targets.
if [[ -z "$PROJ" ]]; then
echo "Please provide a path to an Xcode project file."
exit 1
ROOT=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print rootObject" $PROJ)
rjonesy / NewMacSetupRoutine.txt
Last active September 5, 2016 21:14
Ryan Jones New Mac Setup Routine
Ryan Jones | @rjonesy | 08-18-2016
All numbered lines are instructions. All non-number indented lines are code in (remove "$" when pasting in
# PART 1
1. Make library folder visible again:
$ chflags nohidden ~/Library/
2. Disable local time machine:
$ sudo tmutil disablelocal
tolpp / xcode8-swift2.3-cocapods.podfile.rb
Created July 14, 2016 14:35
CocoaPods Podfile post_install script for adding swift_version property to targets or pod_project. You can use this post_install script if you are working with pods that not compatible with Swift 3.0.
# set true if all pods in the pod_project needs to be flaggged as swift 2.3
legacy_swift_pods_project = true
# Array for pods that will be flagged as swift version 2.3
# if legacy_swift_pods_project is true, you don't need to add any item in array.
legacy_swift_pods = ['Alamofire']
post_install do |installer|
if legacy_swift_pods_project
installer.pods_project.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '2.3'
keith /
Last active December 22, 2016 13:35
Build to iOS 10 from Xcode 7.3.1