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Created August 9, 2024 12:05
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Updating bsdcan (mine) from 0.0.20221126_11 to 0.0.20240809
[12:02 www dvl /usr/local/etc/pgeu-system] % pkg info --pkg-message pgeu-system-www-0.0.20240809
On install:
When upgrading from version to version run this command:
cd /usr/local/www/pgeu-system
sudo ./ migrate
[12:02 www dvl /usr/local/etc/pgeu-system] % cd /usr/local/www/pgeu-system
[12:02 www dvl /usr/local/www/pgeu-system] % sudo ./ migrate
Could not load fitz library, PDF editing and digital signatures won't be available
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: accounting, admin, adyen, auth, braintreepayment, confreg, confsponsor, confwiki, contenttypes, countries, digisign, elections, gocardless, invoices, mailqueue, membership, newsevents, paypal, plaid, scheduler, sessions, stripepayment, transferwise, trustlypayment, util
Running migrations:
Applying plaid.0001_initial... OK
Applying elections.0001_initial... OK
Applying elections.0002_auto_20160108_1924... OK
Applying elections.0003_lowercase_email... OK
Applying elections.0004_renameopen... OK
Applying digisign.0001_initial... OK
Applying confsponsor.0021_scannedattendee_firstscan... OK
Applying confsponsor.0022_sponsorship_digital_contracts... OK
Applying confreg.0095_tweet_conf_time_idx... OK
Applying confreg.0096_recording_consent... OK
Applying confreg.0097_digisign_contracts... OK
Applying util.0004_sync_constraints...THERE WERE ERRORS
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_language_name_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_opclass_am_name_nsp_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_namespace_nspname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_amproc_fam_proc_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_range_rngmultitypid_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_auth_members_member_role_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_enum_typid_sortorder_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_authid_rolname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_opfamily_am_name_nsp_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_tablespace_spcname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_subscription_subname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_extension_name_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_conversion_default_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_publication_rel_prrelid_prpubid_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_event_trigger_evtname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_ts_config_cfgname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_ts_template_tmplname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_trigger_tgrelid_tgname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_amop_fam_strat_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_transform_type_lang_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_publication_pubname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_policy_polrelid_polname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_user_mapping_user_server_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_database_datname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_ts_parser_prsname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_am_name_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_publication_namespace_pnnspid_pnpubid_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_ts_dict_dictname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_type_typname_nsp_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_class_relname_nsp_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_collation_name_enc_nsp_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_auth_members_role_member_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_operator_oprname_l_r_n_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_rewrite_rel_rulename_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_enum_typid_label_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_statistic_ext_name_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_foreign_data_wrapper_name_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_conversion_name_nsp_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_amop_opr_fam_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_parameter_acl_parname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_foreign_server_name_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_cast_source_target_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_default_acl_role_nsp_obj_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_replication_origin_roname_index should not exist
CAN'T FIX: Unique constraint pg_constraint_conrelid_contypid_conname_index should not exist
Applying invoices.0019_invoice_extradescription... OK
Applying invoices.0020_regtransfer_processor... OK
Applying confreg.0098_indexupdates... OK
Applying confreg.0099_remove_intro_fields... OK
Applying confreg.0100_conference_confirmpolicy... OK
Applying confreg.0101_dynprops... OK
Applying confreg.0102_additionaloptions_sortkey... OK
Applying confreg.0103_speaker_twittername_move... OK
Applying confreg.0104_social_media_error_handling... OK
Applying confreg.0105_conferenceregistration_favs... OK
Applying confreg.0106_invoicetransfers... OK
Applying confreg.0107_conference_scannerfields... OK
Applying confreg.0108_alter_conferencesessionfeedback_unique_together... OK
Applying confreg.0109_videolinks... OK
Applying confreg.0110_conference_tbdinschedule... OK
Applying confreg.0111_hashtags_auto... OK
Applying confreg.0112_unique_regtype... OK
Applying confreg.0113_attendeemail_sent... OK
Applying confreg.0114_conference_callforpapersmaxsubmissions... OK
Applying confreg.0115_speaker_photo_hashvals... OK
Applying digisign.0002_contract_dates... OK
Applying confsponsor.0023_sponsorshiplevel_invoiceextradescription... OK
Applying confsponsor.0024_indexupdates... OK
Applying confsponsor.0025_sponsorshipbenefit_autoconfirm... OK
Applying confsponsor.0026_sponsor_twittername_social... OK
Applying confsponsor.0027_sponsoradditionalcontract... OK
Applying confsponsor.0028_sponsorshipbenefit_deadline... OK
Applying confsponsor.0029_benefit_multiclaim... OK
Applying confsponsor.0030_benefit_overview... OK
Applying confsponsor.0031_sponsormail_sent... OK
Applying confsponsor.0032_sponsorshipbenefit_include_in_data... OK
Applying digisign.0003_digisigncompleteddocument... OK
Applying elections.0005_election_intro... OK
Applying gocardless.0001_initial... OK
Applying mailqueue.0003_queuedmail_regtime... OK
Applying membership.0009_indexupdates... OK
Applying util.0005_storage_hashval... OK
Applying util.0006_alter_storage_hashval... OK
Applying util.0007_storage_trigger_fix... OK
Created scheduled job for Fetch Gocadless transactions
Created scheduled job for Verify Gocardless balancse
Created scheduled job for Fetch Plaid transactions
Created scheduled job for Verify Plaid balancse
Created scheduled job for Send sponsor emails
Created scheduled job for Send attendee emails
Created scheduled job for Run cleanup commands for all digisign providers
Created scheduled job for Fetch completed contracts for all digisign providers
Updated scheduled job for Validate messaging integrations and refresh tokens
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