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Last active February 2, 2023 12:49
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A testable, Promise based example network service
public protocol ChatNetworkService {
func loadMessages(bookingId: String) -> Promise<[ChatMessage]>
func sendMessage(_ message: String, bookingId: String) -> Promise<ChatMessage>
public final class DefaultChatNetworkService {
public init() { }
extension ChatNetworkService: ChatNetworkService {
public func loadMessages(bookingId: String) -> Promise<[ChatMessage]> {
Promise { fullfill, reject in
.request(resource: ChatResource.getMessages(bookingId: bookingId))
decoder: JSONDecoder.default
) { (response: DataResponse<ApiResponseContainer<[ChatMessage]>, AFError>) in
switch response.result {
case .success(let container):
case .failure(let error):
public func sendMessage(_ message: String, bookingId: String) -> Promise<ChatMessage> {
Promise { fullfill, reject in
resource: ChatResource.postMessage(bookingId: bookingId),
parameters: ChatMessageDTO(content: message)
decoder: JSONDecoder.default
) { (response: DataResponse<ApiResponseContainer<ChatMessage>, AFError>) in
switch response.result {
case .success(let container):
case .failure(let error):
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